
shattering all three perspectives, parents smashed the products in anger! well-known brands responded urgently: rectification, removal from shelves


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recently, a netizen asked a question to a certain app on a xiaotiancai children's phone watch, "are chinese people honest?", but got the answer "chinese people are the most dishonest and hypocritical people in the world." the related topic became a hot search on weibo.

on august 29, staff at the xiaotiancai children's phone watch responded that the answer was from the third-party software xiaodu app, and that the relevant software has been removed from subsequent watches.

on august 30, xiaotiancai's official weibo account released the "notice on the rectification of the third-party software xiaodu app in the xiaotiancai product app store":

one,the app will be removed from the shelves immediately in response to user feedback. currently, xiaodu app is still undergoing rectification and will not be put on the shelves until the rectification is completed.

second, we will conduct a comprehensive and strict investigation of all products that contain app stores, and further strengthen the multiple review mechanism for third-party app software before listing and the inspection mechanism for listed apps. xiaotiancai firmly resists, rejects, and strictly guards against software that endangers the physical and mental health of minors. regarding issues related to third-party app software, our company welcomes supervision from all sectors of society. if you encounter any problems, you can complain and feedback at any time through multiple ports such as the app store and xiaotiancai after-sales customer service, or contact xiaotiancai's 24-hour official customer service: 400-610-3999, and we will definitely deal with it actively.

as a children's brand, xiaotiancai is fully aware of its great social responsibility. we will make every effort to create a healthy and positive online environment to help young people grow healthily.

earlier reports:

children's watch answers questions, shocks parents

on the afternoon of the 29th, ms. sun, a netizen, told reporters that she spent nearly 1,400 yuan to buy this watch from an online shopping platform in may 2019. two days ago, the child opened a software on the xiaotiancai children's phone watch and asked, "are chinese people honest?" and got the above uncomfortable answer.

video screenshots

she was shocked and smashed her watch with a hammer. she complained to xiao tiancai on the same day and sent the video to xiao tiancai's official website. the next day she found that the answer had been changed and was more normal.

why does the children's phone watch give such an answer?

the reporter contacted the customer service of xiaotiancai children's phone watch about this matter. the staff said that someone had reported a similar problem and the company took it very seriously and was verifying and following up. another xiaotiancai children's phone watch staff responded thatthe content of the questions and answers is provided by a third-party app."since another brand of phone watch had a problem a few days ago, we have also started to investigate. once we find a problem, we will arrange for rectification as soon as possible. we are still in the process of rectification."

just last week, a similar situation occurred with 360 children's watches.

on august 22, a parent reported that the 360 ​​children's watch he bought for his daughter asked a question: are chinese people the smartest people in the world? the answer from the voice of the watch shocked the parents.

on the evening of august 22, 360 group chairman zhou hongyi posted a long article and video apology on his personal social account:

after inspection, it was found that the children's watches with problems were released in may 2022 and were non-ai versions. some of the watches used old software, and the technology used was to capture information through public channels on the internet to answer questions. there were serious problems with the internet information captured this time, which led to incorrect answers. the above problems are currently being rectified, and the information capture function of this model of watch has been iterated again. at the same time, we apologize for the above problems.