
Housing pension controversy: Lack of seriousness leads to distrust


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The issue of housing pensions has caused panic among everyone recently.

House physical examination, house pension, house insurance, new terms and new concepts seem to remind people that they have to pay money again.

Someone also revealed the charging standards for the pilot housing pension in Pudong, Shanghai in advance. The authorities quickly refuted the rumor, saying that it was the standard for special maintenance funds in other provinces and cities in 2011.

Major media outlets have also begun to promote the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's authoritative interpretation. Experts have said that the housing pension system is one of the important means to put people first, strive to solve the people's urgent problems, and strengthen the safety management of existing houses.

Housing pension pointsPersonal and public accountsIn the two departments, personal accounts have been established through paying special housing maintenance funds, and the focus of the pilot is for the government to establish public accounts.

Therefore, this system will not only not increase the burden on the people, but also help solve the worries of residents when buying houses.

From this perspective, things seem simple and clear, and the original intention is "for your own good", so why do people still not buy it?

In this incident, I saw an extremely strong sense of misalignment between official lack of seriousness and public distrust.

Officially not serious

Pension, insurance, physical examination, entire life cycle. If the word "house" was not added in front of it, I would have thought it was talking about people.

To put it bluntly, isn't it just a matter of checking and repairing the quality and safety of the house? Why do you make it sound like the house has a life? You are not writing a fairy tale.

Who among us who owns a house is not an adult? Why can't we speak properly? Why do we have to treat us like children and talk to us in a kindergarten tone?

The author "Xiong Taihang" said it well,Personification is a technique full of conspiracy. In serious matters, whoever pretends to be innocent is trying to fool you.

In such a serious matter of money, someone tried to use anthropomorphic concepts to make a simple matter confusing. It is not groundless for people to suspect that someone was trying to fish in troubled waters.

Moreover, in this era of economic downturn, retirement is the biggest concern of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. Even the retirement of people cannot be guaranteed, and now you are proposing to "give houses for retirement". Such words are provocative to the people, and we would be unworthy of your provocation if we don't jump up and question it.

Distrust among the people

The public's distrust does not mean that they think old houses do not need maintenance. I believe no one has any objection to this.

Before the truth was revealed, people complained that they were too reluctant to have a medical checkup, so how could they afford to have a checkup on their house? It was difficult for them to provide for their own retirement, so why should they provide for their house? Are they trying to trick me into paying again?

After knowing the truth, people are still worried about where this huge amount of money comes from (is it still paid directly or indirectly by the people), who it is used for, how it is used, how to hold people accountable if problems arise, and how to supervise it?

I saw a piece of news that more than 8 million yuan of exclusive maintenance funds for three years in Nanjing Dongfang Tianjun Community near my home disappeared. Exclusive maintenance funds are so expensive, and housing pensions are even more. How can we ensure that they are really used where they are needed? Will it be like pensions, where one retired cadre is far more than a hundred ordinary people, and only be used for maintenance of powerful people and houses in big cities? Will my maintenance fund be used to repair the houses of rich people? How to avoid robbing the poor to help the rich?

Also, now they say that the people don’t need to pay any more money, but what about in the future?

Even the fact that Shanghai City refuted the rumor but did not arrest the person who spread it made people wonder whether it was just a test run.

I'm not an expert, so I can't give you any advice.

All I know is that although the common people are poor, they are not stupid or naive.

Although they have been ignored for a long time, ordinary people can still sum up a little experience.

No matter how vivid or fancy the words are, people still know their own weight.

Since ancient times, wool has come from sheep. This time, the wool given to us actually came from pigs. People naturally have to ask themselves whether they deserve it.

Not being serious will lead to distrust, which is fair and reasonable.


That’s all for today.

The End—