
the latest notice from the qinghai provincial department of education and other departments


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on the implementation of the deputy principal system for rule of law in primary and secondary schools
notice on preventing juvenile delinquency
to the education bureaus, intermediate people's courts, people's procuratorates, public security bureaus, and justice bureaus of all cities (prefectures):
in order to effectively strengthen legal education for young people and effectively prevent juvenile delinquency in the province, in accordance with the "regulations on the appointment and management of deputy principals of law in primary and secondary schools", on the basis of promoting the full-time operation, regular development and long-term implementation of the work of deputy principals of law, we hereby notify you as follows on further enhancing the effectiveness of the team of deputy principals of law and comprehensively promoting the work of preventing juvenile delinquency in our province.
1. raise awareness and coordinate deployment
strengthening the work of deputy principals in primary and secondary schools is an important measure to thoroughly implement xi jinping's thoughts on the rule of law, and is also an important way to fulfill the statutory duties of protecting minors. all departments should further improve their ideological understanding, take the initiative, take positive actions, perform their respective duties, and work together to comprehensively strengthen the construction of deputy principals in primary and secondary schools in our province, assist in the education and management of minors in the province, and improve the level of prevention and control of juvenile delinquency.
(i) strengthen overall coordination and improve the working mechanism. local education departments should fully fulfill their main responsibilities, take the lead in coordination and organization, and effectively strengthen communication and connection with courts, procuratorates, public security, judicial departments and other departments, and actively invite recommended or appointed deputy principals of law to participate in the construction of school rule of law education to prevent minors from committing crimes in the jurisdiction. taking the comprehensive implementation of the "measures for the appointment and management of deputy principals of law in primary and secondary schools" as the starting point, promote the effective performance of the duties of deputy principals of law and improve the level of rule of law construction in primary and secondary schools.
(ii) promote deployment at a high frequency and continue normal operation. on the basis of giving full play to the working mechanism of the special education joint conference, all localities should make good use of the team of deputy principals of law appointed to primary and secondary schools, and continue to promote the deputy principals of law to participate in school legal education, protection of students' rights and interests, prevention of juvenile delinquency, safety management, educational punishment, and governance according to law. education departments should report to the special education steering committee of the region under their jurisdiction every semester on the work of preventing juvenile delinquency assisted by the deputy principals of law.
(iii) strictly implement the appointment procedures and standardize the selection and appointment management. the courts, procuratorates, public security, judicial and other departments in all regions should strictly follow the appointment procedures and recommend staff with strong political qualities, high legal literacy, rich legal professional knowledge and legal practice experience to serve as deputy principals of law. the education department should strictly review the list of local deputy principals of law who meet the qualifications for the position, fully consider the scale of school operation and configuration needs in the region, reasonably set the number of deputy principals of law in schools, and fully grasp the deployment of deputy principals of law in the jurisdiction. the deployment of deputy principals of law should achieve full coverage of primary and secondary schools and secondary vocational schools. focus on strengthening the deployment of deputy principals of law in junior high schools, high schools and secondary vocational schools, with a focus on urban-rural fringe areas, rural schools, and weak schools in cities.
2. strengthen implementation and optimize the growth environment
(i) establish an education and publicity mechanism. carry out precise legal education according to the characteristics of students of different age groups, focusing on key contents such as "preventing juvenile delinquency", "preventing school bullying", and "protecting minors", with special emphasis on the consequences of punishment for minors engaging in illegal and criminal acts, etc., and hold a special lecture by the deputy principal for rule of law every quarter in march, june, september, and december. at the same time, strengthen the construction of campus rule of law culture, combine school social practice activities, carry out "mock court", public open day, creation of rule of law cultural works and visits to rule of law publicity and education bases and other rule of law practice activities, carry out experiential and immersive legal education, and promote educating people by law.
(ii) improve the protection and counseling mechanism. according to the characteristics of different types of students, local education departments should promptly organize schools to carry out targeted legal education and establish a management account for students with bad behavior tendencies. the school's deputy principal of law should guide the school to strengthen crime prevention education and assist the school in conducting a heart-to-heart talk with students who violate discipline and regulations every month. when necessary, jointly with the local police station, conduct warning education for students and parents, urge minors to understand the law and fear, and prevent illegal and criminal acts from happening. we must actively use judicial assistance, legal aid, psychological counseling, guardianship intervention and other measures to strengthen the protection and assistance of students who have been abused, help minor victims resume normal study and life, and carry out special counseling and correction work on a regular basis.
(iii) improve the warning and investigation mechanism. the education department should combine the work of the deputy principal for rule of law with the daily work of the school, actively strengthen communication with the courts, procuratorates, public security, judicial and other selected departments, rely on the daily activities of the school, and carry out various forms of warning education activities based on the characteristics of young students. the deputy principal for rule of law of the school should wear uniforms to attend the flag-raising ceremony once a week, conduct campus inspections, and do a good job in warning education. guide the school to improve the safety management system, keep abreast of the security trends in the school and the surrounding areas of the campus, and make targeted work suggestions in a timely manner when problems and hidden dangers are found.
3. strengthen safeguards and summarize experience in a timely manner
(i) standardize daily records. the courts, procuratorates, public security, judicial and other departments should formulate a task record for the deputy principals of law in terms of working hours, work content, working methods, etc., focusing on legal education, student protection, safety management, crime prevention, etc. the work progress of the deputy principals of law should be recorded truthfully, and each time should be registered, each matter should be recorded, and effective solutions should be proposed. the education department should do a good job in organizing and guaranteeing the work of the deputy principals of law in each school, regularly understand the work progress of the deputy principals of law in school, participate in the research and judgment, and negotiate and improve relevant suggestions.
(ii) improve assessment and evaluation. the deputy principals of the rule of law shall implement an annual work evaluation feedback mechanism when they go to school to carry out their work. the appointed school shall organize the deputy principals of the rule of law to conduct work assessment and evaluation, and propose annual assessment opinions based on work records and specific performance of duties and submit them to the competent education department. the education department shall commend and reward the deputy principals of the rule of law who have outstanding work performance together with the dispatching department.
(iii) summarize experiences and achievements. all localities should earnestly strengthen organizational guidance, publicize and report on the advanced measures and special highlights of the work of deputy principals for rule of law, summarize and report once a semester, extract good experiences and effective practices in the work, form typical cases of deputy principals for rule of law in performing their duties, and report to the competent departments and the local education work leading group.
all municipal and state education departments are requested to carefully summarize the typical experiences of deputy principals of law in primary and secondary schools across the country, with a focus on reflecting the participation of deputy principals of law in preventing juvenile delinquency in schools, and submit the 2024 work report of deputy principals of law to the policy and regulations office of the provincial department of education before december 15.
contact: wang yu tel: 0971-6318814
qinghai provincial department of education
qinghai provincial high people's court
people's procuratorate of qinghai province
qinghai provincial public security department
qinghai provincial department of justice
september 5, 2024