
huang zongde, winner of the "medal of the republic" - as long as you don't fall, keep fighting!


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on the 13th, president xi jinping signed a presidential decree to confer national medals and honorary titles on 15 people in accordance with the decision of the standing committee of the national people's congress on conferring national medals and honorary titles on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china, which was voted on at the 11th meeting of the standing committee of the 14th national people's congress on the morning of the 13th. among them, rongcheng soldier huang zongde was awarded the "medal of the republic".
huang zongde
huang zongde, male, han nationality, member of the communist party of china, born in august 1931, former deputy division-level consultant of the 52824th unit of the chinese people's liberation army. he joined the army at the age of 17 and devoted himself to the revolution. he participated in the battle of crossing the yangtze river, the jiangxi bandit suppression campaign, and the war to resist u.s. aggression and aid korea. he charged in many battles and made many military exploits. he fought bloody battles to defend his country and was a brave and tenacious combat hero who was not afraid of sacrifice. he was awarded the "second class combat hero" and the victory merit medal of honor, and was awarded the first-class merit and the second-class merit once each. he was awarded the "first class national flag medal" by north korea.
what kind of person was this combat hero from the countryside of rongcheng? why was he awarded the "medal of the republic"? this can be seen from the introduction of li bo, director of rongcheng museum.
li bo has been responsible for collecting and compiling the deeds of rongcheng celebrities for many years. he compiled huang lao's deeds into a text based on huang lao's oral narration and handed it over to huang lao for review. the content listed in this article is excerpted from huang zongde's deeds compiled by li bo.
huang zongde took a photo with his wife and children
huang zongde was born in august 1931 in a poor peasant family in wanshi village, xunshan street, rongcheng city, shandong province. he was the eldest of four brothers. in 1941, due to the large number of people and limited food in the family, huang zongde, 10 years old, dropped out of primary school after only one year and worked for landlords and rich peasants in nearby villages. because he was too young to do hard work, huang zongde could only do small jobs such as cutting donkey grass and herding cattle. his annual salary was only "a pair of cloth shoes, two feet of coarse cloth and five liters of corn."
huang zongde's former residence in wanshi village, xunshan street, rongcheng city
at that time, rongcheng had been occupied by the japanese army, and the japanese and puppet troops often went to the countryside to sweep and rob food. in july 1941, the japanese and puppet troops set fire to 874 houses in xunshansuo village, which was only a few miles away from wanshi village, and killed 8 villagers. under the leadership of the party, the people of rongcheng rose up to fight against the japanese invaders. the young huang zongde also joined the children's group in the village. in 1943, he worked as a school worker in xunshan qing'antun village primary school. qing'antun village primary school was the base of the underground organization of the communist party of china, and many faculty and staff were underground party members. because huang zongde was young, it was not easy to attract the attention of the enemy, and he often delivered intelligence to several nearby villages for the party organization.
after the victory of the anti-japanese war in 1945, 14-year-old huang zongde signed up for the army, but was left behind because he was too young. it was not until october 1948 that 17-year-old huang zongde got his wish and became a pla soldier in the east china sea command of the jiaodong military region.
at this time, the national liberation war was in full swing, and the huaihai campaign had reached its most critical stage. the 7th column of the huaye army had participated in the weixian campaign, the eastern section of the jinpu road blocking campaign, and the jinan campaign, and had to participate in the huaihai campaign without stopping, so it failed to replenish its troops in time. the donghai unit where huang zongde was located was urgently transferred to the 7th column of the huaye army. they hurriedly marched to weifang, changed to a flatbed car to reach the front line of the huaihai campaign, and then rushed to the bengbu area to participate in the last stage of the huaihai campaign.
in february 1949, the 7th column of the huaye army was reorganized into the 25th army of the chinese people's liberation army and participated in the campaign of crossing the yangtze river.
during the battle of crossing the yangtze river, huang zongde's squad was a commando squad. they braved the enemy's artillery fire and crossed the yangtze river in a small boat. when they were about 30 or 40 meters from the south bank, the boat was damaged by enemy artillery fire. the whole squad jumped off the wooden boat and waded across the river. huang zongde was not good at swimming, so the squad leader pulled him forward by the arm. after finally reaching the river bank, they blew up an enemy bunker. in this fierce battle, huang zongde's fellow townsmen li benping, xu shifeng and other comrades who joined the army with him unfortunately died.
in may of the same year, huang zongde participated in the battle of shanghai. because of his bravery in combat, huang zongde was awarded the fourth-class merit for the first time.
from september to december of the same year, huang zongde's troops advanced to northern zhejiang and southern anhui to suppress bandits. at this time, huang zongde had been tempered by many battles and battles, and became a combat backbone who would face difficulties and rush into danger. during the three-month suppression of bandits, they fought with the enemy six times. they once lured the bandit leader hiding in the mountains out of the mountains by disguising themselves as local children and successfully captured him.
afterwards, huang zongde followed the troops to eastern zhejiang to suppress bandits. during one arrest, huang zongde was not afraid of the other party's resistance with guns, and captured a female bandit leader from an attic. in this battle, huang zongde was awarded the fourth-class merit again for his bravery in combat.
in march 1952, huang zongde's company fought on the coast of fujian again. during the more than 20 days of fighting, huang zongde was awarded the third-class merit.
in july 1952, huang zongde was assigned to the 5th company of the 220th regiment of the 74th division of the 24th army of the chinese people's volunteer army to participate in the war to resist u.s. aggression and aid korea. in september, huang zongde and his comrades set out from dandong, liaoning province, carrying more than 100 kilograms of weapons and food, and marched for 7 consecutive days and 6 nights to reach ji'an, jilin province, where they crossed the yalu river and marched for another 9 days at night to reach the korean front.
huang zongde in military uniform
huang zongde's unit fought in the pyeongkang area of ​​north korea. they hid during the day and went out at night, harassing the enemy on the one hand and looking for water sources on the other. they fought in pits and ate sorghum rice and salted radish. the biggest difficulty was the lack of water. in order to control the water source, the enemy's planes circled over our positions day and night, illuminated our positions with searchlights at night, and anti-aircraft machine guns kept firing at our positions. at the same time, 16 barbed wires were set up to block the volunteer soldiers in the bunkers and traffic trenches. the soldiers began to drink snow water, and later when the snow melted, they drank the sewage in the bomb pit. in order to find water, many comrades died.
the pit where huang zongde was defending was only a few dozen meters away from the enemy. not only did he need to conduct close-range reconnaissance of the enemy, but he also had to complete the construction of several other pits to provide the necessary conditions for the covert operations of the follow-up troops. as the squad leader, huang zongde divided the entire squad into two groups. he led several soldiers to guard in the first half of the night, and the deputy squad leader led the team to take turns in the second half of the night. a week later, the enemy discovered their actions. one night, huang zongde was attacked by enemy artillery fire while guarding, and was unfortunately buried under the collapsed pit. it was not until the next day that his comrades discovered that the squad leader was missing, and it took more than two hours to dig him out of the mud.
in the pits, it was cold in winter and hot in summer, and the soldiers were covered with lice. they ate half-cooked sorghum rice and dry biscuits covered with green hair, and squeezed a few drops of water from the moist soil to drink. in order to dig holes, their fingers were rotten... under such difficult conditions, huang zongde participated in 32 small-scale operations and 17 battles in the front line of the enemy with 16 barbed wires, and he brushed shoulders with death many times. in an anti-ambush, he and his comrades captured a us military officer and won the third-class merit once. it was also during the 157-day pingkang front battle that the harsh environment caused him to suffer from lifelong skin diseases and rheumatism, and there are still three shrapnel in his body.
in 1953, the volunteer army launched a large-scale summer counterattack, and the 74th division of the volunteer army participated in the battle of jincheng.
on the night of july 13, huang zongde's company was ordered to attack the enemy's position. they took down bunkers one by one and passed through barbed wires one by one. their comrades fell one by one. at the end of more than 9 hours of fighting, huang zongde was the only one left in the class.
while he was searching for his wounded comrades, several bullets suddenly shot out from a tunnel entrance, damaging huang zongde's submachine gun and hitting his right chest. huang zongde searched for weapons in the tunnel and soon found a pack of explosives and six grenades from a fallen comrade. he returned to the tunnel entrance where the enemy was, avoiding the crazy machine guns. huang zongde threw three grenades with all his strength. after an explosion, he threw the pack of explosives again and successfully blew a big hole in the enemy's tunnel entrance. at this time, the enemy's will was completely destroyed, and he shouted "surrender, surrender!" in stiff chinese, and threw out weapons one by one. at this time, huang zongde couldn't believe his eyes - in addition to the two enemies guarding the tunnel entrance who were blown to death, there were actually 22 enemies hiding in the tunnel! they lined up in a row, one after another, with their hands covering their heads, they crawled out of the tunnel... two comrades from other companies happened to pass by, and huang zongde hurriedly called them to come over. the three of them worked together to escort the 22 prisoners of war away from the position.
in this battle, huang zongde led the whole class to capture four enemy fire points in succession, allowing the troops on both sides to successfully break through the enemy's defense line. during the battle, he blew up three enemy bunkers, two fire points and a tunnel, killed seven enemies, injured three, and captured 22 enemies. among them were four officers above the platoon level. at the same time, 12 carbines, eight automatic rifles, four submachine guns, and two walkie-talkies were seized. after the war, huang zongde was awarded the first-class merit and was awarded the title of the second-class combat hero of the volunteer army. he was awarded the first-class national flag medal and the first-class friendship medal by the people's republic of korea.
(dazhong news reporter tao xiangyin)