
the supply is gradually increasing, and "one yuan vegetables" are reappearing in wuhan vegetable markets


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as september begins, although the temperature has not dropped significantly, with the gradual increase in the supply of seasonal vegetables such as amaranth, water spinach and bitter melon, the prices of vegetables in the wuhan market have quietly started to drop.

a fresh food market in hankou has a wide variety of vegetables

some vegetable prices have dropped, and "one yuan vegetables" are back in the market

on the morning of september 6, a reporter from the yangtze river daily saw a wide variety of vegetables such as potatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and chinese cabbages at the huaqiao street market in hankou. according to merchants, vegetable prices have been relatively stable recently. compared with last month, the prices of some vegetables have been slowly falling, with eggplants and cucumbers falling more significantly, but the price of green peppers has been rising recently. in a fresh food market in hongshan district, the price of cucumbers has dropped from a high of more than 7 yuan per catty in early august to 3.99 yuan, and common vegetables such as chinese cabbage and radishes have dropped to less than 2 yuan per catty.

freshly arrived winter melons at baishazhou market

yang bo, manager of baishazhou agricultural and sideline products market, said that vegetable prices have indeed been falling recently. "according to statistics, the average wholesale price of vegetables last week (august 26 to september 1) was 5.02 yuan per kilogram, a decrease of 0.59%, but the rise and fall of different varieties varied." yang bo gave an example, "last week, the wholesale price of bitter melon dropped from 7.29 yuan per kilogram to 5.71 yuan, a decrease of 21.67%, and the price reductions of white radish and lettuce also exceeded 12%, but the wholesale price of green pepper rose to 7.31 yuan per kilogram, an increase of 28.92%." this trend is roughly consistent with the performance of the retail end. this week, with the further increase in supply, the trend of falling vegetable prices has become clearer. yang bo introduced that this week, the daily vegetable trading volume of baishazhou market has increased from 2,800 tons to 3,350 tons, and the average wholesale price of vegetables has also dropped to 4.84 yuan, and the prices of most vegetable varieties have fallen.

industry insiders analyzed that changes in vegetable prices are affected by multiple factors. for example, the recent rise in green pepper prices is due to unfavorable weather in the production areas of green peppers, which has affected the growth and yield of green peppers.

autumn vegetables are about to be available in large quantities, with more choices

in baishazhou market, there is an ample supply of vegetables

experts from the wuhan academy of agricultural sciences said that the rise in vegetable prices during the high temperatures in summer is part of the seasonal price fluctuations in the vegetable market each year. the main reason is that the high temperatures in summer cause vegetable growth retardation, plant damage, and pests and diseases. this summer, the high temperatures lasted longer and were higher, and floods were superimposed in some areas, which had a more obvious impact on vegetables, causing a rapid increase in vegetable prices in the early stages.

in order to ensure the supply of vegetables in the market, wuhan has come up with many ways. qiu pei, deputy director of the market department of wuhan municipal bureau of agriculture and rural affairs, introduced that wuhan has allocated special funds this year to upgrade the construction of 10,000 mu of vegetable greenhouse facilities. at the same time, technical guidance has been strengthened to help all districts prepare for high temperature, rainfall and other weather precautions, and city and district technical experts have been organized to go deep into the fields to guide vegetable production, increase the production of seasonal and fast-growing lettuce according to market demand, and ensure the market supply of vegetables.

yang wei, manager of wuhan caidian green garden agricultural development co., ltd., said that as a production and supply base for wuhan's "vegetable basket" products, the company's vegetable base covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 mu, of which the annual output of gourd, bamboo leaf vegetable and eggplant can reach 800 tons, and the annual output of amaranth can reach 400 tons. recently, amaranth, bamboo leaf vegetable, eggplant and other vegetables have entered or are about to enter the peak of harvest, and will be supplied to the wuhan market in large quantities.

industry insiders said that judging from the overall trend, with the arrival of autumn and the gradual cooler temperatures, vegetables across the country will enter the peak harvest season and vegetable prices will enter a "downward channel" for some time to come.