
school has started. some new routes have no news, and some old routes have stopped running. i hope these school buses will come soon.


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it is the beginning of the new school year. due to multiple factors such as campus adjustments and new students, parents' attention to school buses has increased again. in recent days, some parents have called our newspaper and the 12345 citizen hotline to ask why the school buses that have been running for a semester have disappeared and why there is no news about the routes that were supposed to be opened... reporters quickly launched an investigation.
there is only bus no. 5 that goes directly to yaer hutong primary school. during the school rush hour, there are many parents and students waiting for the bus.
the distance is not enough, so the new line cannot be opened
at the beginning of the new school year, due to the adjustment of the campus, some students have to go to school farther away. many students and parents in jin'an home, chaoyang district, hope to have a school bus to send them to school. some parents reported that their children go to jinze primary school of capital normal university. starting from this semester, the school is divided into upper and lower departments. senior students need to go to the new campus which is farther away for classes, so sending them to school has become a problem. for families with two children, the problem is even more difficult to solve.
"the old campus is just opposite jin'an home, just across the street. my two children, one is in the second grade and the other is in the fourth grade." mr. wang, a parent, said that it was very convenient to send both children to school at the same time in the past. but now, first and second grade students stay in the old campus, and other grade students have to go to the new campus about 2 kilometers away. mr. wang's two children happen to be in the lower department and the higher department. "it's impossible to pick them up and drop them off at the same time. the two children go to school at almost the same time. i have to ask them to get up half an hour earlier and go out together, and send one first and then the other. what's more troublesome is to pick up the children from school. there is no other way but to let the older child wait a little longer." he admitted that he had no choice but to ride an electric bike to take them to school. "although it saves time, it is indeed unsafe."
on september 2, the reporter came to jin'an home and walked from the community to the new campus, passing kangju middle street, kanggezhuang road, yunfu south road, and yunfu north road. both sides of the road are residential areas, with heavy traffic. parents are indeed worried if they let their primary school students go to school alone. in addition to walking to the school, there is only bus no. 650 going to the school along the way. after getting off the bus, the children still have to walk nearly 1 kilometer and cross an intersection to reach the school.
parents are very worried about this. the distance from home to the new campus is about 2 kilometers. although it doesn't sound far, it takes more than 20 minutes to walk at the fastest speed. the elderly walk slowly with the children, so it takes even longer. "we don't have time to pick up and drop off our children during work. the elderly can't ride a bicycle with two children, and the bus doesn't go directly. it's too inconvenient."
in fact, parents have long known about the establishment of a new campus. less than two weeks before the start of school, the school issued a notice in the parent group to investigate the needs of each family for school commuting. the school said it would sort out the survey results and submit them to the relevant departments for evaluation, which made parents feel relieved.
"with the school bus, we don't have to worry about sending our children to school anymore." mr. zhang, a parent, said that after the school issued the notice, parents were very excited, but as the days passed, school was about to start, and there was no news about the school bus, so everyone became anxious and asked around. "i consulted the school teacher and was told that there is still no news." a parent confirmed that after consulting with many parties, they learned that the distance for the school bus to run is more than 3 kilometers, and their situation does not meet the conditions for opening.
"when we learned about this, the school was about to start, and it was too late to think of other solutions." many parents were worried again because the school bus had not arrived. "you can't just look at the distance. although it's not far, it's really hard to go to school." some parents said that they searched for a long time about the "3-kilometer" limit but couldn't find any official explanation. no one knows what the conditions are for applying for a new school bus route.
there are many lines, but they can't keep up with the new changes
"there are several bus routes passing through our area, and i thought i would be able to find a suitable one." it was not until the start of the school year that the parent ms. liu realized that her hopes were dashed. ms. liu lives in yuzhong xili, xicheng district, which is under the jurisdiction of desheng sub-district. her child was assigned to yaer hutong primary school, which is under the jurisdiction of shichahai sub-district. children need to cross the north third ring road and the north second ring road to go to school from north to south. riding a bicycle to school poses a safety hazard, and there are many traffic jams along the way when driving, which makes it easy to be late. "it would be great if there was a bus to school. it would take the bus lane without traffic jams and go directly to the school in one stop. parents would have less worries."
on the afternoon of september 4, the reporter went to yaer hutong primary school and saw a long queue of parents picking up their children, most of whom were elderly. when the "little yellow hats" poured out of the school gate, the bus stop in front of the school gate immediately became lively. grandparents carried their children's schoolbags and stretched their necks to look towards gulou west street, hoping that the no. 5 bus would come soon. an elderly person said that if there was a traffic jam, the no. 5 bus would take up to 20 minutes to wait, and there was no guarantee of a seat even if you got on the bus, which was a bit too much for the elderly and children.
at the station, the reporter asked the parents and learned that although they did not all live in yuzhongxili, they all wanted to return to their homes north of the north third ring road, and many of them lived in desheng subdistrict. "if a department could do a statistics and find a unified boarding point for several nearby communities, it would definitely be more convenient for everyone to 'pool' together for the school bus than waiting for the bus individually now."
the inquiry found that there are actually quite a few buses that can be taken from desheng subdistrict to yaer hutong primary school, but except for bus no. 5, almost all other routes require walking a considerable distance before and after getting on the bus. for example, if you take bus no. 82, you have to walk about 1.5 kilometers; if you take bus no. 55, you have to walk about 1.6 kilometers; if you take bus no. 625, you have to walk about 1.8 kilometers...
as the parents said, there are indeed many school buses passing through yuzhong xili community, and they are considered "big players" in the entire xicheng district. when the school bus was first introduced last semester, there were about 300 families in the community who chose to take the bus, with a total of 11 routes. this semester, the number of school bus routes has increased to 16. there are three boarding points in the community, and community staff have to go to the scene every day to maintain order. community staff said that these school buses connect various primary schools in desheng area, but due to the adjustment of educational resources, some children were unable to enroll nearby and were coordinated to schools in surrounding areas, such as the affiliated primary school of west china normal university and yaer hutong primary school, and the previous routes could not cover them.
according to statistics from a parent, there are about 20 children from yuzhongxili community who go to yaerhutong primary school. "they should meet the conditions for opening a school route, but we don't know which department to apply to."
due to insufficient number of people, the old route was cancelled
school has started, and some parents of the science city north branch of zhongguancun no. 2 primary school in haidian district are also worried. the 401 school bus that opened last semester announced that it would suspend operations. parents said that this change came too suddenly and no one had time to prepare in advance.
according to parents, route 401 runs between dezheng road (qiulu garden) and zhongguancun no. 2 primary school kebei branch, serving residents of jinghe garden, xialin garden, qiulu garden and other communities. these communities are more than 3 kilometers away from the school and there are no direct buses, so the transfer time is nearly 1 hour. "last semester, when this bus was available, there were about a dozen children taking the bus to school every morning, and fewer people taking the bus after school in the afternoon."
according to information provided by parents, on july 29, zhongguancun no. 2 primary school issued a "notice on payment of school bus fees", requiring parents in need to complete the payment before july 31. as the payment period was only two or three days, some parents failed to see the message in time and thus missed the payment.
considering that there are still many parents who need it, the school decided to conduct a second round of registration and payment. according to the "registration notice for the school bus" issued by the school on august 19, the students who took the bus last semester and the new students who took the bus this semester were notified separately, and in the "route selection" it was written that "currently, the routes we have opened include 401 dezheng road (qiulu garden) - zhongguancun no. 2 primary school kebei branch". the condition for opening the route is still that at least 10 students register, and the registration time ends at 10 pm on august 20.
a parent told the reporter that after the second payment channel was opened, everyone paid attention and paid in time. according to the school, the number of people who paid reached 18, which met the opening requirement of 10 people. "we thought that the school bus would definitely continue to operate, and we felt relieved."
however, until the start of the school year, route 401 still had not been able to resume operation. according to a message in the wechat group of parents of the school bus, the school was notified that as of july 31, the number of people who paid the fee was less than 14, and route 401 would not be opened for the time being. this puzzled the parents: first, why did the second payment not count? why was the deadline for statistics still based on the deadline for the first payment? why were the information from the school and relevant departments out of sync? second, why did the original minimum number of 10 people suddenly increase to 14 people?
parents said that now they can only ride electric bikes to pick up their children from school every day, which is not as fast as driving. in addition, they have to pass a section of road without a bicycle lane, with many large vehicles and poor road conditions. if they take a detour, the distance to school is 5 kilometers.
as of press time, a parent revealed that after inquiring from many sources, the bus department said it would try to resume the 401 bus for school students this month. however, this response still makes everyone uneasy. "until now, all the information is vague. when will it be resumed? can it be officially announced? otherwise, if more parents back out, 14 people may not be enough, and parents who need the bus will still not be able to get it by then."
more open, more flexible and more convenient
regarding the application process for school buses, the reporter learned from relevant departments that the current opening of school bus routes is in the pilot promotion stage. according to the "beijing customized school bus operation service supervision rules (trial)", the school should be responsible for organizing and collecting the needs of parents for school bus routes, stops, time, number of people, etc., and feedback to the district education committee special team. after approval by the district education committee special team, the transportation company will be submitted to the transportation company for new routes, new stops, relocation of stops, adjustment of departure times, and other service needs. parents can reflect their needs to the school, and they can also search for the "beijing tong" applet on various mobile platforms and learn more details through channels such as "customized school bus service".
when the reporter asked the relevant departments for more details, he learned that in order to ensure sustainable operation, the current school bus routes do have a minimum requirement of 14 people, but there are no clear regulations on how far the residential area should be from the school to meet the standard.
parents suggested that the education committees and transportation departments of each district should have smoother communication channels with schools and parents, and that the information of all parties should be synchronized so that everyone can better understand the application process and conditions for opening the school bus. at the same time, they hope that the relevant departments can be more considerate of the actual difficulties of parents in sending their children to school, and more reasonably judge whether the operating routes can be increased and whether the opened routes should be retained. for situations where the number of people on the separately opened routes has not yet reached the standard, but there are no direct buses and the road conditions are relatively complicated, more flexible arrangements can be made, such as developing mini buses or merging routes to solve the problem of sending children to school.