
many places reported an increase in the number of births in the first half of the year. analysts said it was related to policy incentives and zodiac preferences.


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many places across the country are disclosing the increase or decrease in the number of births in the first half of this year.

"judging from the birth population monitoring data, the implementation of our city's universal three-child policy has been effective, and the number of births is in line with expectations." according to heilongjiang's daqing daily on august 27, the reporter learned from the municipal health commission that the number of births in daqing city increased significantly in the first half of the year. the main reason is the implementation of the fertility policy and the continuous improvement of various supporting facilities.

according to the report, according to the childcare subsidy policy of daqing city, the childcare subsidy is issued to families where both spouses or one of them has a household registration in daqing city and has given birth to a second or more children in accordance with the law. the issuance method is self-declared by residents. the subsidy standard is 300 yuan per month for families who give birth to a second child in accordance with the law, and 500 yuan per month for families who give birth to a third or more children in accordance with the law, and can be enjoyed for up to 36 months. at present, the city has issued a total of 11.0996 million yuan in childcare subsidies to eligible families with two or three children; formulated preferential policies for provident fund loans for families with two or three children, and issued a total of 17.802 million yuan in provident fund loans for families with two or three children; formulated a subsidy policy for inclusive childcare institutions, supported and guided social forces to build inclusive childcare places, and issued a total of 205,000 yuan in construction subsidies and operating subsidies. the city has built 7,648 childcare places for infants under 3 years old.

in qingdao, shandong, du weiping, member of the party leadership group of the municipal health commission and executive vice president of the municipal family planning association, was a guest in the minsheng online live studio on august 20. according to population monitoring data, from january to june this year, there was a gratifying change in the number of births in qingdao, with 22,669 births of registered residents, a year-on-year increase of 5.93%, reversing the trend of two consecutive years of year-on-year decline. combined with the data of the city's "mother and child health handbook" registration, the number of early pregnant women with expected delivery dates from july to december this year is estimated to be about 25,000 registered residents born during the same period. it is expected that the number of births in qingdao in 2024 will be the same as or slightly higher than last year.

du weiping said that the current increase in the number of births in qingdao may be due to the following reasons: first, the structural increase in women of childbearing age, and the increase in the number of people participating in childbirth; second, the zodiac sign preference of the masses. this year is the year of the dragon, which is in line with the zodiac sign preference of most people; third, qingdao has introduced various fertility support policies to encourage childbirth, which is also a reason for increasing the willingness of the people of childbearing age to have children. it is speculated that in the next few years, the number of births in qingdao will remain at a low fertility level.

the paper noted that du weiping later said in an interaction with netizens that factors affecting the number of births include population structure (including the number of women of childbearing age), policies, economy, society, psychology, etc. there is no scientific basis for zodiac sign preference, and citizens are advised to treat the issue of their children's zodiac signs rationally. because zodiac sign preferences lead to a large number of births, it is possible that children will face greater pressure in school enrollment and employment in the future.

guangdong province and alxa league in inner mongolia also reported an increase in the number of births in the first half of this year.

among them, the guangdong provincial population development research institute held a special symposium on the 35th world population day in 2024 in july. according to the yangcheng evening news, lin hong, a first-level researcher at the population monitoring and family development department of the guangdong provincial health commission, said that at present, the population development situation in guangdong province is undergoing significant changes. since the implementation of the "two-child policy" in 2016, the number of births in guangdong has experienced a significant increase at first and then a continuous decline.

"the good news is that the number of births in guangdong may increase in 2024." the report said that liu fenghua, deputy director of guangdong provincial women and children's health care hospital, told reporters that from january to june this year, the number of live births in the province increased slightly by 1.4% compared with the same period last year. she said that this is related to the three-child policy and the lunar calendar's "birth of a dragon son in the year of the dragon", and may also indicate that the downward trend in the number of births has eased slightly.

also in july, the health commission of alxa league, inner mongolia, announced that since the 14th five-year plan, the number of births in the league has continued to show negative growth. the number of births has continued to drop from 1,763 in 2021 to 1,399 in 2023, a decrease of 20.64 percentage points. in the first half of this year, the league saw a slightly gratifying situation. according to the statistics of the maternal and child annual report, a total of 735 people were born in the league, an increase of 50 births over the same period last year, a year-on-year increase of 7.30%. among them, there were 384 male babies and 351 female babies, with a sex ratio of 109 at birth.

in addition, according to the "brief analysis of the survey on birth population in baoji city in the first half of 2024" released by the baoji municipal bureau of statistics of shaanxi province on september 3, the 5 hospitals and midwifery institutions in the 4 counties and districts surveyed delivered 3,223 newborns in the first half of 2023 and 3,569 newborns in the first half of 2024, an increase of 346 people year-on-year, a growth of 10.7%.

baoji municipal bureau of statistics analyzed that according to the survey and understanding, there are three factors for the increase in the number of births in the first half of 2024. first, the impact of the epidemic has subsided. the three-year epidemic has had a great impact on the whole society. during the survey, many young people were worried about the harm of the new coronavirus to the healthy growth of their children, and said that they dared not get married or get pregnant. now that the living environment has returned to normal, considering marriage and childbirth is on the agenda. second, the concept of fertility is dominant. traditional concepts have prompted many families to hope to give birth to their children in the year of the dragon, pursuing the spirit of dragons and horses, and the auspiciousness of dragons and phoenixes, and consciously adjusting the birth time to 2024. third, the policy effect is evident. in 2021, the country adjusted the population birth policy, implemented a couple can give birth to three children and supporting support policies, the municipal party committee and government increased support for fertility, increased parenting leave, increased the amount of subsidies, and encouraged young people to give birth. the policy effect was evident this year.

the baoji municipal bureau of statistics also gave an example, saying that since the beginning of this year, many cities such as ma'anshan city in anhui province and wenzhou city in zhejiang province have begun to issue childcare subsidies. tianmen city in hubei province has rewarded pregnant women who meet the conditions for multiple children, and has formulated relevant policies in terms of education, housing purchase, and vacation. for the first time in eight years, the number of births has "turned from decline to increase". as of august 14, 4,232 people have been born this year, an increase of 431 people compared with the same period last year, an increase of 11.3% year-on-year.

according to a report in hubei daily, tianmen has increased residents' willingness to have children by providing childcare subsidies, reducing pregnancy and childbirth expenses, guaranteeing maternity leave benefits, strengthening housing security, and providing childcare services. the head of the tianmen municipal health commission said, "according to the policy of encouraging childbirth, families with two and three children can receive subsidies of 96,300 yuan and 165,100 yuan respectively."

according to the report, statistics show that in 2016, the number of births in tianmen city was 18,528, and then it decreased year by year, reaching only 6,004 in 2023. under the policy incentives, from january 1 to august 14 this year, the number of births in the city achieved a "turn from decline to increase" for the first time.

"the incentive effect has not yet fully manifested. there will be a small peak in population births at the end of this year and the beginning of next year, and the number of births this year is expected to reach 6,800," said the above-mentioned tianmen municipal health commission official.

on the other hand, news from the nanning statistics bureau of guangxi in july this year pointed out that the number of births in 32 hospitals (midwifery institutions) in the first half of 2024 decreased by 1,490 compared with the first half of 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 16.8%. judging from the expected births in the second half of 2024, the number of births for the whole year is expected to decrease by 2,109 compared with 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 11.8%.

this article "a brief analysis of the birth situation in nanning in the first half of 2024" mentioned that the number of second-borns in the first half of 2023 was greater than that of first- and third-borns, accounting for 39.7%, and the number of first-borns began to surpass by a slight advantage in the first half of 2024. in addition, the number of births of three or more children has always accounted for the lowest proportion. in the first half of 2024, the number of second-borns was 2,810, a decrease of 720 from the first half of 2023, a year-on-year decrease of 20.4%. it can be seen from the survey data that under the current economic situation, people's willingness to have a second child has declined. with the further decline in the number of second-borns, the number of second-borns may slow down to a certain extent in the next few years.