
A rare pumpkin weighing 660 kilograms was created by this "seed doctor" in Beijing


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"It's good to deal with soil every day. It makes me feel at ease."
——Su Yanbin
When the reporter went to interview at Zhongnong Futong Horticulture Company in Tongzhou District, he saw more than a dozen giant pumpkins as soon as he entered the yard, each weighing several hundred kilograms. The largest "King Pumpkin" was placed in the middle, with a diameter of more than 1.3 meters and a weight of 660 kilograms, which is very rare in Beijing.
"Who cultivated it? Why is it so amazing!" the reporter asked. Several old farmers from Zhongnong Futong replied cheerfully: "We are the seed doctor!" Their words showed a sense of pride. Who is this "seed doctor"?
"The northwest corner of the yard is the seed storage room. He should be there at this time." Following the old farmer's instructions, the reporter pushed open the door. This is a small house with an area of ​​about 30 square meters, white walls, white roof and white floor tiles. There are hundreds of packets of seeds on the table, with various information clearly marked on them. A short haircut, dark skin, mud on his hands, a pair of slippers on his feet, and many mosquito bites on his legs... This is the first impression Dr. Su gave the reporter.
Su Yanbin and the "Pumpkin King" he cultivated.Dr. Su's name is Su Yanbin, he is the deputy chief engineer of the Technology Innovation Institute of Zhongnong Futong Horticulture Company, he is 40 years old this year. He graduated from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2015 as a doctoral student.In the nine years since joining Sino-Agri-Fortis, Dr. Su has introduced and innovated thousands of special germplasm resources from home and abroad.His colleagues are grateful for his contributions and affectionately call him "Seed Doctor".
The dozen or so giant pumpkins were all cultivated by Dr. Su Yanbin himself. "In agriculture, seeds are particularly important." He said that the giant pumpkin seeds are cultivated through advanced space breeding methods. After years of technological innovation, Zhongnong Futong's seeds can make pumpkins more and bigger.The 9 years of hard work paid off. In addition to the giant pumpkin, Dr. Su also led the team to breed several "edible and ornamental" varieties such as the flying saucer pumpkin.
The seed storage room is just one of Dr. Su's work locations. Dr. Su leads a team to check the technology of Zhongnong Futong's thousands of acres of greenhouses. Every day, he has to go back and forth between the greenhouses, seed storage room, and R&D greenhouses many times. "Sometimes, the whole morning has passed by in a blink of an eye." It is the dog days of summer, not his busiest time. "If you come from March to May, I really won't be available for an interview. People who work in agriculture cannot delay the farming season."
Su Yanbin is working in the seed storage room.March to May every year is the growing season for cabbage plants. When Su Yanbin artificially pollinates kale, he always uses tweezers to peel open the flower buds one by one and then apply pollen to the stigma.In order to obtain more materials and combined seeds, he and his colleagues need to peel tens of thousands of flower buds every day. When they get home at night, they have to spend more than half an hour to clean the mud from their nails.
Su Yanbin has been a "top student" since he was young. The reason why he studied agriculture stems from a childhood experience. He was born in a rural area in Hebei Province. There were many farmers in the village who planted cabbage (commonly known as cabbage), but because the seeds were not of good quality, the vegetables grown were prone to disease. Later, an expert came to the village and brought the villagers a newly cultivated variety, which solved the problem that had troubled everyone for many years. "I admired this expert at that time." The little "seed dream" was sown in Su Yanbin's heart.
When choosing a major in the college entrance examination, Su Yanbin chose facility agriculture science and engineering without hesitation. After joining Sino-Agri Futong, he started as a technician and worked as a supervisor, deputy manager, manager, and deputy chief engineer.More than 3,000 days of wind and sun turned Su Yanbin from a fair-skinned young man into a farmer, and also made him the person he admired most when he was a child.
"The seed industry is the chip of agricultural development, and germplasm resources are the cornerstone of the seed industry. Only by collecting, preserving, cultivating and utilizing more new seed resources can we produce more good varieties." In recent years, Su Yanbin has presided over the research of several Tongzhou District science and technology plan projects and cultivated several new varieties of cabbage. Compared with the old domestic varieties, the cabbage studied by Dr. Su is not only early-maturing, crispy, and less crude fiber, but also more resistant to cracking and pests and diseases.At present, many new varieties he has cultivated have passed the national non-major crop variety registration and are being promoted in many places.
In the eyes of his colleagues, Dr. Su is not a "tech geek". In recent years, with the development of Zhongnong Futong leisure tourism, it can attract nearly 20,000 tourists every year. Everyone was surprised to find that Dr. Su was so eloquent and could always use popular language and clever methods to inspire children's strong interest in agriculture. It was also his idea to put a dozen giant pumpkins in a conspicuous position - the giant pumpkins make children look novel, and it is more convenient for Dr. Su to popularize agricultural knowledge to children. In addition, these pumpkins can be processed later and preserved as handicrafts for a long time, increasing the added value of agricultural products.
"It's good to deal with the soil every day. It makes me feel at ease." This "seed doctor" enjoys farming life.