
Strengthen scientific and technological innovation to promote the growth of young talents


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Young researchers are the main force and new force of scientific and technological innovation, and are also the beneficiaries of scientific and technological innovation policies. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to build a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation, and made a series of arrangements around the overall promotion of the reform of the system and mechanism of education, science and technology talents. These measures have brought more policy benefits to the majority of researchers, especially young researchers.

In today's world, science and technology are the primary productive force and the primary competitiveness. The important supporting and leading role of science and technology in economic and social development has been fully demonstrated. Whether we can rely on scientific and technological innovation to achieve power transformation and kinetic energy conversion has become an important factor in promoting high-quality development in the new era. Scientific research, especially scientific and technological innovation, has its own laws. These laws will affect the development and effectiveness of scientific and technological innovation. For example, scientific and technological innovation is not a one-day job, but a long-term accumulation process that requires long-term cultivation; scientific and technological innovation requires a good atmosphere that allows trial and error and tolerates failure; scientific and technological innovation relies on talents, and talent cultivation relies on education. Therefore, there is an inherent consistency between education, science and technology, and talents, forming a mutually supportive relationship. In this sense, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has provided strong support for the scientific and technological innovation work of the majority of scientific researchers, especially young scientific researchers, and has put forward a series of innovative measures.

For example, "strengthen organized basic research, increase the proportion of science and technology expenditures used for basic research, and improve the basic research investment mechanism that combines competitive support with stable support." This is a recognition and response to the need for long-term investment in basic research, and will surely guide more scientific researchers to devote more time and energy to those basic fields related to the "foundation" of scientific research innovation. "Deepening the reform of the science and technology evaluation system" will help further deepen the reform of "breaking the four onlys", and then accelerate the improvement of a classified evaluation system and assessment mechanism that conforms to the laws of scientific research activities. "Encourage and guide universities and research institutes to license scientific and technological achievements to small and medium-sized enterprises in a pay-after-use manner" will further smooth the channels for the transformation of scientific research results, and promote more scientific research results from the laboratory to the market and into people's daily lives. "Expand the scope of the 'lump-sum system' for fiscal research project funds, and give scientists greater decision-making power over technical routes, greater control over funds, and greater resource allocation power" is a more direct response to the real concerns of the majority of scientific researchers, especially young researchers, so that they can truly feel the real value of intellectual achievements, and then have more energy to engage in scientific research. "Allowing scientific research institutions to implement a more flexible management system than general institutions and explore the implementation of enterprise management" is an innovative exploration. This is not only a new measure for scientific and technological innovation in the new era, but also a further deepening of the classification reform of existing institutions. Exploring a more flexible management system will help scientific research institutions to make more practical explorations in terms of talent introduction, daily management, and performance appraisal. "Improving the mechanism for discovering, selecting, and training young innovative talents, and better guaranteeing the treatment of young scientific and technological personnel" directly points to the dilemma of career development of young scientific researchers such as "green peppers" in colleges and universities, and strives to help and empower their growth and development through mechanism innovation, so that more young scientific researchers can "grow up rapidly". "Improving the system to ensure that scientific researchers concentrate on scientific research" is to face up to the current reality that scientific researchers in some fields have heavy non-academic burdens, and strive to let scientific researchers concentrate on academic research, and do their best not to be distracted and worried about things such as reporting projects, publishing papers, evaluating awards, and competing for resources. It can be said that each measure is "full of dry goods."