
hainan: special support measures for housing provident funds were introduced for five cities and counties severely affected by the typhoon, including haikou


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economic observer news according to the website of hainan provincial housing provident fund administration bureau on september 10, for the five cities and counties severely affected by the typhoon, namely haikou, wenchang, chengmai, lingao and ding'an, the hainan provincial housing provident fund administration bureau has issued special support measures for housing provident funds and issued the "notice on housing provident fund support for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction of typhoon "makar"" (hereinafter referred to as the "notice"). the "notice" mainly includes three support measures: first, support depositors to withdraw housing provident funds for the reconstruction and repair expenses of damaged houses. if the depositor's own house belongs to the above five severely affected cities and counties, and the house is damaged due to the impact of this typhoon and has been included in the list of damaged houses recognized by the local township government, street office or farm, he can apply to withdraw his own and spouse's housing provident fund for reconstruction and repair of the house. second, support the enterprises that have stopped work or production or have difficulties in operation due to the typhoon to postpone the payment of housing provident funds. enterprises in the above five cities and counties that have stopped work or production or have difficulties in operation due to the typhoon can apply for the postponement of housing provident fund payment after soliciting opinions from employees and no objection. third, support borrowers with repayment difficulties to postpone repayment of housing provident fund loan principal and interest. in the above five cities and counties, if the income of borrowers has dropped due to the impact of the typhoon and they are unable to repay the principal and interest of housing provident fund loans normally, borrowers can apply for postponement of repayment of housing provident fund loan principal and interest at the housing provident fund service windows in various cities and counties.

the full text of the notice is as follows:

notice of the hainan provincial housing provident fund administration on housing provident fund support for post-typhoon makar post-disaster recovery and reconstruction

all directly affiliated management bureaus, departments, housing provident fund paying enterprises and payers:

the super typhoon "makar" landed in wengtian town, wenchang city, our province, causing serious disasters in haikou, wenchang, chengmai, lingao and ding'an and other areas of our province. in order to implement the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and government for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, support housing provident fund payment enterprises and depositors to carry out post-disaster recovery and reconstruction as soon as possible, and give full play to the housing guarantee role of housing provident funds, according to relevant policy regulations, the following notice is hereby issued to support the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in the five cities and counties of haikou, wenchang, chengmai, lingao and ding'an:

1. support depositors to withdraw housing provident funds for the reconstruction and repair of damaged houses. depositors who have damaged houses due to the typhoon and are included in the list of damaged houses recognized by the local township government, street office or farm and own the property rights of the houses can apply to withdraw their own and their spouse's housing provident funds for the reconstruction and repair of damaged houses through the "haiyiban" app or the housing provident fund service windows of various cities and counties within three months from the date of approval of the list of damaged houses. the standard withdrawal amount is determined by multiplying the building area of ​​the damaged house by 1,800 yuan per square meter, and the maximum amount shall not exceed the total housing provident fund account balance of the individual and his spouse.

2. support the enterprises that have stopped work or have difficulties in operation due to the typhoon to defer payment of housing provident fund. the enterprises in the above five cities and counties that have stopped work or have difficulties in operation due to the typhoon can apply for deferral of housing provident fund payment through the "hainan provincial government affairs network" or the housing provident fund service windows of various cities and counties after soliciting opinions from employees and no objections (the deferral period is until february 28, 2025. during the deferral period, employees' housing provident fund loans and withdrawals will not be affected. after the deferral period expires, the enterprise should resume normal payment and make up the housing provident fund during the deferral period in one lump sum or in installments before august 31, 2025.

3. support borrowers with repayment difficulties to postpone the repayment of housing provident fund loan principal and interest. in the above five cities and counties, if the income of borrowers has dropped due to the impact of typhoons and they are unable to repay the principal and interest of housing provident fund loans normally, borrowers can apply for the postponement of the repayment of housing provident fund loan principal and interest at the housing provident fund service windows of various cities and counties. from the date of application to february 28, 2025, the unpaid loan principal and interest will not be counted as overdue, penalty interest, or included in the personal credit negative information record. before march 1, 2025, borrowers should repay all loan principal and interest that have not been repaid during the extension period.

this notice shall be effective from the date of publication.

hainan provincial housing provident fund administration

september 10, 2024

policy interpretation of the notice of the hainan provincial housing provident fund administration on housing provident fund support for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work after typhoon makar

1. background

on september 6, this year's no. 11 super typhoon "makar" landed in wengtian town, wenchang city, our province, causing serious impacts on haikou, wenchang, chengmai, lingao and ding'an. in order to implement the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and government for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, support housing provident fund paying enterprises and payers to carry out post-disaster recovery and reconstruction as soon as possible, and give full play to the housing provident fund's role in housing security, our bureau has introduced special support measures for housing provident funds for five cities and counties severely affected by the typhoon, including haikou, wenchang, chengmai, lingao and ding'an, and issued the "notice on housing provident fund support for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work of typhoon "makar"" (hereinafter referred to as the "notice").

ii. main content

the notice mainly includes three support measures:

first, support depositors to withdraw housing provident funds for the reconstruction and repair of damaged houses. if the depositors' own houses are in the five severely affected cities and counties mentioned above, and the houses are damaged due to the impact of this typhoon and have been included in the list of damaged houses recognized by the local township government, street office or farm, they can apply to withdraw their own and their spouse's housing provident funds for the reconstruction and repair of houses.

second, support enterprises that have been shut down or have difficulty in operation due to the typhoon to defer payment of housing provident funds. enterprises that have been shut down or have difficulty in operation due to the typhoon in the above five cities and counties can apply for deferral of housing provident fund payment after soliciting opinions from employees and no objections are raised.

third, support borrowers with repayment difficulties to postpone repayment of housing provident fund loan principal and interest. in the above five cities and counties, if the income of borrowers has dropped due to the impact of the typhoon and they are unable to repay the principal and interest of housing provident fund loans normally, borrowers can apply for postponement of repayment of housing provident fund loan principal and interest at the housing provident fund service windows in various cities and counties.

3. scope of application

(1) to withdraw housing provident fund for the reconstruction and repair expenses of damaged houses, the following conditions must be met at the same time: first, the damaged house belongs to the five disaster-stricken cities and counties mentioned above; second, the applicant owns the property rights of the damaged house; third, the house has been included in the damaged list approved by the local government, street office or farm.

(ii) enterprises that have stopped production or are experiencing operational difficulties due to the impact of the typhoon and apply for a deferral of housing provident fund payment must meet the following conditions: first, the actual business location of the enterprise that is deferred payment is one of the five affected cities and counties mentioned above, and the enterprise is experiencing actual operational difficulties due to the impact of the typhoon; second, the enterprise has consulted its employees before applying for a deferral and no one has raised any objections; third, the enterprise has made deposits until the month of application or the previous month.

(iii) to apply for an extension of the repayment of the principal and interest of a housing provident fund loan, the following conditions must be met: first, the loaned house belongs to the five disaster-stricken cities and counties mentioned above; second, the borrower's income has dropped due to the impact of the typhoon and is unable to repay the principal and interest of the housing provident fund loan normally.

iv. measures to benefit the people

(i) if the house of a depositor is damaged due to the typhoon, the depositor and his/her spouse's housing provident fund can be withdrawn for house reconstruction and repair expenses. the housing provident fund management bureau of each city and county will connect with the local township government, street office or farm to obtain the list of damaged houses, and the applicant does not need to provide it.

(ii) for enterprises that are experiencing actual production and operation difficulties due to the impact of the typhoon and apply for a deferral of housing provident fund payment, a "super-simple" application will be implemented, and no materials for the consent of the staff representative meeting will be required. during the deferral period, housing provident fund withdrawals and loans will be processed normally and will not be affected.

(iii) the principal and interest of the loan that the borrower fails to repay during the deferred repayment period shall not be counted as overdue, penalty interest shall not be charged, and shall not be included in the individual's negative credit record.

5. notes

(1) if a depositor has an unpaid housing provident fund loan in this province, he or she may only withdraw the housing provident fund for the reconstruction and repair of damaged houses on the premise of repaying the housing provident fund loan normally.

(ii) after the issuance of this notice, the housing provident fund withdrawal applications submitted by depositors shall be examined and approved after the municipal and county housing provident fund management bureaus obtain the approved list of damaged houses.

(iii) before february 28, 2025 (inclusive), if the borrower repays all the principal and interest of the loan that have not been repaid in february and previous months, it is considered normal repayment and is subject to the provisions of this notice. the principal and interest of the loan that have not been repaid during the extension period will not be considered overdue, penalty interest will not be charged, and will not be included in the personal credit negative information record. after march 1, 2025 (inclusive), if the borrower partially repays the loan, it will be considered abnormal repayment. the month of insufficient repayment will still be included in the loan overdue treatment, penalty interest on the unpaid principal and interest of the loan will be charged, and the loan negative information record will be reported to the people's bank of china's credit reporting system in accordance with relevant regulations.

(iv) if the unit where the depositor works applies for deferred payment of housing provident fund, the deferred payment period shall be deemed as continuous payment of housing provident fund, and the depositor may go to the housing provident fund service window to apply for housing provident fund loan.

editor: liu rui