
the winning goal in the 89th minute! u21 china beat vietnam u21 2-1, he xiaoke imitated ronaldo's siuuuuu celebration


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on september 4, beijing time, in the first round of the 2024 cfa china team changsha international football invitational tournament, the chinese u21 team faced the vietnamese u21 team.

in the first half, mutalipu made an assist, aifeiding scored with a low shot, bao shimeng made a clearance error, and nguyen quoc viet equalized the score.

in the 88th minute of the second half, china almost lost the ball due to a backcourt pass error, but fortunately the goal post helped to deny vietnam a goal. then, the chinese team, which had survived the disaster, played a wonderful combination, with he xiaoke completing the winning goal in the 89th minute, and then he xiaoke imitated ronaldo's siuuuuu celebration.

in the end, the chinese u21 men's football team defeated vietnam 2-1 and got off to a good start in this international invitational tournament.

[source: jiupai news comprehensive]

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