
Song of Beijing Workers|Zhao Liangliang: Let tourists come happily and return safely


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"We must provide sincere service and provide good safety guarantees so that tourists can come happily and return safely, and continuously enhance the tourists' experience when they are away from home." As the first person responsible for ensuring the safety of the scenic area, Zhao Liangliang, director of the Badaling Scenic Area Management Department of Beijing Badaling Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd., constantly learns advanced experiences and practices, improves mechanism plans, improves rescue capabilities, and strives to create a safe and comfortable travel experience for tourists.

All hands on deck
Ensure safe and comfortable travel for tourists

"Safety and comfort are the basic needs of the majority of tourists when traveling." Zhao Liangliang said that during holidays such as May Day and National Day, in order to allow tourists to have a better travel experience, all employees of Badaling Cultural Tourism Group will form an emergency support service team and work together with scenic spot staff to stick to the front line.

During his tenure as Minister of Emergency Management of Badaling Cultural Tourism Group, Zhao Liangliang took the implementation of 15 hard measures for safe production, the "Year of Public Safety Education" and the "Three-Year Special Remediation Action" as the starting point, and organized the promotion of enterprise safety production standardization review and "look back" work to build a solid safety line for the scenic area.

While doing a good job in production safety in traditional fields, Zhao Liangliang continued to strengthen the investigation and management of risk hazards in response to new situations, new businesses, and new projects. He took the lead in establishing and improving mechanisms and processes such as the company's dual early warning and graded control, and made full use of online and offline resources to organize and carry out a series of theme activities such as "I Take Responsibility for Safety Commitments". He participated in completing security assurance tasks involving major events such as the Beijing Winter Olympics.

At the same time, Zhao Liangliang actively organized and promoted the construction of the company's safety production culture, strengthened the integration and innovation of handling complaints immediately, emergency management, and safety production, and continued to promote the establishment of a sound working pattern of joint efforts to build a safety production line of defense, so that safety production work can be implemented.

Emergency Rescue
Providing strong protection for tourists in distress

In April 2023, Zhao Liangliang was transferred to the Badaling Scenic Area Management Department as the Party Branch Secretary and Director of the Management Department. This department is an important force for the safety and emergency response of the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area, and is mainly responsible for patrols and inspections of various types of safety guarantees such as tourism, fire prevention, and flood prevention in the scenic area, safety and order services for road traffic in the scenic area, emergency rescue and assistance in the scenic area, and order maintenance and emergency response in the scenic area in emergencies.

"In light of the actual situation of the scenic spot and the needs of tourists, we have formed an emergency rescue team, which is mainly responsible for providing rescue and assistance to tourists who are injured, trapped, or in distress. In most cases, rescue team members need to use stretchers or even carry the tourists on their shoulders to carry them down." Zhao Liangliang said that this rescue force is directly related to the lives and safety of tourists.

During the peak tourist season, as the number of tourists increases, rescue incidents also increase. During the May Day holiday this year alone, the scenic area emergency rescue team handled 12 emergency rescues. Once, a tourist called for help, claiming that he felt unwell near the fourth floor of the South Building and could not walk, hoping to get help from the scenic area. Li Hongzhen, the squad leader of the scenic area emergency rescue team, immediately organized the team members to rush to the scene with a stretcher. It turned out that a male tourist carried his sister to the fourth floor of the South Building to help her sister who could not walk realize her wish to climb the Great Wall. Because it was the upper city section, the slope was relatively steep. In the end, the tourist asked for help due to physical exhaustion.

Rescue team members and medical staff carried the man onto a stretcher. When they learned that his sister was unable to walk due to congenital paralysis, Li Hongzhen carried her on her back and walked down the stairs step by step. After 30 minutes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after settling the man and his sister's family.

"The most difficult thing is to rescue injured tourists, especially in bad weather such as rainy and snowy days. Because the Badaling Great Wall was built along the mountain, the slope is close to 60 degrees in some places, almost straight up and down, and you have to climb up and down. The rescue team members need to have good physical fitness and rich experience to complete the rescue." Zhao Liangliang said, "Rescue is really hard, but our duty is to ensure the safety of tourists, and all the efforts are worth it."

Promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency of production safety

Since 2023, the number of visitors to Badaling Scenic Area has continued to grow, and multiple factors such as fire prevention and flood control, large passenger flow, and the night view of the Great Wall have posed challenges to the safe operation of the scenic area. Zhao Liangliang led the team to formulate a plan to deal with large passenger flow in the scenic area, and refined and improved specific measures point by point along the main line of the Great Wall, the pedestrian street, and the peripheral traffic.

In response to tourists seeking rescue and assistance due to falls, falls, heat waves and other factors, Zhao Liangliang constantly learns advanced experience and practices, improves facilities, adds rescue team members, connects with emergency, fire, medical and other professional departments, improves mechanism plans, and improves rescue capabilities. During extreme weather such as rain and snow, he plans in advance, organizes and assists in implementing emergency responses. When emergencies occur, he immediately organizes forces to maintain order and perform on-site rescue.

When inspecting the safety production work of the scenic area, Zhao Liangliang led the team to improve the mechanisms of monthly summary, weekly review, daily inspection, etc. At the same time, he regarded safety production work as an important part of the party building work of the branch, and promoted new ideas and policies on safety production through party classes and theme party days.

"Combined with the new situation facing the comprehensive management of the scenic area, we are keeping a close eye on key tasks such as responding to large passenger flows during the summer vacation, providing services for music festivals, and providing services for the night Great Wall." As the party branch secretary, Zhao Liangliang has driven party members to take the lead and strive for excellence through work mechanisms such as the quarterly selection of "Red Star Guards", the establishment of the Great Wall Commando, and the creation of party member demonstration posts, so as to better complete key tasks. At the same time, he organized employee party members to visit cableways, ticketing, pulleys, bear parks, parking lots, etc., to learn about the situation in detail, to be familiar with the topography and surrounding environment, and to better answer questions for tourists. He also took the lead in formulating the "Implementation Plan for Improving the Service Quality of the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area" and the "Work Plan for Responding to Instant Large Passenger Flows", clarifying 13 specific tasks in four aspects: road traffic guarantee, environmental sanitation quality, service for practitioners, and safety emergency guarantee, so that the implementation of various tasks is reasonable and well-founded.

In response to the hot and common issues raised by tourists, Zhao Liangliang held regular consultations and research and formulated specific measures, which effectively improved more than 10 problems, including congestion in Xiaguan City due to large instantaneous passenger flow, insufficient security forces for the Great Wall cultural relics, unclear traffic diversion signs in the scenic area, difficulty in storing luggage for tourists, and the need to improve the emergency rescue linkage mechanism.

In the first half of this year, Zhao Liangliang's team completed more than 70 activities and important service support tasks, carried out more than 230 rescue and relief operations, provided more than 11,000 tourists with search and find services, convenient services, and warm reminders, and carried out more than 50 volunteer service activities such as cultural relics protection, environmental improvement, tourism safety, and satisfaction surveys.

"We must take practical actions to 'protect the Great Wall as we protect our home' and continue writing the Great Wall story of the new era so that tourists can come and have fun happily and return home safely," Zhao Liangliang said with a smile.

Source: Labor Noon News
Reporter: Liu Xinxin
Editor: Su Changping
Proofreading: Song Xiaoguang

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