
Jianzha County: Promoting college students to pursue their dreams in the village by "doing four things"


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Since the beginning of this year, Jianzha County of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has carried out in-depth work on "serving" college students in villages, relying on the "three-level secretary" to implement the work pattern, taking "four do's" as the work orientation, and widely carrying out "linked publicity, talent-based introduction, and follow-up training", taking the lead in allowing students to return home, realize their dreams, and help with revitalization.
Make sure to "get a full picture" of the situation. Taking advantage of the peak of college students returning home, we launched the "Love for Hometown" activity, and through the "online communication + offline interview" method, we fully understand the employment situation, willingness to return home, etc. At present, there are 174 college students serving in villages across the county, covering 85.3% of administrative villages. Make sure that the employment policies are "fully explained". We will gather the strength of the county-level township leaders, the village "two committees" team, and the volunteer team, and widely publicize the employment policies such as the improvement of village cadres' treatment and the recruitment of village cadres as civil servants, so as to fully show college students the "gorgeous stage" of rural revitalization and effectively reverse the professional prejudice against village cadres. Make sure that all those who meet the conditions are "fully mobilized". Through WeChat contact and telephone interviews, we will ensure that college students are fully aware of the employment policies and clear about the job prospects. In combination with the reserve of village-level reserve talents, 47 college students will be included in the village-level reserve cadres. Make sure that key targets are "fully visited". We implemented the "two threes" mobilization method, requiring three groups of people, namely, village leaders, village party branch secretaries, and village cadres, to communicate with key targets via WeChat, conduct telephone interviews, and visit their homes at least once, in order to attract them with treatment, hire them with careers, and retain them with emotion. This resulted in the successful addition of 26 college students to the village's "two committees" during the year, a growth rate of 47.3%.
(Geng Yujie)
Qinghai Daily (August 26, 2024, Page 7: Provincial News)
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