
letting delivery boys serve as food safety inspectors as well, innovation or laziness?


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no matter what, delivery men cannot replace the municipal supervision bureau in patrolling stores, and delivery men cannot "subcontract" the functions of the municipal supervision bureau.

if this is the case, “snap shots” will become just a formality.

arts | tang kailan

according to a report by on september 12, the market supervision bureau of shenyang city, liaoning province, recently launched a market supervision measure to encourage food delivery riders to "take photos" of dirty and messy businesses. once the report is verified, the riders will be given some incentives, such as expanding promotion channels, honorary awards and other incentives. if the delivery time is delayed due to the report, they can also negotiate with the platform to eliminate the delay and obtain exemption from liability, thereby reducing the burden on riders.

the reason for this measure is simple and obvious. delivery drivers are people who have to deal with stores all the time. they have to go to the stores to pick up food. they know whether the stores comply with food safety regulations and whether the kitchen is dirty or clean. moreover, some stores do not have physical stores and only do online delivery. it is impossible to rely on customer supervision. mobilizing delivery drivers to participate in food safety supervision is a convenient measure.

in addition, the method adopted by the shenyang municipal supervision bureau is not new. similar measures have already been implemented in shenzhen, suining and other places. in terms of the atmosphere of mutual learning within the system, it is natural to introduce new management experience from a place and strengthen the construction of the food safety supervision network. of course, the effectiveness of the supervision of food delivery riders' "snap shots" depends on the practice in various places.

it is not ruled out that many food delivery riders have a strong sense of justice and are disgusted by the food made by unhygienic stores, but they cannot convince themselves to take food and give it to unsuspecting customers. even if there is no reward like "snap shots", there are still many people who expose unscrupulous businesses because of simple moral values. however, when "snap shots" are officially incorporated into food safety supervision, the ensuing interest game cannot be ignored.

we can’t rule out deliverymen with a sense of justice, but we can’t rule out deliverymen who just want to make money by delivering orders. for them, it doesn’t matter whether the food produced by the store is dirty or not, as long as they can deliver orders. moreover, if “snap shot” is added, some unscrupulous merchants will be closed by the platform, and consumers will benefit, but the number of orders will be reduced invisibly, and the deliverymen will also calculate the economic account in between.

delivery boys have the professional convenience of participating in food safety supervision. of course, the approval of delivery boys can also be used as a new standard to measure the reputation of businesses. customers can intuitively see whether the store is popular with delivery boys. however, when adding this relatively objective evaluation standard, we must not forget that delivery boys are also of all kinds. in addition to worrying about the impact of reduced orders on income, what if unscrupulous businesses try to bribe delivery boys to distort the evaluation?

(data picture, unrelated to the text)

it is certainly a good idea to develop food delivery riders into voluntary supervisors, but even without the ensuing interest game, food delivery riders are only a supplementary force for food safety supervision, and the municipal supervision bureau still has to tighten its nerves for food safety and do its job well. after all, the unscrupulous businesses that food delivery riders can supervise, even if they are only online businesses, will not escape as long as the municipal supervision bureau carefully inspects and takes a look at the back kitchen.

the food delivery platform has all the information of businesses in the area where the municipal supervision bureau is located, and the data should be shareable. therefore, as long as the municipal supervision bureau conducts inspections, law enforcement officers should know clearly what kind of stores are trustworthy and what kind of stores have problems. we cannot just sit back and do nothing because a food delivery rider "casually took a photo".

if you say that online food delivery businesses are too cunning, open only at night, or move to another location, as long as the market supervision bureau can update the data on the platform in real time, there will be no blind spots in the crackdown on unscrupulous businesses in the jurisdiction. in short, food delivery drivers cannot replace the market supervision bureau to patrol stores, and food delivery boys cannot "subcontract" the functions of the market supervision bureau. if this is the case, "snap shots" will become a formality.