
the us troops stationed in iraq are also going to withdraw, and only a small force may be left


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reference news reported on september 22the wall street journal website reported on september 20 that according to us department of defense officials, washington and baghdad have reached an agreement to withdraw us troops and other foreign troops from iraq by the end of 2026.
u.s. officials said hundreds of american and coalition troops stationed in baghdad, western iraq and other areas will be withdrawn by september next year, and the u.s. military presence in the northern iraqi city of erbil will be reduced by the end of 2026.
a senior u.s. government official said on the 20th that the framework of the withdrawal plan has been completed, but some final details still need to be finalized, especially with other members of the coalition. u.s. military officials said the agreement may be announced next week.
under a new bilateral security agreement with iraq, a small u.s. military presence could remain in iraq even after 2026 in an advisory role and to provide logistical support to u.s. forces in syria, u.s. officials said.
the united states currently has about 2,500 troops in iraq and 900 in neighboring syria to prevent a resurgence of the islamic state group, which claimed large swaths of territory until it was largely defeated in 2019 by a coalition of u.s., iraqi and other foreign forces.
since taking office in 2022, iraqi prime minister mohammad hijau sudani has called for an end to the presence of the us-led global coalition against the islamic state in iraq, as pro-iranian militias have pressured the withdrawal of us troops. but he was cautious and did not rule out the possibility of a small but indefinite us military presence in iraq.
the withdrawal plan allows iraqi leaders to claim they are ending the presence of foreign coalition forces in iraq, but it will leave the u.s. military presence in iraq to be dealt with by the next u.s. administration, and perhaps even later ones.
it also allows the u.s. military to continue using iraq to support u.s. forces in syria, although iraqi forces may have to operate with reduced direct assistance from u.s. special operations forces and advisers. it is unclear whether the united states will provide air support to iraqi forces.
"ten years after the establishment of the global coalition, and particularly after the defeat of the caliphate in iraq and syria, there has been discussion over the last year about the evolution of the global coalition and its mission in iraq," a senior u.s. administration official said.
u.s. and iraqi officials have been negotiating for months through a joint military committee on the withdrawal of u.s. troops from iraq.
"iran and the united states are engaged through the u.s.-iraqi high military committee in the hope of reaching an agreement to end the presence of the global coalition against the islamic state and transition to a more comprehensive bilateral relationship that covers not only security and military but also other areas," said farhad aladdin, sudani's foreign policy adviser.
the report said that while the withdrawal agreement was reached, joint operations against the islamic state organization continued. the united states said in august that it killed 15 islamic state militants in a joint operation in western iraq. according to the pentagon, earlier this month, the united states cooperated with local syrian forces to capture a leader of the islamic state organization.
"isis remains a threat to the region, our allies, and our homeland," u.s. central command, which oversees u.s. military operations in the region, said after the august raid.
in testimony before congress in march, general eric kurilla, head of central command, warned that if u.s. troops left before iraqi forces could defend their country, "it is almost certain that isis will return."
in 2021, in an attempt to end the united states' long-term military presence, then-president trump reduced the number of u.s. troops in iraq and afghanistan to 2,500 each shortly before leaving office. although president biden later completed the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan, he kept u.s. troops in iraq and syria.
according to reports, there are many shiite militias in iraq that are supported by iran and have long sought the withdrawal of us troops. they have put pressure on iraqi security forces to reduce the us footprint in iraq. these organizations have great influence on iraq, especially the iraqi security forces and government. (compiled by madan)