
Sun Yang cried after winning the championship and signed two endorsement deals within 16 days of his comeback


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On the evening of August 25, in the men's 400m freestyle final of the 2024 National Summer Swimming Championships held in Hefei, Anhui, Sun Yang won the championship with a time of 3 minutes 49.58 seconds.
Subsequently, related topics became hot searches.
This was the first event that Sun Yang participated in after his comeback. It had been more than four years since his last competition. Now he was back on the field and standing on the highest podium of the competition. Sun Yang started his professional career again with a gold medal.
“This is a good start”
"I could have done better." This was the first thing Sun Yang said when he walked into the mixed interview area after the game.
He admitted that he had not competed in the past four years and had become much less familiar with the rhythm and control of the game, but he was still happy with his achievement, "It's a good start for my comeback."
"In the past four years, I have experienced going from the peak to the bottom, and then climbing out of the bottom step by step," Sun Yang said. During the more than four years of suspension, he has been training and treating injuries at his own expense.
"Whether I win or lose, I want to give it a try," he suppressed his emotions and did not cry, telling everyone about his future plans and intentions, "I will continue to try more projects to practice my abilities and recover better in future competitions and training."
Now that he has won the gold medal, he plans to spend some time with his family first.
Sun Yang cried after the game!
After the interview, Sun Yang went backstage and saw his wife Zhang Doudou waiting for him with flowers in her hands. He sat on a bench in the aisle and burst into tears. The emotions accumulated over four years of hard times burst out at this moment.
In the preliminaries of this event that morning, Sun Yang entered the finals with a time of 3 minutes 54.98 seconds, ranking first in the preliminary group.
In an interview after the group stage, he said that returning to the competition venue was a familiar feeling, but at the same time he was also very nervous and anxious. Talking about his family, Sun Yang choked up and cried, "It is with the support of my family that I can get to where I am today."
On May 28 this year, Sun Yang's four-year and three-month suspension ended. After winning the championship on the 25th, he posted on social media: "I want to sincerely thank every step I have taken. Those victories, failures and setbacks taught me how to face the difficulties and challenges of life and how to make myself stronger and more confident."
Currently, Sun Yang is still the Olympic record holder in the men's 400m freestyle.
In addition, according to media statistics, Sun Yang got an endorsement contract on the day of his ban being lifted, and signed two endorsement contracts in 16 days of his comeback. From a 69 million endorsement agent to a 10 million anchor, and then to returning to the swimming pool after the ban was lifted, it will take some time for Sun Yang's personal IP value to recover.
(Yangcheng Evening News•Yangcheng School Comprehensive from Chao News, China Blue News, Xinhua News Agency, The Paper, @Beijing Youth Daily Sports, @Lizhi News)