
[video] how to avoid disputes in the inheritance of resettlement housing? guangzhou residents try the "old renovation shield" will service for the first time


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text, photos and video by yangcheng evening news all-media reporter li huankun
recently, guangzhou held a field meeting to promote the renovation of urban villages, pointing out that efforts should be made to speed up the renovation of urban villages and make new substantive breakthroughs. the renovation of urban villages has many influencing factors and a long time span, and the property inheritance issues involved have troubled many neighbors.
on september 14, the reporter learned from the guangzhou liwan branch of the china wills registry that, in the context of urban renewal, the china wills registry's newly launched "old renovation shield" service has provided legal protection for many guangzhou citizens who are undergoing or will undergo old renovation. according to statistics, from august 27 to september 14, the china wills registry received a total of 1,267 consultations related to the "old renovation shield" nationwide, of which guangdong received a total of 385 consultations.
neighbors: be prepared to reduce trouble for children
mr. zhang is a businessman. after accumulating a certain amount of wealth in his early years, he purchased four properties in the urban village around guangzhou baiyun station. with the recent launch of the expropriation and relocation procedures in the area, mr. zhang foresaw that it would take a certain period from demolition to relocation. considering that he is over 60 years old, he is worried that if something unexpected happens during the renovation process and no arrangements are made in advance, it may lead to property disputes among his four children. therefore, mr. zhang went to the china wills registry and chose the "renovation shield" service.
"if there had been no will, my father's property would have been distributed according to the statutory inheritance rules. but according to my father's wishes, he wanted to divide the rights and interests of the four resettlement houses in baiyun equally among our four brothers and sisters, and give some cash assets to my grandparents and mother, so he made a will." mr. zhang's youngest daughter, miss zhang, told the yangcheng evening news reporter that her father also appointed a trusted relative in the family as the estate administrator to handle all matters related to the inheritance of the resettlement houses to avoid disputes among his children in the future and achieve orderly inheritance of wealth.
aunt huang, 59 years old this year, has similar ideas to mr. zhang. aunt huang is a widower and owns three buildings with a total area of ​​about 300 square meters in dongting urban village, liwan district. although she has not received any news about the renovation of the urban village, she decided to prepare for the future to reduce the trouble of her two children inheriting the property in the future. "my two children have started their own families, and our three families still live in the same building with harmonious relations. but i don't know what will happen to me after i pass away, so i decided to use the rights inheritance function of the 'old renovation shield' service to divide the rights of the resettlement house between my two children to ensure that they can inherit it smoothly." aunt huang said.
experts: professional means to avoid future disputes
in fact, real estate has always been an important part of a will. in the process of urban renewal, the inheritance of resettlement housing is particularly complicated. the china wills database officially launched the "old renovation shield" service on august 27 to solve this problem.
fan zhongquan, director of the guangzhou liwan branch, explained to reporters that the property rights of ordinary commercial housing are relatively clear, and there are fewer opportunities for relocation, while there are many uncertainties in resettlement housing. therefore, in the will, the allocation clauses for commercial housing and homesteads need to be worded differently.
fan zhongquan gave an example: "before demolition, citizens usually cannot predict the final allocated resettlement housing area, demolition compensation amount, etc. therefore, when drafting a will for the "old renovation shield" service, we will use precise legal terms according to the testator's wishes to clarify the distribution method of the property rights and property rights involved in the old renovation period, rather than simply designating the heirs of a certain property, to avoid inheritance problems and family disputes that may arise after demolition."
fan zhongquan added that the "old town renovation shield" service can specify the rights inheritance function of future heirs to demolition rights in advance when the demolition rights are not yet clear, ensuring the smooth signing of the demolition compensation agreement and avoiding problems such as the unsuccessful signing of the agreement due to unclear property inheritance ownership.