
guangzhou: souvenirs given by state-owned enterprises for business receptions shall not exceed 600 yuan


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recently, guangzhou city has started with further optimizing the relationship between government and business, and issued and implemented the "guangzhou city government-business interaction behavioral guidelines and q&a in certain scenarios (first batch)".

when public officials and entrepreneurs socialize, can they eat together? when carrying out enterprise-related service activities, can they ride in the company's vehicles? when the government attracts investment, can it exchange commemorative gifts with the company? recently, with the publication of a series of q&a articles, some of the contents of the "guidelines" are being made public.

for example, state-owned enterprises can give out souvenirs for business receptions, with the value per person not exceeding 600 yuan in principle. the types of gifts should mainly promote the corporate image, showcase corporate culture, or reflect regional culture. live streaming, product promotion, media publicity and other activities can be carried out for local specialty products, famous and high-quality products, unsaleable agricultural products, etc. of non-specific enterprises.

according to a previous report by guangzhou daily, in conjunction with the special action of "great transformation of cadres' work style and great improvement of business environment", guangzhou issued the "guidelines" in the name of the municipal party committee and integrity office, aiming to promote public officials to be close but moderate, clean but effective in government-business interactions. the "guidelines" focus on 18 high-frequency scenarios of government-business interactions in six aspects, including investment promotion and enterprise-related services, reception and dining, transportation, travel and accommodation, gift donations, and foreign exchanges, and construct a "panoramic" guide for government-business interactions, providing strong support and protection for government-business interactions based on the principle of unity of closeness and cleanness.

among them, the "guidelines" provide detailed answers to the "travel accommodation" problem that public officials will encounter when traveling on business, and clearly and intuitively list the matters that can be carried out and the matters that are prohibited, pointing out the direction for public officials' travel accommodation and drawing a "red line".

activities that can be undertaken in this area include:

1. if accommodation is required by work or arranged by the organizer, you can stay in the same hotel as the company staff, or the company can help arrange accommodation and settle the fees in time according to the prescribed standards;

2. when carrying out enterprise-related service activities and major business activities in cities where accommodation prices vary significantly with seasonality, the accommodation fee limit can be appropriately increased by a certain percentage during the peak season;

3. when participating in major foreign affairs activities, international forums, entrepreneur summits and other special official activities and important business activities, if the hotel accommodation fees of the participants exceed the limit, they should report in advance and strictly review and approve. if it is necessary for work, they can stay in the corresponding hotel with approval.

prohibited items include:

1. enterprises shall not pay for travel expenses that should be borne by units and individuals in violation of regulations;

2. no high-end suites shall be arranged or accommodated;

3. if accommodation actually occurs but there is no accommodation invoice, accommodation expenses cannot be reimbursed.

which gifts given by enterprises can be accepted and which cannot be accepted? what are the rules for returning gifts? in this regard, the guidelines set up a special chapter around the theme of "gift donations" to provide detailed guidance, draw a "red line" for public officials in the process of serving enterprises in exchanging gifts, and define the boundaries of "allowance" and "unallowance".

among them, the following matters can be carried out:

1. party and government officials who participate in activities held by enterprises, chambers of commerce, and industry associations may accept obviously inexpensive corporate promotional materials and cultural and creative products;

2. state-owned enterprises may present souvenirs for business receptions, but in principle, the value per person shall not exceed rmb 600 per gift. the types of gifts shall mainly promote the corporate image, display corporate culture or reflect regional culture;

3. educational, medical, and scientific research institutions can accept financial and material support from enterprises, individuals, or the government by establishing foundations, etc. foundations can use the funds to reward units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to teaching and scientific research, medical development, scientific and technological innovation, and talent training in accordance with the provisions of the charter and the principles and scope of the donation and assistance agreement, but they cannot be used to pay daily allowances and subsidies;

4. party and government agencies generally do not give gifts. if souvenirs are really needed in special circumstances such as attracting investment, they can be given souvenirs with guangzhou characteristics and representing the city culture to enterprises in the name of the unit with approval. the giving of souvenirs in foreign affairs activities shall be handled in accordance with relevant foreign affairs regulations;

5. gifts that cannot be refused for various reasons must be registered and handed in. items that are of small value, inconvenient to return, and difficult to store can be handled in an appropriate manner after completing the reporting procedure and obtaining approval.

prohibited items include:

1. not accepting gifts, cash gifts, consumer cards (vouchers), securities, equity, other financial products and other property that may affect the impartial performance of official duties;

2. do not accept other property that is obviously beyond normal gift-giving and receiving;

3. you are not allowed to ask for any gifts, cash gifts or other property from the company.

in addition, the "guidelines" have set up a special chapter around the theme of "investment promotion and enterprise-related services", focusing on "what can be done", "what to be cautious about" and "what cannot be done" in government-business interactions, and listing positive and negative lists of "matters that can be carried out and matters that are prohibited", clarifying the "safe zones" and "minefields" of party members and cadres in investment promotion and enterprise-related services, and while encouraging and supporting party members and cadres to interact with enterprises in an open and honest manner, it also draws a clear "bottom line" and "red line".

there are 12 categories of activities that can be carried out:

1. local enterprises can be invited to participate in investment promotion, research and investigation, policy promotion, technical exchanges, talent introduction and other activities in other places;

2. you can visit and research foreign enterprises, and invite them to participate in seminars, talks, tea parties, etc.;

3. foreign enterprises can be invited to conduct return visits and field inspections in the local area and will be received in accordance with relevant regulations;

4. you can be invited to participate in economic and trade exchanges organized by enterprises, chambers of commerce, and industry associations, as well as public activities that are of great significance to the development of enterprises, such as corporate listings, important project signings, and the commencement and completion of key projects;

5. live streaming, product promotion, media publicity and other activities can be carried out for local specialty products, famous and high-quality products, unsalable agricultural products, etc. of non-specific enterprises;

6. organize enterprises to participate in important domestic and foreign commodity fairs, expositions, trade shows and other economic and trade exchange activities;

7. activities to attract investment, secure business and stabilize business can be carried out through contact points, investigation and research, on-site office, etc.;

8. provide necessary assistance to enterprises in terms of winning major projects, obtaining financial support, implementing support policies, accelerating approvals, matching supply and demand, and recovering overdue accounts and execution payments;

9. the actual difficulties of enterprises can be solved by adopting proposals of npc deputies and cppcc members, handling letters and visits to reflect demands, etc.;

10. you can receive corporate personnel at your office and set up a public hotline or mailbox to receive corporate calls or letters to reflect their opinions and demands;

11. with approval, you can conduct training and policy presentations in enterprises;

12. staff members of the united front work department, foreign affairs department, federation of industry and commerce and other relevant functional departments may, with approval, participate in activities such as social gatherings, annual meetings, group visits, etc. organized by chambers of commerce, industry associations, foreign businessmen, overseas chinese businessmen, and enterprises from hong kong, macao and taiwan.

prohibited items include:

1. generally, they shall not participate in internal ceremonial celebrations such as corporate festivals, celebrations, and celebration banquets, and shall not endorse the marketing activities of specific corporate products;

2. you may not obtain improper benefits by contacting service companies;

3. it is prohibited to conduct law enforcement activities against enterprises beyond the authorization of laws and regulations, or use the approval, law enforcement, supervision and other powers to take bribes from enterprises;

4. you must not refuse to answer calls or meet with companies without reason, and you must not ignore the demands raised by companies.

source: the paper

author: zhong yuhao

process editor: u027
