
from a large loss of students to an influx of teachers and students, what did this primary school principal do right?


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in the past few days, 16 districts in shanghai have successively held theme activities to celebrate the 40th teachers' day.
wang jialong, principal of baohong primary school in baoshan district, shanghai, tells the secret of how the school went from being weak to being popular. photo courtesy of baoshan district education bureau
on the afternoon of september 9, at the theme event celebrating the 40th teachers' day held by the baoshan district education system with the theme of "promoting the spirit of educators and building a model district for modern transformation education in the new era", wang jialong, principal of baohong primary school in baoshan district, shanghai, told his story of running a school.
more than ten years ago, wang jialong worked at baohong primary school. at that time, baohong primary school was not able to adapt to the local environment due to the trusteeship, the teaching staff was unstable, and a large number of students were lost. it was a weak school. wang jialong started from the actual situation of baohong, focused on team building, and carried out teaching and research activities to find new growth points for baohong's teachers and set up a new stage for baohong's students to show themselves. in this way, baohong ushered in a gorgeous turn, becoming the first batch of new high-quality schools and quality education demonstration schools that teachers and students rushed to, and became a pilot school for the digital transformation of education in the country.
"as a principal, what makes me happiest is watching the school transform, students progress, and teachers grow," said wang jialong.
wang jialong believes that there are two main secrets to a strong school:
the first secret is to stick to your original intention. the three-foot podium is a lifelong bond. wang jialong regards the school as his home and devotes himself to it. this original intention of education is not only for students, but also for teachers. school work is complicated and involves a wide range of aspects. wang jialong requires himself to use the skills of an embroidery needle to create a high-quality campus. in order to grasp the details of school management, wang jialong has developed a habit of paying attention to the website of the ministry of education. as the head of a school, he must grasp the dynamics of educational reform and national requirements in a timely manner, be good at internalizing the concepts of new courses and new textbooks and the country's reform policies into school-running behaviors, and reform and innovate the details of school management. therefore, although baohong primary school is located in the suburbs of gucun, every teacher in the school has advanced educational concepts and rich teaching methods.
the second secret is to persist in innovation and keep pace with the times. wang jialong is a researcher in the field of information science and is sensitive to new technologies. he keenly captures opportunities such as the creation of new high-quality schools and experimental schools for the digital transformation of education. through project leadership, he brings together everyone's wisdom to form a joint force for team development, promote the professional growth of teachers, and achieve the glory of the school. in terms of teaching, he promotes classroom transformation, helps teachers and students reduce their burdens and increase efficiency, and forms a new teaching style of "resource construction, lesson preparation sharing, multi-platform integrated teaching, and intelligent review". he also uses data to accurately analyze and diagnose the learning situation, making personalized teaching possible. in terms of educating people, he enriches the curriculum and creates many new learning scenarios, including sports cloud classrooms, ai music classrooms, steam course groups, small maker labor experience spaces, etc., so that every student has room for development. in addition, he also combines project learning, clubs, science and art festivals, etc., so that educating people with beauty, culture, and practice can really come alive.
along the way, from a front-line teacher to a teaching researcher, deputy director of the quality control center, and then to the principal, wang jialong has witnessed one educational story after another. 2024 is also wang jialong's 40th year as a teacher. on this year's teacher's day, he received the honor of a special principal, and the school also won the title of "national advanced collective in the education system." wang jialong said: "our original intention remains unchanged, and our passion remains undiminished. we will continue to run the school well and serve the regional construction and development."
the paper reporter han xiaorong
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