
joining the nanhu data industry alliance, voghion and its members jointly promote the development of the digital economy


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on september 9, 2024, the first meeting of the nanhu data industry alliance was held in nanhu district, jiaxing city. representatives of central state-owned enterprises and leading technology companies in the field of data elements attended the conference. voghion international was invited to participate as a member of the alliance, and worked hand in hand with all members of the alliance to jointly promote the high-quality development of the industry and contribute more wisdom and strength to the development of the digital economy in the region and even the whole country.
at present, data, as a new production factor, is the foundation of digitalization, networking and intelligence, and has been deeply integrated into all areas of the economy and society. in response to the country's call to accelerate the construction of a data factor market system, the nanhu data industry alliance was established on june 6 this year, aiming to be based in nanhu, serve the yangtze river delta, and face the whole country to promote the industrialization of data factors. at the same time, it is committed to deepening multi-dimensional exchanges, promoting strategic collaboration among member companies, and promoting close cooperation between member companies and academia and government agencies to jointly explore cutting-edge technology trends and expand areas of cooperation.
at the meeting, the alliance reviewed and approved the "draft charter of the nanhu data industry alliance", elected the first nanhu data industry alliance council members, chairman (president), and vice chairman (vice president), and read out the resolution of the first council. at present, the nanhu data industry alliance has more than 30 member units. among them, voghion weijin international was successfully selected as a member unit with its rich experience in data asset management and application.
as a cross-border e-commerce platform focusing on the european and american markets, voghion has been deeply aware of the important role of data in enterprise management and business development since its establishment. the platform not only has advanced data collection and analysis technology, but also has significant advantages in data element value practice. through big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology, voghion can accurately understand market trends, optimize supply chain management and improve user experience driven by data, thereby maintaining a leading position in the fierce market competition and promoting the high-quality development of the cross-border e-commerce industry.
after joining the nanhu data industry alliance, voghion will give full play to its own advantages, share data resources with alliance members, and discuss development plans. the company will actively participate in the various activities of the alliance, especially in policy research, technological innovation, standard setting, talent training and other aspects to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with member units, realize the effective integration and sharing of data resources, and promote the healthy development of the data industry. "we look forward to exploring new paths for the industrialization of data elements with all parties, and by strengthening exchanges and cooperation with alliance members, promote the efficient allocation and rational use of data resources, and inject new vitality into the development of the data industry in nanhu and even the yangtze river delta region." voghion said.
the establishment of the nanhu data industry alliance marks that nanhu district has taken solid steps on the road of data element industrialization. the joining of voghion international not only brings new perspectives and vitality to the alliance, but also provides strong support for the future development of the alliance.
taking this conference as a starting point, voghion will continue to uphold the data-driven development concept, relying on the powerful platform of nanhu data industry alliance, and continue to deepen the exploration and practice in data asset management and application. the company will be committed to building a more complete data ecosystem to provide strong support for the innovative development of the cross-border e-commerce industry. at the same time, voghion will also actively respond to the national call, work with all members of the alliance to open a new chapter of high-quality development of the data industry, and contribute positive forces to promote the prosperity and development of the data factor market.