
wang xu, a national model of teaching and educating people: don’t let temporary academic achievements erase students’ potential


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“there are no two people in the world who are exactly the same, and there are no two leaves on the earth who are exactly the same. there is no gap between children, only differences. let the children who like archery play archery, and the children who like chess play chess. only by believing in students and stimulating their respective talents, potential and dreams can we inspire hope in every child.” wang xu, a member of the national people’s congress and principal of changsha yali middle school, once expressed his educational insights in this way, which aroused the resonance and educational thinking of many people.

wang xu graduated from hunan normal university and has been teaching for 28 years. he has always regarded the differences between students as the precious wealth of education. he has written his thesis on education with a sincere heart. recently, wang xu was elected as the 2024 national model of teaching and educating people.

"giving children more love will give them and their families more hope"

△wang xu came to hunan university of science and technology to visit peng lanxi.

"teacher wang, i passed the driving test and can drive home now!" during the summer vacation of 2024, peng lanxi happily went forward to visit his wang xu to share his recent situation.

peng lanxi is a student of the school of information and electrical engineering of hunan university of science and technology in 2022. he had a high amputation due to an accidental car accident in his childhood.

wang xu was extremely pleased to see peng lanxi in front of him. wang xu clearly remembered that in the midsummer of 2016, peng lanxi hurried into his office in a wheelchair pushed by her mother.

"principal, i want to go to junior high school here!"tender voicethe sound and resolute tone of the little boy in the wheelchair really startled wang xu. looking at the mother and son, wang xu expressed his concern: "child, can you take care of yourself in school?" before he finished speaking, the "legless boy" slapped the wheelchair armrests with both hands and bounced to the ground. he used his hands instead of feet and paddled hard on the ground. at that moment, wang xu's eyes were moist, and he made up his mind to help this child who had suffered a great misfortune in life.

in order to help peng lanxi go to school, wang xu gave the class teacher and subject teachers the simplest and clearest advice: "teach him like you would teach an ordinary child." he believedletter schoolin the kindergarten, love will flow and children can grow up healthily.

during that time, whenever wang xu was at school, he would go to the teaching building to see if the wheelchair was at the classroom door.small letterthe boy learned to play basketball, swim, and was admitted to university.

wang xu firmly believes that as a teacher, one must have a kind and compassionate heart. giving more love to children will give more hope to children and their families.

△wang xu communicates with students in the youth league activity room.

"principal wang, you have taken all our jobs."

in his daily work, wang xu not only pays attention to students' performance in school, but also cares more about the family situation behind the students, and then gives students targeted care and warmth.

wang xu met xiao yi during an evening self-study tour. at that time, xiao yi ran to the junior high school classroom to watch tv. when wang xu found him, the first thing he said was: "teacher, i didn't turn on the tv." wang xu was keenly aware that this child's thinking was different from other students.

not long after, wang xu's impression of xiao yi deepened during an exam, because xiao yi only scored a few dozen points in all subjects. the head teacher told wang xu that xiao yi's family situation was very special. his father had suffered from nasopharyngeal cancer for many years and was unemployed. he was withdrawn and negative, and sometimes beat and scolded his children. this made xiao yi increasingly sensitive and withdrawn, but he was extremely eager to be recognized.

facing such a family, wang xu thought about what he could do for them. he found that the students were very concerned about the care from the principal, so he "ran into" xiao yi once a month and talked to him every time to encourage him. later, in the college entrance examination, xiao yi scored more than 560 points. on the day of filling out the application form, the father and son came to the school together. xiao yi whispered to wang xu: "principal, this is the first time i saw my father smile since i started junior high school. thank you!"

student xiao huan (pseudonym) is also a child that wang xu is concerned about. during his three years in high school, huan huan experienced illness, a car accident, and his father suddenly fell into a coma on the eve of the college entrance examination.entericu. in xiao huan's difficult time, wang xu gave the child psychological support and strength to grow in the shortest possible time. the school's psychology teacher and class teacher joked with wang xu: "principal wang, you have 'taken' all our jobs."

wang xu said: "i love students and education from the bottom of my heart." he believes that education can be broken down into enlightenment and cultivation, educating life and cultivating customs.

"principal, you will be my fan from now on!"

"every individual has his or her own talents and expertise. if you only use one ruler to measure them, the distance will only get shorter and shorter." in his educational practice, wang xu insists on the concept of teaching and educating people, which is not only to make up for the shortcomings, but also to build on the strengths. he is committed to letting every student touch the joy of growth and see the hope of life.

zhang yuting's academic performance in the class is not outstanding, but she is lively and cheerful by nature, likes drama performances, and is the "pillar" of the school drama club. in 2024, when preparing for the annual performance of the school drama club, zhang yuting accidentally discovered that wang xu was carefully looking at the promotional posters displayed in the lobby of the teaching building. she immediately went over to say hello: "principal, can we take a photo together? i am playing this role." zhang yuting pointed at the poster and pulled the principal to stand in position. after taking the photo, zhang yuting extended an invitation to wang xu: "principal, i invite you to watch our performance."

"okay, i'll definitely go."

"principal, you will be my fan from now on!" zhang yuting was very happy.

on the day of the performance, wang xu arrived as scheduled and took the opportunity to encourage zhang yuting: "the performance was great, and you have great artistic talent. i hope you can keep yourselflove"i am interested in it." later, the chinese teacher said that since the performance, zhang yuting has become more confident and diligent, especially her writing has improved.

△wang xu takes a photo with students from the drama club.

high school is a critical period for students to grow up and become talents. wang xu gives full support to students' independent development. the school has more than 30 student clubs. he encourages students to show their interests and unleash their creativity in club activities. it is reported that many university professors couldn't help but praise the club activities of yali middle school after watching them: "it's better than the club activities of college students."

wang xu often tells teachers that among a thousand students, if there is a no. 1, there will be a no. 1,000. in terms of grades, the no. 1,000 student deserves more attention. in terms of educating people, grades are not everything. it is more valuable to let students have a sound personality, maintain the will to strive, and be their true selves. therefore, wang xu advocates that when evaluating students, it is not just about grades that counts, but there should be creative awards every year such as "most encouraging", "most fond of laughter", "most responsible", and "most creative". wang xu knows very well: "only by keeping every student in mind and holding them in the palm of your hand, their respective potential and advantages will not be erased by temporary academic performance."

to promote the all-round and individual development of students, wang xu believes: "sports is a very good education, with important educational functions and values." he never "gives in" when requiring students to actively participate in physical exercise.

when wang xu was still the principal of nanya middle school, the school's women's football team won the provincial championship. the women's football players proposed that "the principal lead the teachers' team to play a game with the women's football team to celebrate", and wang xu happily agreed. to this day, recalling the scene at that time, wang xu happily said: "i still played the whole game. although my muscles were sore for two days, it was worth it. it was a great encouragement to the women's football team and the school's sports work."

wang xu advocates sports, which is his educational creed. under his influence, sports bring a vibrant atmosphere to the school. in 2024, the chinese team, with the yali women's basketball team as its base, won the 2024 world junior basketball championship. his call for "compulsory education schools to offer a physical education class every day" is being gradually implemented in many places across the country.

"if i have the opportunity, i will definitely spread the voices of my classmates."

at school, wang xu treats every student as a friend, respecting and cherishing their ideas and choices. for example, when the school replaces desks and chairs, wang xu will place samples of different colors and styles in the hall of the teaching building, and let the students vote on which one to buy. when the school holds a student representative meeting every year, wang xu encourages students to put forward opinions and suggestions to promote the development of the school. he requires relevant departments of the school to submit opinions and suggestions, ranging from dozens to hundreds.allreply.

△wang xu communicates with members of the "simulated cppcc" club.

"principal, can you bring some of our research results to beijing?" earlier this year, before going to beijing to attend the national "two sessions", wang xu received some special suggestions. several members of the school's "simulated cppcc" club conducted research on some social hot spots after class and wrote "on promoting the construction of "rural development zone"".sound"post station" - suggestions on solving the problems of the "last mile" of rural logistics and the "first mile" of agricultural product transportation, "suggestions on promoting resource sharing in the childcare and early childhood education industries and assisting the construction of a universal childcare system", "suggestions on building a "three-point after-school companion" after-school service resource model for rural primary schools", etc.

seeing this group of energetic young people so concerned about some social issues that are far from their own lives, wang xu felt sincerely gratified: "okay, if i have the opportunity, i will definitely convey the voices of my classmates."

wang xu often tells his students that people and things in distant places are related to us. he has always practiced and set an example to cultivate students' patriotism, responsibility and dedication.

there are two sentences in the school song of yali middle school, "be energetic in time and take on the responsibility of the universe". in everyone's eyes, wang xu is the one who takes the lead and works hard. he works hard for the healthy growth and success of every student, for the high-quality development of school education, and for the high-quality and balanced development of national education. he is a good teacher who promotes the development of educational science.

correspondent zhong li, xiaoxiang morning news reporter li nan
