
the direct cause of the fire accident in jiangxi that killed 39 people was announced, and the official explained in detail why there were so many casualties


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beijing, september 21 (xinhua) -- the state council's executive meeting recently reviewed and approved the investigation report on the "january 24" extremely serious fire accident at a street-side store in jialeyuan, xinyu, jiangxi. the reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the investigation team on the hot issues of public concern in the investigation of the accident.

1. reporter: how was the investigation team composed? what was the process and results of the investigation?

a: after the accident, the cpc central committee and the state council attached great importance to it. in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and with the approval of the state council, a special major fire accident investigation team of the state council on the "1.24" fire accident in jialeyuan street shop in xinyu, jiangxi province was established, led by the ministry of emergency management, and participated by the ministry of public security, the national fire rescue bureau, the all-china federation of trade unions and the people's government of jiangxi province. the ministry of education, the ministry of housing and urban-rural development, and the state administration for market regulation also sent personnel to participate in the relevant work. at the same time, experts in construction, fire protection, cold storage and static electricity were invited to participate in the accident investigation.

the investigation team adhered to the principle of "scientific rigor, compliance with laws and regulations, seeking truth from facts, and focusing on effectiveness". through reviewing materials, discussions, interviews, on-site inspections, video analysis, testing and identification, simulation tests, expert discussions, etc., the investigation team found out the course of the accident, the cause of the accident, and the relevant circumstances and responsibilities of the owners of the houses involved and the relevant production and operation units, and the problems in the supervision of the local party committees, governments, and relevant departments and the responsibilities of the relevant personnel. at the same time, the investigation team insisted on learning from one case and deeply analyzed the main problems of the accident, summarized and analyzed the main lessons of the accident, and put forward suggestions for rectification and prevention measures.

the investigation determined that this was a production safety responsibility accident caused by the landlord illegally changing the use of the underground floor of the commercial and residential complex for rental business, the fire caused by the cold storage construction unit illegally building the cold storage, the building involved having major inherent defects in fire separation, the educational training institutions and hotels operating in violation of regulations, the relevant local departments failing to perform their professional supervision and industry management duties, and the local party committee and government failing to fulfill their safety leadership responsibilities.

2. reporter: what was the direct cause of the accident? why did it cause so many casualties?

answer: after investigation, we ruled out arson, hot work, electrical failure, smoking and other factors. after investigation by the public security organs, we ruled out the suspicion of arson. on the day of the fire, the construction workers did not use hot work in the cold storage, so we ruled out the possibility of hot work causing the fire. the refrigeration system at the construction site was not powered on, and the lighting system was working normally, so we ruled out the possibility of electrical failure causing the fire. no one smoked at the construction site from the beginning of laying plastic film to the discovery of the fire, and after testing, cigarette butts could not ignite or store heat to smolder the extruded board, polyurethane foam sealant and released flammable gases, so we ruled out the possibility of smoking causing the fire.

according to the appraisal of tianjin fire evidence appraisal center of fire rescue bureau of ministry of emergency management, the polyurethane foam sealant used at the scene rapidly expanded and released a large amount of flammable gases such as isobutane, butane and propane after the foam was sprayed. in order to verify the mechanism of the accident, a series of tests simulating static electricity generation and static electricity discharge ignition at the accident site were carried out. the fire characteristics were consistent with the description of the personnel at the scene on the first underground floor. at the same time, other local accident cases were collected for analysis and research, and similar situations were found.

the investigation team found out that the direct cause of the accident was the illegal construction of a cold storage on the underground floor of the jialeyuan complex building. when polyurethane foam sealant was used during construction, flammable gases were released and accumulated locally to reach flammable conditions. when plastic film was laid on the extruded board, static electricity discharge ignited the accumulated flammable gases, which quickly ignited polyurethane foam, extruded board and other flammable and combustible materials, producing a large amount of toxic smoke. the evacuation staircase shared by the underground floor and the first floor lacked fire separation, and the smoke quickly spread to the second floor. anti-theft nets and billboards were installed outside the game education classroom on the second floor, and the students being trained could not escape in time and effectively, resulting in increased casualties.

3. reporter: what major problems were discovered during the accident investigation?

answer: the investigation found that fenghua real estate, xinyu design institute, ganxin construction company, zhengda supervision company had serious violations of laws and regulations in the construction of the buildings involved, fenghua real estate had serious violations of laws and regulations in the application for review and supervision of civil air defense projects, baihuixiang wholesale department and ningshuang refrigeration company had serious violations of laws and regulations in the construction of cold storage on the underground floor, and the owners of the buildings involved, boyi education, and juxinyuan hotel had serious violations of laws and regulations in the leasing and operation of the buildings involved. it was also found that the party committees and governments of jiangxi province, xinyu city, and yushui district and relevant departments had serious problems such as failure to control the source of planning and construction, ineffective investigation and rectification, loopholes in the supervision system, formalities in fire inspection and acceptance, perfunctory special rectification, and lack of management of education and training institutions.

first, the planning and construction source failed, and illegal buildings buried inherent hidden dangers. xinyu city civil air defense, planning, housing and urban-rural development and other departments have not implemented the "measures for the implementation of the people's republic of china civil air defense law of jiangxi province" clearly stipulates "simultaneous planning, design, construction, and completion acceptance". as a result, the underground floor has become an illegal building that has neither been built into a civil air defense project nor an ordinary basement. it has been in a state of being put into use without acceptance for a long time, and there are major inherent hidden dangers. second, the investigation and rectification are ineffective, and the illegal basement has been out of control for a long time. the special investigation and inspection of illegal construction and illegal and irregular approval of existing buildings by the housing and urban-rural development department of xinyu city has failed, and no investigation has actually been carried out in the built-up area of ​​the city; the jiangxi provincial civil air defense office has a wrong understanding of "only managing projects within the warehouse, not managing projects outside the warehouse". the xinyu city civil air defense office has not reported to its superiors the basement projects that have entered the civil air defense approval procedure but have problems, and has not ordered them to be rebuilt or repaid the relocation construction fee in accordance with the law, nor has it been transferred to the urban management and other departments for investigation and punishment. third, there are loopholes in the supervision system, and the construction of cold storage is disorderly. the housing and urban-rural development departments of jiangxi province have unclear understanding of their responsibilities for cold storage construction supervision. the housing and urban-rural development departments of xinyu city and yu shui district have not properly managed the construction of cold storage projects above the limit, and basically do not care about those below the limit. fourth, the fire inspection and acceptance inspection are perfunctory, and problems and hidden dangers are repeatedly missed. the fire department did not find problems such as the lack of fire separation in the building involved during the fire inspection and supervision inspection, so that the relevant hidden dangers have not been discovered and rectified for a long time. the public security department did not strictly review the qualifications, did not investigate the hotel involved for not handling the special industry license procedures in accordance with regulations, and had always agreed to the annual review in violation of regulations, and falsified routine fire supervision and inspection. fifth, the special rectification was perfunctory, and the implementation of the work became a formality. jiangxi province has organized 30 special fire safety rectifications for "nine small places", multi-format and multi-functional places, and anti-theft windows (nets) that affect fire escape, but the yu shui district fire rescue brigade and the yu shui branch of the xinyu municipal public security bureau have never organized to find out the number of "nine small places" in their jurisdiction. the removal of anti-theft windows (nets) was perfunctory and formal. the leading department issued a document and other relevant departments responded passively, and the work was basically not implemented. sixth, the management of education and training institutions is lacking, and illegal schools pose serious safety risks. there is a deviation in the understanding of the education department's responsibilities for the approval and supervision of training institutions for junior college entrance examinations. the education departments of xinyu city and yu shui district believe that the jiangxi provincial department of education should be responsible for supervision, but the departments within the provincial department of education shirk their responsibilities and do not consider it their responsibility; the provincial department of education has repeatedly proposed to strengthen the standardized governance of training institutions involved in junior college entrance examinations, but no actual work has been carried out. the lack of industry management has caused a large number of training institutions to be outside the supervision, and the crowded places formed by their illegal schools cannot guarantee safety conditions, which brings serious safety hazards. the main reasons for the increase in the death toll from fire accidents are that gaming education organizes training in violation of regulations and rents venues that do not meet fire safety requirements.

4. reporter: what deep-seated lessons have been drawn from this accident investigation?

a: the loss of this accident was heavy and the lesson was profound. it once again sounded the alarm for us. to do a good job in production safety, we must pay close attention to the following aspects:

first, only by eliminating the hidden dangers of safety around the masses can the "two supremes" be implemented. general secretary xi jinping has repeatedly emphasized that "people are supreme, life is supreme", and "people's happiness and well-being are the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development". this requires thinking about problems and grasping work, coordinating development and safety, and always paying attention to and solving safety risks and hidden dangers around the people. in recent years, serious accidents such as the collapse of self-built houses of residents, gas explosions in restaurants, fires of electric bicycles, fires in schools, hospitals and residential buildings in many places have caused serious impacts on the people's sense of security. the painful lessons of the accident are very profound. the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers must ensure that every industry, every business entity, and every social unit is covered, leaving no blind spots, so that the people can truly feel at ease.

second, only by learning lessons can we avoid repeating the same mistakes. this accident is exactly the same as some serious and major accidents that have occurred in the past two years. they were all caused by illegal operations and the problem of windows being blocked in places with relatively dense crowds of people. this exposes that jiangxi province, xinyu city and yu shui district have not learned lessons from similar accidents, and have not taken targeted measures to solidly carry out the management of fire safety hazards, which ultimately caused heavy losses to the lives and property of the people. other people's accident lessons have not been learned as a warning, and their own lessons have not been learned deeply. the lessons of each accident are extremely painful and should become a typical textbook for improving work. party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments and units should wake up and encourage themselves, and do everything possible to turn lessons into effective measures to promote prevention and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

third, only by strictly implementing safety responsibilities can we eliminate blind spots and loopholes in supervision. general secretary xi jinping pointed out that "safety in production is a major issue of people's livelihood, and we must not relax in the slightest. we must do a good job in safety in production with an extremely responsible spirit to the people." however, some places do not have a full understanding, do not work seriously, and do not fulfill their responsibilities. in order to avoid being held accountable afterwards, some people think that pushing things that they should have done to others has nothing to do with them and will not be held accountable. they shirk their responsibilities in daily work and do not take the initiative to perform their duties; some people do not perform their duties for a long time, and after a long time, they really think that it is not their responsibility; and some people are not serious and responsible in their work, and do not take responsibility and do not act. every accident investigation shows that there are no problems that cannot be sorted out, and no responsibilities that cannot be found out. regardless of the size of the production and operation unit, whether it has a license or not, or how many times the business entity has changed, and how many years the problem has existed, its corresponding regulatory department and responsibility can be verified. no place or department can have a fluke mentality, and must take a highly responsible attitude and extremely responsible spirit to the party and the people, take the initiative to perform their duties in place, and never be complacent or indifferent.

fourth, only by keeping a close eye on the grassroots can we prevent small problems from turning into big accidents. small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households have low thresholds, large scale, wide distribution and many fields involved. many units have low safety investment, safety training, on-site management and other basic safety levels. the townships, streets and urban and rural communities where these units are located often lack safety supervision personnel and professional capabilities, and their ability to discover and solve problems is also weak. "weak on weak" and "a small horse pulling a big cart" are the shortcomings of current work on production safety and are prominent contradictions faced by the grassroots. judging from some major accidents that have occurred in recent years, the above problems are universal. if they are not effectively solved, small risks will evolve into big problems and small hidden dangers will lead to major accidents, which will not only seriously threaten the safety of people's lives and property, but also affect the overall situation of economic development, social security and stability. local party committees and governments at all levels must attach great importance to it, focus on improving the grassroots safety governance capabilities from the institutional mechanism, and continuously consolidate the safety foundation.

fifth, only by improving the quality of emergency response capabilities can we avoid danger safely at critical moments. many fire accidents, including this one, have revealed that some places and production and operation units have not done enough fire safety knowledge publicity and education, emergency escape skills training, and plan drills. the lack of risk avoidance and escape capabilities of employees and the public is an important factor in the failure of trapped people to escape and be rescued in the first time at critical moments. if these tasks can be done well, casualties will be minimized. this gives us a profound revelation that safety knowledge and escape skills education and training are so important, but many places have not "entered" and "entered well" the "five-in" (entering enterprises, rural areas, communities, schools, and families) work on safety publicity and education, which is even further away from "everyone talks about safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies". in this accident, the vast majority of students who participated in the training for upgrading from junior college to undergraduate did not receive fire safety education and training, nor were they organized to participate in escape drills. this is a lesson that local party committees and governments at all levels, relevant departments and units, and the whole society should learn deeply. we must attach importance to and strengthen safety education and training, and never treat it as something dispensable.

5. reporter: in order to further learn lessons and prevent such accidents from happening again, what rectification and prevention measures are recommended?

a: in order to learn profound lessons from the accident and draw inferences from it, the investigation team proposed five rectification and prevention measures:

first, we must transform the sense of responsibility of "always worrying" into the motivation of "having a clear mind about everything". at present, the overall foundation of production safety is still relatively weak, traditional risks and new risks coexist, and the complexity, severity and long-term nature of the production safety situation are still prominent. leading cadres at all levels must learn deeply, understand and implement general secretary xi jinping's important expositions on production safety, strengthen risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, and strive to cope with the uncertainty of changes in the situation with the certainty of their own work. there is no trivial matter for the masses. we must adhere to the people-centered development thinking, coordinate development and safety, and support and help grassroots units and the people to open up production and operation development channels, and ensure their safety. we must deeply learn the painful lessons of this accident and the repeated occurrence of similar accidents, deeply analyze the key difficulties and weak links of production safety in this region, and make sure that the base is clear, the situation is clear, and the measures are practical, so as to weave a dense safety net. we must make precise efforts to strengthen the systematic governance of key industries and fields, accelerate the transformation of the public safety governance model to pre-prevention, improve the production safety system and mechanism, and resolutely curb the momentum of multiple and continuous accidents of various types of safety accidents to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the stability of the overall social situation.

second, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management of the entire chain and life cycle of cold storage. all regions and relevant departments should comprehensively analyze the outstanding problems exposed by this accident and the fire accidents involving cold storage in recent years, focus on the full chain supervision of "one thing", and systematically strengthen the standardized management of cold storage. in the access link, it is necessary to coordinate the approval and licensing of the project establishment, planning, site selection, construction and other approvals of various types of buildings involving cold storage, and promptly revise the relevant system regulations. in the construction link, it is necessary to promptly revise the relevant standards, clarify the anti-static measures for construction processes, tools and clothing, clarify the combustion performance of ground insulation materials, and strengthen the management of construction sites. in the use link, it is necessary to urge the owners of cold storage to implement the main responsibility for production safety, strictly implement safety operating procedures, and strengthen on-site management; in the maintenance and scrapping and demolition, it is necessary to focus on strengthening the management of hot work. in the supervision link, it is necessary to clarify the safety supervision responsibilities of various construction projects such as cold storage, strengthen supervision and inspection; for the safety supervision of projects below the limit including cold storage, it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of responsibilities and strengthen daily supervision and management.

third, we need to strengthen the safety management of key places such as multi-format mixed operation. multi-format mixed operation places often coexist in one building. the "nine small places" are relatively concentrated, with dense personnel and high comprehensive risks. at the national level, we need to formulate and issue safety management regulations for multi-format mixed operation places, clarify relevant management requirements, and further clarify the boundaries of regulatory responsibilities for the "nine small places". we need to revise the relevant measures for the public security management of the hotel industry, and further improve the procedures, conditions and other relevant regulations for applying for, changing, canceling, revoking and revoking special industry licenses. we need to revise the "general code for building fire prevention" and add regulations on evacuation and rescue in multi-format mixed operation places to ensure effective escape and rescue in emergency situations. we need to clarify the industry fields to which each business belongs, implement the regulatory responsibilities of the relevant departments, and tighten the safety responsibility measures to specific scenes, specific locations, and specific personnel. we need to investigate and classify multi-format mixed operation places and the buildings where they are located, and conduct in-depth and detailed fire safety inspections. we need to promptly identify key fire safety units and "nine small places" and update the list to strengthen dynamic supervision. we should vigorously promote the installation of "one-button alarm" devices in crowded areas and near evacuation passages, so that the whole building will be alarmed and all staff will respond with one button pressed. we should establish a departmental information sharing mechanism to prevent loopholes in subsequent industry management, business supervision and local supervision.

fourth, we must earnestly and solidly carry out special rectification to address the root causes. at present, the country is organizing a three-year action plan to address the root causes of production safety. we must learn from this accident, keep a close eye on key industries and focus on key links, truly eliminate accident hazards from the root, and solve the problem from the root. we must promptly update the list of "double random, one public" inspection objects, clarify the time limit requirements for full coverage inspections, and effectively enhance the scientificity, pertinence and effectiveness of fire supervision and inspection. we must regard the governance and rectification of the safety issues of the "nine small places" as a regular long-term task, and regard opening up life channels as the top priority, and effectively solve the hidden dangers of problems such as unsmooth safe evacuation channels, fire protection facilities not being kept intact and effective, insufficient safety exits, and illegal installation of anti-theft nets and billboards. we must issue relevant regulations on the use, maintenance and management of civil air defense projects and ordinary basements, and improve the approval and supervision connection mechanism between civil air defense projects and main buildings on the ground. we must comprehensively investigate various types of adult education and training institutions in society, such as colleges and universities, and speed up the research and refinement of rules and regulations to strengthen standardized management.

fifth, we should focus on improving the safety prevention and emergency response capabilities of grassroots units. we should fully equip and strengthen emergency rescue forces according to factors such as the population size, economic scale, characteristics of disasters and accidents, and the degree of safety risks in the region, improve the responsibility implementation mechanism, make practical hidden danger investigation and management, and carry out supervision and inspection in accordance with the law. we should accelerate the construction and equipment of full-time and part-time emergency rescue forces at the grassroots level, strengthen coordination and linkage with relevant departments and support for fire safety work of small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve grassroots emergency response capabilities. we should guide and help grassroots units to prepare concise and practical emergency plans, strengthen plan training for key groups, and focus on improving evacuation and escape capabilities. we should implement hierarchical and classified supervision of production and operation units, and clarify one level for each unit to prevent all supervision responsibilities from being pressed on townships and streets. we should solidly promote the "five advances" of safety publicity and education, strengthen warning education of typical cases, popularize safety knowledge and skills, and truly achieve "everyone talks about safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies." we should improve and perfect the safety hazard supervision system of "social mass reporting + enterprise employee reporting" to build a solid people's defense line for safety prevention.