
spicy ai review | express lockers’ “detention fees” exceed 800 million, service shortcomings need to be addressed


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wan shanshan
on september 10, a financial report about "the parent company behind fengchao express lockers is going public" revealed that in the past three and a half years, the storage fees for stranded packages in fengchao express lockers have accumulated to 808 million yuan. with the rapid development of the express delivery industry, fengchao express lockers, as an important link in terminal logistics, have become an indispensable part of the daily lives of countless users. however, under the surface prosperity, its business model has gradually revealed hidden worries.
it is convenient to use, and some people are happy to pay for the "free storage fee". express delivery is signed by the person (or others) or stored at the express delivery station, which has the inconvenience of limited pickup time. the 24-hour express delivery cabinet makes up for the above defects. it is like a personal miniature "warehouse". as long as you pay 50 or 60 yuan a year for the "free storage" membership fee, you can pick up the goods whenever you want. therefore, some consumers approve of this "paid service".
there is a lack of communication before "entering the cabinet", and wrangling and buck-passing often occur. many netizens complained that some couriers deposited the packages without the consent of the recipients; some pickup information was seriously delayed, forcing the recipients to pay "detention fees"; and some couriers were delivered at night, and when they woke up from a sleep, they often missed the "free storage" period. if the recipient "refuses to accept" or asks to "take it out and deliver it elsewhere", it not only prolongs the timeliness of receipt, but also increases the workload of the courier. in addition, according to the prospectus submitted by fengchao, they will also "charge the courier a service fee for each package." in other words, even if consumers don't buy it, the courier has to fill this hole.
various unpleasant experiences have revealed the shortcomings of express locker services. we hope that express delivery companies can pay more attention to improving user experience, and relevant regulatory authorities also need to strengthen effective supervision, so that terminal delivery services can not only respect consumers' collection habits and needs, but also save delivery time for couriers.
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