
Shanghai Business Case | Xuhui issued the city’s first “self-inspection report” before a company opens


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In recent years, incidents such as chain food companies using expired ingredients, dirty and messy environments, and irregular operations have been exposed one after another, attracting widespread attention.

For enterprises, discovering risks and hidden dangers before opening is a matter of self-examination and self-correction, and they can make timely rectifications. However, if the problem occurs after opening, the regulatory authorities must immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection of all stores of the brand, which will result in high administrative costs, and the corporate headquarters may also face the situation where many of its stores are punished at the same time and are overwhelmed to deal with it, disrupting its normal operations. In serious cases, they may even face administrative penalties from the regulatory authorities, causing damage to their reputation.

How can we use the "point" problems found in a single store to drive the "surface" management of the chain headquarters before the concentrated outbreak of risks, so as to encourage the headquarters to extend management tentacles from the source and improve management capabilities? Proactive services are the solution.

The Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau innovatively launched the city’s first “self-inspection report” before a company opens in the “5+x” comprehensive supervision application scenario, allowing companies to identify risks in advance before opening. In addition, the Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau has also optimized value-added services, providing “one-stop” work guidance in five market safety areas, including food, special equipment, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and measurement, and providing targeted quality development “package” services such as patent applications, trade secret protection, and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

"Self-check and self-correct" 32 types of risks before opening to reduce subsequent interference

At the beginning of 2024, thanks to the digital transformation, the Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau launched the "5+x" comprehensive supervision application scenario. After logging in to the enterprise end of the scenario, you can see standardized self-inspection forms for food, special equipment, measurement, advertising, prices, etc. through the "Self-inspection and Self-correction" module. The person in charge of the company will check the problems found and not found according to the self-inspection situation, and describe the problems in detail. For example, the food quality management self-inspection form involves self-inspection of 8 high-risk, 16 medium-risk, and 8 low-risk projects, covering all aspects of licensing layout, raw material control, processing, special room production, tableware cleaning and disinfection, personnel management, system construction, and responsibility implementation. After the operator completes the self-inspection through the enterprise end and signs for confirmation, a self-inspection report is immediately generated.

In the West Bund Media Harbor Garden, the Xuhui Eighth Branch of Shanghai Hema Network Technology Co., Ltd. received a "5+x" "self-inspection report" exclusively for its store before opening for business. The report shows that through self-inspection, it was found that there were no counters for frozen and refrigerated temporary food, and no registration certificates for special equipment were posted. According to the formatted self-inspection form, Hema stores can easily conduct self-inspection and self-correction, discover and rectify problems in advance, and avoid making mistakes after formal business. Within one month after Hema obtained the food business license, the Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau will also conduct post-certificate supervision on it to further improve the efficiency of post-certificate supervision.

Shanghai Chongrun Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Xuhui and has a total of 15 "Chongming Laopu" stores in the city. In January this year, the Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau conducted a "5+X" comprehensive supervision of its store on Tianyaoqiao Road, including food safety, advertising, price, measurement and other contents. It was found that the product introduction of a popular dish, Chongming Golden Pumpkin Jellyfish Shreds, mentioned that "it also has good effects on hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity, etc. in the elderly", which is suspected of involving disease treatment functions in food advertising. The Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau sent a "5+x" "physical examination report" to Shanghai Chongrun Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., and communicated and guided the company "face to face" on the problems found in the "physical examination", helping the headquarters to understand the store's operating conditions at the first time and carefully protect the company's development.

Enterprise-side mini programs make policies easier to find and understand

In order to solve the problem that policies that benefit enterprises are difficult to find and understand, the Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau has embedded the policy service section into its "5+X" value-added service to help enterprises achieve accurate policy docking and more efficiently assist enterprises in operating in compliance. The enterprise-side mini program realizes the three-item combination of policy collection, consultation, and guidance, pushes policies to enterprises at the first time, provides professional policy consultation, and one-on-one guidance on enterprise policy declaration, promoting the implementation of policy dividends.

In the next step, the Xuhui District Market Supervision Bureau will uphold the concept of responding to demands, providing services everywhere, and non-intrusive supervision, and continue to promote the "5+X" quality and safety improvement action, so that the focus of market supervision, the requirements for compliant operations, and the standards for policy reporting will be more clear at a glance, and strive to provide value-added services that the society can understand and feel, and continuously improve the satisfaction and sense of gain of enterprises.

The content is authorized to be reproduced from the WeChat public account of "Shanghai Development and Reform" and has been modified.