
from these stories, we can see how qianhai baoan formed the strongest cp


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shenzhen news network, september 6, 2024 (shenzhen business daily reporter wu suhong and li dan) in 2021, the area of ​​qianhai cooperation zone will expand from 14.92 square kilometers to 120.56 square kilometers, of which 82.75 square kilometers of bao'an district will be included in qianhai. "2/3 of qianhai is in bao'an, and 1/5 of bao'an belongs to qianhai", highlighting "acting in bao'an, using qianhai's advantages, and creating a demonstration in the bay area", is a vivid annotation of the integrated development of bao'an and qianhai.

on september 5, the 2024 tencent global digital ecosystem conference was held at the shenzhen international convention and exhibition center. this tencent's highest-level, largest-scale, and most extensive event has been held here for three consecutive years since 2022.

earlier on august 26, the "internet +" future science and technology city (also known as "penguin island") located in dachan bay, bao'an, once again dominated the screen: the first phase of penguin island is expected to be completed by the end of this year, and the landmark building, tencent headquarters building, will also start construction in early 2025.

enterprises are the main players in the market and are most sensitive to market information and opportunities. as an internet giant, tencent has made two key layouts for cutting-edge technologies in the qianhai area of ​​baoan, which is of great representative significance.

in 2021, the national strategy of qianhai expansion was implemented. the area of ​​the cooperation zone expanded from 14.92 square kilometers to 120.56 square kilometers, of which 82.75 square kilometers of bao'an district were included in qianhai. "two-thirds of qianhai is in bao'an, and one-fifth of bao'an belongs to qianhai", highlighting "doing things in bao'an, using qianhai's advantages, and creating a model for the bay area", is a vivid annotation of the integrated development of bao'an and qianhai.

over the past three years, in addition to the "hard core" of major national strategies and grand development plans, the daily perceptions and investment steps of enterprises and the public have "pieced together" a promising picture of the integrated development of qianhai.

brand effect: these place names are quietly changing

"i don't know when it started, but there are a lot of large shopping malls, parks and some businesses in the surrounding area that have the word 'qianhai' in front of their names." xiao jin, who lives in the central area of ​​bao'an, is a part-time blogger on xiaohongshu. on her account "xiao jin is a bit sweet", she often shares the food and scenery of bao'an. in her impression, in the pictures and texts shared in the past two years, "qianhai" has become a standard feature of the place names of businesses in more and more business promotions. "for example, yifangcheng, which is familiar to bao'an people, has been renamed qianhai yifangcheng. the xiwan-qianhaiwan slow path, which has recently become popular on social platforms, is 6 kilometers long and smoothly connects the central area of ​​bao'an and the central area of ​​qianhai, with everything available for cycling, walking and running."

xiao jin's subtle perception is the concrete expression of the "big picture" of qianhai's development in people's lives. for many companies, the word "qianhai" is a manifestation of the company's strength and brand effect.

"we are very optimistic about the development prospects of qianhai. after the project is added with 'shenzhen qianhai', it will not only be conducive to attracting investment, but also allow tourists to have a clearer understanding of the project's location." the person in charge of the shenzhen qianhai huafa ice and snow world project told reporters. the shenzhen qianhai huafa ice and snow world, which is under construction, is located in shajing street, bao'an district, within the scope of the qianhai expansion area. after completion, it will become the world's largest and the domestically highest indoor super snow center. for the cultural and tourism industry, the radiation capacity of "shenzhen qianhai" is a resounding golden signboard.

driving effect: a landmark activates a chain

"this is the tencent penguin island i took in 2021. it was still an empty lot at the time. these are the photos and videos i took again last month. netizens lamented that it felt like a science fiction movie." in a cafe in bao'an central district, photographer and blogger liu qinglin showed reporters the latest video of tencent penguin island that he had just posted on the video account.

in 2019, photography enthusiast liu qinglin came to bao'an and began to record the changes in the city with his camera. qianhai stone park, bao'an central district, international convention and exhibition center, shenzhen-zhongshan link... every year, he uses his camera to keep up with the pace of development of this urban area and witness the birth of one bay area landmark after another in daqianhai.

after the expansion, qianhai has not only expanded in area. with the "expansion" of policy dividends, the story of "a landmark activating a chain" is unfolding.

tencent's "penguin island" has a driving effect on the surrounding areas, and has demonstrated its real "cash power". at present, tencent-related companies including tencent tianyou, tencent cloud technology, tencent feitai technology, etc. have quietly laid out in bao'an, thereby driving upstream and downstream companies to rush in.

shenzhen binhai art center, located in the central area of ​​bao'an, is one of the performing arts venues with the highest standards of comprehensive facilities and equipment in shenzhen. since its official opening in september 2021, it has held more than 400 performances and has become one of the favorite performance venues for international and domestic ip dramas. what is particularly noteworthy is that among the audience groups, nearly 30% are from surrounding cities, radiating to hong kong, macau and other cities in the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area. "cross-city viewing" is becoming a new trend.

linkage effect: qianhai baoan is moving forward hand in hand

over the past three years, with the intensive implementation of many major national strategies and century-long projects in the greater qianhai area, the cooperation and linkage between bao'an and qianhai has continued to deepen, and the development of the qianhai bao'an area has been comprehensively accelerated and improved.

in 2023, the gdp of qianhai cooperation zone will reach 246.41 billion yuan, an increase of 15%. among them, the baoan qianhai area will reach 138.19 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17%. the revenue of the service industry above designated size in qianhai cooperation zone will reach 445.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.2%, of which the baoan qianhai area will reach 252.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 55.3%.

looking at development beyond the data, beyond the stories of citizens' lives and corporate development, the collaboration between qianhai and bao'an has become an innovative measure to create a first-class business environment.

just on august 29, bao'an joined hands with qianhai to hold the "central and local state-owned enterprises tour in shenzhen" event, where 17 central and local cooperation projects including china coal (shenzhen) research institute moved in, with a total intended investment of 26.28 billion yuan.

in terms of serving enterprises, bao'an and qianhai jointly built the qianhai port enterprise service center, focusing on the core needs of hong kong businessmen and enterprises in qianhai for entrepreneurship, investment, employment, and life, and providing integrated online and offline services. data from the bao'an district enterprise service center shows that since 2024, bao'an district and the qianhai administration have jointly held 33 events, which have effectively promoted the exchange of resources between bao'an and qianhai, and promoted bao'an enterprises to be familiar with and make good use of qianhai's preferential policies.

in terms of education, bao'an has built a vocational talent training base for shenzhen and hong kong to help connect talents between shenzhen and hong kong, and has promoted the pairing of hong kong and macao sister schools between the bao'an district schools in qianhai expansion area and the schools in hong kong and macao, promoting regular exchanges between sister schools in shenzhen and hong kong. in terms of medical care, bao'an district people's hospital, bao'an district central hospital, and southern medical university shenzhen hospital have all established hong kong and macao residents health service centers to provide hong kong-style general medical treatment services to hong kong and macao residents, foreigners, and local residents.
