
"There are 36 boys and 12 girls in our class!" Are there more and more boys in Hangzhou's high school? A set of data reveals the trend changes in the past four years


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There are only a few days left in the summer vacation, but for the first-year high school students, the new semester has already begun and many high schools are undergoing military training.
Some parents from teachersFrom the group photos posted, we can see that there are many boys in the class.A mother told the reporter from Chengshi Interactive"There are only 12 girls in our class and 36 boys, which is a huge disparity."
Some parents even posted the data that was widely circulated on the internet, showing that among the dozen or so schools, the vast majority had more boys than students.One can't help but ask: Are there more and more boys in key high schools now?
Online pictures
Four-year comparison:The number of boys has decreased
The above picture shows the ratio of male and female students in several high schools.It mainly includes the first batch of admissions for the junior high school entrance examination and the admissions of assigned students. These two items account for the bulk of high school admissions.
Let’s look at the two data separately, starting with the first batch of admissions for the high school entrance examination.
The reporter made a simple comparison based on the admission lists of various schools released by the Hangzhou Municipal Education Bureau.
Hangzhou No.2 Middle School Binjiang CampusThe ratio of male to female students admitted this year is1.45:1
Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School Xixi CampusThe ratio of male to female students admitted this year is1.41:1
Hangzhou Senior High School Gongyuan CampusThe ratio of male to female students admitted this year is1.1:1
In these schools, there are indeed more boys who enter through the high school entrance examination.
Now let’s look at the admission of assigned students.
Hangzhou No.2 Middle School Binjiang CampusdistrictThe ratio of male to female students admitted this year is1.05:1
Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School Xixi CampusThe ratio of male to female students admitted this year is1.19:1
Hangzhou Senior High School Gongyuan CampusThe ratio of male to female students admitted this year is0.82:1
The data has changed a bit. The proportion of boys among the assigned students has decreased compared to the proportion of boys admitted through the high school entrance examination. In other words,In the pointsIn the process of matching students for admission, more girls are enrolledEspecially in the Hangzhou-Gaotong University campus, the number of female students exceeds that of male students.
Finally, combining the two data, there are more boys than girls in Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School and Xuejun Middle School, while there are 30 more girls than boys in Hangzhou High School.
Is this situation only happening this year? How was it in previous years? Coincidentally, the reporter had paid attention to the ratio of male to female students in these schools in the first batch of high school entrance examinations a few years ago.
Hangzhou No.2 Middle School Binjiang Campus,The ratio of male to female students admitted in 2020 was 1.7:1, and 1.44:1 in 2021. This year it is 1.45:1.
Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School Xixi Campus,The ratio of male to female students admitted in 2020 was 2.08:1, and 1.17:1 in 2021. This year it is 1.41:1.
Hangzhou Senior High School Gongyuan Campus,The ratio of male to female students admitted in 2020 was 1.33:1. In 2021, it was 1.36:1. This year, it is 1.1:1.
What changes have taken place from 2020 to 2024?
The ratio of male to female students in these schools (the first batch of admissions through the senior high school entrance examination) is on a downward trend, that is, the number of boys is decreasing, while the number of girls entering these key high schools is increasing.
Some schools have more boys this year.There aren't enough dormitories.
In addition to the comparison between schools, the reporter also interviewed several high schools, hoping to see the number of male and female students in the entire school from a sample of one school.
One school sent the complete data to the reporter.The ratio of boys to girls in the three grades is different. There are more than 30 more boys than girls in the third grade, and the number of boys and girls in the second grade is the same.Similarly, there are more than 30 more girls than boys in the first year of high school.
A head teacher who has worked in this school for more than ten years said that the number of male and female students changes every year and there seems to be no pattern or trend.
In addition to parents, high schools are also paying attention to the ratio of male to female students.
becauseMost high schools in Hangzhou are boarding schools, and dormitories are arranged every year based on the gender and number of students.Therefore, the teachers in charge of dormitory allocation have some intuitive feelings about this.
A high school teacher in charge of logistics said: "In general, the number of male and female students is relatively balanced. However, when our school's girls' dormitory was first built, it was slightly larger than the boys' dormitory, so there were always vacant beds.Last year, there were more girls enrolling, so the school was fully occupied, with not even a single empty bed.
Another high school teacher said that every year, they collect students’ accommodation information from the beginning of August and arrange dormitories, which usually takes until the end of August.This year, there are 20 more boys than girls in the school, so there are not enough beds.. Fortunately, a few days ago, some senior students decided to go to school as day students, so a dozen extra beds were vacated, which were just right for these new freshman boys. "
There seem to be more boys.There may be several reasons
Why do there seem to be more boys in key high schools? Is it because boys do better in the high school entrance exam than girls?The reporter talked to several middle school teachers. According to their analysis, there may be several reasons:
1. Among the third-year junior high school graduates, there are more boys than girls.
The children who are in the first year of high school this year were born in the second half of 2008 and 2009.
At that time, the national sex ratio at birth was around 120, and in 2009 it dropped slightly to 119.45, which means that for every 100 female babies born, there were about 120 male babies born.From birth, there are more boys.
2. In some high school classes, there are more boys.
In some classes in high schools,The majority of students chose physics + chemistry or physics + other subjects.
Two years ago, the reporter discussed this topic with everyone. At that time, a picture of the school's morning reading was posted. At first glance, it seemed that there were many boys, and only a few girls, interspersed among the boys.
The head teacher saidThis was the science experimental class for the second year of high school. The subjects of the college entrance examination were physics and technology. There were 45 students in total, 7 of whom were girls. The total number of students in the second year of high school was 720, and the ratio of male and female students was balanced.
In high school, depending on the elective subjects, there may indeed be more boys or more girls.
Teacher Liu from the senior year said: "Our class is a science experimental class, and all of us are students who have chosen to take physics and chemistry. There are 48 students in the class, 33 boys and 15 girls. However,There are more girls in the liberal arts experimental class, which is almost the opposite of the data in the science class. I taught parallel classes in the past two years, and the number of boys and girls was roughly the same, with little difference.。”
Another senior teacher's class is the strongest in the grade, with 38 boys and 8 girls. "The class is full of students who have chosen to take the physics, chemistry and biology exams. Although there are few girls, they are all very strong and are among the best in the grade."
3. Mentality and response to the high school entrance examination
A teacher said that the high school entrance exams in the past two years have focused on basic knowledge and are not very difficult. When it comes to big exams, boys are more likely to be affected less. "If girls maintain their mentality, they are more likely to get high scores because they answer questions carefully."
Another teacher said that there might be relatively more boys among the third-year junior high school graduates, but in the two aspects of the high school entrance examination that emphasize basic knowledge and standardized answering, more serious girls have an advantage, so their numbers have increased.
What should everyone pay attention to
During the interview, many teachers said that the number of male and female students in high schools is generally balanced.
Another teacher reminded everyone to look at it rationally: "In addition to the assigned students and the first batch, a school also admits students with special talents every year. Many schools recruit more than 30 students with special talents every year. There are also schools that have international classes, art classes, and Xi'an Jiaotong University's junior classes." A high school teacher said,The data is incomplete and the sample is too small, and it does not cover more than two or three classes of students, so it basically means nothing.
Finally, a high school principal said:It is meaningless to pay attention to the ratio of boys to girls. The most important thing is to let children pay attention to their study habits and improve their thinking quality.The current high school entrance exam tests students' core literacy and their ability to use knowledge to solve problems. Therefore, parents should focus on letting their children focus on themselves and constantly improve themselves. This is the key point.

Orange and Persimmon Interactive·Metropolitan Express
