
comment: if you don’t order food on campus, go to the playground to eat. don’t be too ugly when eating at school.


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schools that have introduced regulations prohibiting students from purchasing takeaways and prohibiting off-campus catering agencies from delivering meals to school need to pay more attention to students and parents' evaluation and acceptance of school cafeterias and meal ordering services.
if students don’t order meals on campus, they can only eat on the playground? according to reports, this happened in a private school. the video circulating online showed that many students squatted on the playground to eat their lunch boxes, and some students said they wanted to "scold the school" when facing the camera.
on september 5, the local education bureau told the media that after verification, some parents had commissioned off-campus catering companies to deliver meals or ordered takeout. the school did not arrange for these students to eat in a centralized area based on food safety management considerations. currently, the school’s student dining problem has been rectified.
although the matter came to an end with the education bureau urging the school to make rectifications and arranging for all students to have lunch in the classroom, the situation where students and their parents are not allowed to order takeout, or off-campus catering establishments are not allowed to deliver meals to the school on the grounds of food hygiene and safety, leading to disagreements among students, parents and the school, still needs to be taken seriously.
this scene in the school is perhaps a typical example of extreme treatment. if students do not order meals on campus, they can only eat by squatting on the playground. this way of dining inevitably makes people question whether it is a mandatory requirement for students and parents to order meals on campus. we do not know how the relevant parties negotiated beforehand, but when students were asked to squat on the playground to eat, it at least shows that some parents are actually unwilling to order meals on campus. so what are their concerns and what are they dissatisfied with? obviously, this should be the focus of the school, rather than taking some kind of mandatory or disguised mandatory means to force students and parents to comply.
the school said that this move was made for food safety considerations. however, if students do not order meals on campus, they can only eat on the playground. is this really a consideration for food safety? the lunch boxes are placed on the ground, and there are many mosquitoes and ants. some students eat on their knees with their butts sticking out. is this really good for students' health? when students and parents do not order meals on campus, the school treats them differently, and even punishes them. the school's eating style is too ugly. this deviates from the concern for the physical and mental health development of students and also damages the school's educational image.
from the perspective of ensuring food safety on campus, centralized meal supply in schools is conducive to clarifying responsibilities. however, centralized meal supply also requires respecting the right of choice of students and parents. it is necessary to attract students and parents to order meals on campus by providing high-quality and low-cost centralized meal supply services.
a basic common sense is that if ordering meals in school is cheaper than ordering meals outside the school, and the food is more delicious, why would parents order meals outside the school? generally speaking, schools that have introduced regulations prohibiting students from buying takeout and prohibiting off-campus catering institutions from delivering meals to school need to pay more attention to the evaluation and acceptance of school canteens and meal ordering services by students and parents. if you say that you value food hygiene and safety on the surface, but in fact you are just talking about business, such meal ordering services are destined to fail to satisfy more parents, but are likely to create contradictions and conflicts.
at present, the local education bureau said that the school's student dining problem has been rectified and all students have been arranged to have lunch in the classroom. according to reports, the problem of a small number of students and parents not wanting to order meals in school seems to have not been solved. in any case, this incident is a reminder that schools can no longer discriminate or even force them in various ways, but should listen to parents' opinions on ordering meals in school and improve the quality of school meals to dispel parents' concerns.
in fact, regarding centralized school meals, the "school food safety and nutrition and health management regulations" issued in 2019 clearly stated that schools should listen to the opinions of the parent committee or the student representative assembly and the faculty and staff representative assembly in an appropriate manner on major matters involving centralized school meals, such as food procurement, canteen management, and selection of meal suppliers, to protect the right to know, the right to participate, the right to choose, and the right to supervise of teachers, students, and parents. only by strictly implementing the regulations and establishing a smooth communication mechanism between home and school can we do a good job in campus food safety management and promote the healthy physical and mental development of every student.
jiang li, special commentator of red star news
editor: wang yintao
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