
stephen chow's dubbing artist shi banyu passed away, his agent revealed the cause of death, stephen chow posted a message to mourn


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on the morning of september 20, the farewell ceremony for the well-known voice actor shi banyu was held in the lan hall of the babaoshan funeral home in beijing.

according to previous media reports, mr. shi banyu, who was known as "stephen chow's favorite dubbing actor," passed away peacefully in beijing at 11:41 am on september 17 at the age of 66.

the collaboration between shi banyu and stephen chow is a legend in the dubbing industry. the tacit understanding and friendship between the two have created countless classics, starting with "god of gamblers".shi banyu became the voice spokesperson for stephen chow, over the next 20 years,the movies that shi banyu dubbed for stephen chow cover almost all of his classic works.shi banyu in every movie is the continuation of the character's soul.he is more than just a voice actor., and is an important shaper of the character's personality.

stephen chow has mentioned on many occasions that shi banyu's dubbing can make his characters more vivid and real.shi banyu brings a unique sense of humor and emotional depth to the role, which makes many viewers feel more at home when watching it.this kind of cooperation is not only reflected in the works, and formed a deep friendship in life. stephen chow expressed his deep remembrance of shi banyu through a mourning article published on social platforms.this is undoubtedly the best interpretation of this legendary cooperation.