
High-quality development depends on state-owned enterprises in Shanxi: Outstanding Party worker of Huaxin Gas Group - Zhu Dong, Party Secretary and Chairman of Taiyuan Gas Group


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Huaxin Gas Group Co., Ltd. 2023-2024 Outstanding Party Worker - Zhu Dong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Taiyuan Gas Group
Zhu Dong, currently serving as Party Secretary and Chairman of Taiyuan Gas Group, has broad thinking, steady actions, decisive decisions, rigorous attitude and solid work style. He has always been firm in his ideals and beliefs, adhered to his original mission, and had the courage to take responsibility. He conscientiously performed the duties of the first person in charge of the Party Committee, resolutely implemented the various policies and guidelines of the Party Central Committee, conscientiously implemented the various decisions and arrangements of the Party Committee of the Group, led all employees of the company to do their best for the development of the enterprise, and constantly explored a business path suitable for the company's development characteristics.
Study hard and think well to improve political character
As the Party Committee Secretary, he firmly established political ideals, correctly grasped the political direction, and always strengthened political responsibility. He took the lead in learning, strengthening party spirit, and setting an example. He earnestly promoted the implementation of the "first topic" system, played the exemplary role of the theoretical learning center group, and established a "three-level linkage" normalized learning mechanism. He created a theoretical armed system led by the Party Committee's theoretical learning center group, focused on party members and cadres, and based on party branches, and effectively strengthened party members' learning and education and improved their political literacy. Since the launch of party discipline learning and education this year, he has insisted on high-level promotion, convened a party committee meeting to lead the study of the spirit of the document, specially deployed related work, formulated work plans, established communication and coordination, regular scheduling and other working mechanisms, regularly held discussions, learned the latest requirements, studied specific matters, and strengthened integrated promotion, forming a good working situation of "one level leading another level", and guiding the majority of party members and cadres to truly learn, know, understand, and abide by discipline. He often encourages the majority of party members and cadres to integrate learning into their daily lives. He said, "Learning is an important way for cadres to grow and a necessary path to enhance their capabilities and improve their levels. We must regard learning as a political responsibility, a spiritual pursuit, and a state of mind, so that we can be confident in learning and cultivate our talents through accumulation."
Seeking truth and being pragmatic, strengthening party branch construction
Zhu Dong deeply realized that the grassroots organizations of the Party are the foundation of all the work and combat effectiveness of the Party. He insisted on building a solid foundation at the grassroots level and made the comprehensive promotion of the "five standardizations" of grassroots Party organizations one of the current priorities. Strictly promote the implementation of the "three meetings and one lesson" system, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of Party members, ensure the advanced nature and self-revolution of Party members, and strive to strengthen the grassroots political functions; continue to promote the project management of Party building and the creation of the "one enterprise, one product, one branch, one feature" Party building brand, apply for the provincial Party building project "Data Collection and Analysis Methods for Ideological and Political Work in Shanxi Province in the Big Data Era", improve the grassroots Party organization assessment mechanism, increase the weight of grassroots Party building work, explore the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the classification and grading of grassroots Party organizations, and strive to improve the grassroots organizational strength; focus on promoting the creation of the Taiyuan Gas Red Flag Party Committee and benchmark branch, deeply integrate the creation of the "double six" project with the construction of grassroots organizations, set up "Party member pioneer posts" and "Party member responsibility areas", create the group's 6S benchmark units, give full play to the demonstration and leading role, carry forward the spirit of model examples, and strive to improve the grassroots combat effectiveness.
Rectify work styles, enforce discipline, and strictly manage and govern the Party
Comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is the only way for the Party to maintain its vitality. Zhu Dong has repeatedly stressed that all Party organizations must keep a steady "steering wheel" and fasten their "seat belts", improve the "four responsibilities coordination" work mechanism, and lead the majority of Party members, cadres and workers to always be sober and firm in "taking the exam", and consciously be politically sober, economically clean, self-respecting in life, enterprising in work, and pragmatic in style. He has strengthened the construction of work style and has been consistent. He has made every effort to promote the coordination and synergy of the main responsibility and the supervisory responsibility, and clearly supported the company's disciplinary committee to strictly supervise and enforce discipline and accountability, accurately and effectively carry out supervision and inspection of important positions and special supervision and inspection in the fields of major economic activities and safe production, and do a good job in the supervision and inspection of duty, meeting style and discipline, and style and image, and strengthen the follow-up and effectiveness of key tasks, plans and tasks, and decision-making arrangements; take the opportunity of party discipline learning and education to strengthen the construction of clean government culture, organize visits and learning, warning education, and theme painting and calligraphy exhibitions, and study typical cases in multiple rounds to promote the construction of the "three no" mechanism. The organization organizes middle-level cadres to carry out the activity of "going to the grassroots, studying in depth, conducting practical research, and ensuring safety". Middle-level cadres from the functional departments of the organization are stationed in subordinate gas supply management stations and subsidiaries to hone their abilities to discover, coordinate, and solve difficult problems, and contribute strong strength to promoting the high-quality development of the company.
Text/ Li Dongzhen Correspondent Cui Wenjie