
xinhua media | how to promote the experience of sanming medical reform? the national health commission gives an example


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xinhua news agency, fuzhou, september 20title: how to promote the experience of sanming medical reform? the national health commission gives an example
xinhua news agency reporters dong ruifeng and chen hongyi
the sanming medical reform has paved the way for my country to deepen its medical reform, and its experience is being "implemented" nationwide. other cities and counties in fujian province are also constantly expanding and enriching the connotation of the sanming medical reform while learning from it. what are the new explorations? how can the experience be better replicated and promoted? the national health commission held a press conference in quanzhou city, fujian province on september 20, specifically "giving examples" to explain.
how to mobilize the enthusiasm of various regions? continuous positive incentives
how did fujian province mobilize enthusiasm to promote the sanming medical reform experience?
yang minhong, director of the fujian provincial health commission, said that fujian has continued to increase its support for regions with significant reform results. for example, the province conducts performance evaluations on the comprehensive reform of public hospitals every year, and provides more rewards and subsidies to the top two cities and top five counties (cities, districts) in terms of performance, with 330 million yuan in reward and subsidy funds allocated from 2014 to 2024.
for example, starting from 2019, fujian province implemented provincial-level coordinated adjustment of urban employee medical insurance funds. the province reserved a certain proportion as incentive funds, which were distributed based on the results of the coordinated reform of the "three medical systems" (medical care, medical insurance, and medicine) in various places. this year, 61.31 million yuan has been assessed and allocated.
at the same time, attention should be paid to positive incentives for medical reform teams at all levels. yang minhong introduced that in recent years, relevant responsible persons engaged in medical reform work in provincial and municipal, county (district) health and medical departments have been promoted. many places also give priority to regions, units and individuals with obvious medical reform results in evaluation, awards and commendations, so as to create an atmosphere that encourages reform.
the press conference on "promoting the experience of sanming medical reform" held in quanzhou, fujian is also an encouragement. hu qiangqiang, spokesperson of the national health commission and deputy director of the publicity department, said that next, press conferences will continue to be held in typical areas of deepening medical reform across the country around this theme.
the national health commission held a press conference on "promoting the sanming medical reform experience" in quanzhou, fujian province on september 20. photo by xinhua news agency reporter dong ruifeng
how to adapt to local conditions? prescribed movements + optional movements
fujian has been promoting the sanming medical reform experience throughout the province for many years, but there are differences in economic levels, medical resources, etc. among various regions. how can we adapt to local conditions and make the sanming medical reform experience "implemented" as soon as possible?
yang minhong said that on the one hand, sanming's mature experience should be distilled into "required actions" to play the province's medical reform as a "chess game"; on the other hand, other places should be encouraged and supported to plan "optional actions" and play the "characteristic card" of municipal and county medical reform.
it is reported that the various experiences gained from sanming's medical reform exploration, including the "three medical services" being managed by one government leader, dynamic adjustment of medical service prices, reform of the public hospital salary system, and the construction of a close-knit county-level medical community, have all been fully promoted in fujian province and achieved positive results.
at the same time, through carrying out reforms such as "one city, one pilot" and "one county, one feature", a number of typical cases have been formed at the city and county levels, such as fuzhou city's "points system" family doctor signing, putian city's establishment of "joint wards", nanping city's exploration of national health grid services, as well as innovative practices in quanzhou city, longyan city, anxi county and other places, forming a good atmosphere of striving for excellence, and overall achieving good health performance with fewer health resources.
how to ensure the treatment of medical staff? increase funding
medical personnel are the main force of medical reform, and their treatment and career development prospects must be guaranteed. the press conference focused on the practices of quanzhou, fujian.
zhang yigong, secretary of the quanzhou municipal party committee, said that in recent years, quanzhou has increased its investment in talent funds, innovated its staffing management model, and improved its talent attraction mechanism, focusing on developing and expanding the medical and health team at the grassroots level. for example, full-time postgraduates and health technicians with bachelor's degrees in grassroots medical and health institutions are given a monthly subsidy of 2,000 yuan and 1,000 yuan respectively, and full-time health technicians with college degrees in class b and class c township health centers are given a monthly subsidy of 500 yuan.
in order to solve the problem of staff shortage, quanzhou has also explored the implementation of the "scale control, based on actual verification" management method, dynamically verifying the total number of personnel control based on the actual number of open beds, hospital grade and other factors. at the same time, public hospitals are allowed to recruit independently and attract talents through green channels; the "dual director system" of department administrative director and executive director is implemented, and matching treatment is given to suitable talents.
anxi county, which is under the jurisdiction of quanzhou, has reformed its salary system in recent years and implemented total salary management for medical staff. wu yuzhou, secretary of the anxi county party committee, said that the income of employees in primary medical institutions increased by 62% compared with 2018, and the income gap between county and township medical institutions has gradually narrowed.
according to reports, since the 13th five-year plan, anxi county has invested more than 1.2 billion yuan in health project construction, and the county government has also provided work allowances ranging from 180,000 yuan to 480,000 yuan to the highly educated and highly skilled talents introduced. at the same time, a talent flow mechanism such as the exchange and open selection of grassroots health technicians has been established.
how to bring high-quality medical resources to the grassroots? optimizing the county service system
to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources and realize "general diseases are solved in cities and counties", the proportion of inpatients in longyan city, fujian province in 2023 will reach 91.55%, and the proportion of primary diagnosis and treatment will reach 60.26%. the proportion of primary diagnosis and treatment in changting county under its jurisdiction will reach 71.27%.
at the press conference, longyan vice mayor xiu hong introduced that since changting county was identified as the first batch of national comprehensive primary health care pilot zones in 2021, longyan city has vigorously promoted the construction of the pilot zone, extending the scope of the pilot zone construction to the entire city, and providing support in terms of finance, staffing, personnel, medical insurance, etc.
at the same time, we will continue to optimize the county medical and health service system and build a close-knit county medical community. taking into account the location and service capabilities, we will identify 30 county medical and health sub-centers in the city, build them according to the service capabilities of secondary hospitals, and let the county sub-centers manage the surrounding health centers to form a step-by-step driving pattern.