
"Zhu Xian World" released another interim report on the official World of Warcraft server, which was criticized by the former person in charge


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Hello everyone, this is the World of Warcraft Weekly Report.

[World of Warcraft Weekly Report] is mainly composed of three parts: "Major World of Warcraft Events", "World of Warcraft Competitive Dynamics" and "World of Warcraft Game Updates".

Let’s take a look at what Warcraft news there is that is worth sharing recently!

【World of Warcraft Event】

One generation is worse than the next? The former head of Netease complained about the Chinese version of World of Warcraft

On August 1, the official Chinese server of "World of Warcraft" returned. Leihuo gave the players a hard time right from the start and crashed the server early in the morning.

As for the reason, it is also quite simple. It should be the new warband system added by Blizzard in 11.0. This new system requires scanning all the character resources of the server before the player logs in. Some old players with a large number of characters can easily get stuck in this process and cannot move.

Later, although the official took timely action to fix the BUG, ​​in order to fix the BUG, ​​Leihuo hilariously turned off the character upgrade service, which once again attracted a lot of complaints.

You know, the reason why many people buy the 888 annual card gift package is to skip the 10.0 reputation mission for the super helicopter and experience the eve of 11.0 at light speed:

— Players spend too much money and the server is down! Helicopters are unsalable, help us!

—No, then did you also close the recharge channel? I only realized it couldn’t be used after I recharged it!

—Then I spent 888 yuan for nothing? Now I have to level up?

—It’s hard to believe that we started preparing in April and it still exploded in August.

In addition, in terms of the character upgrade service, Leihuo's experience for players is also average, and the former head of Netease complained three times: "The process after level 70 in the official server has never been optimized, and it is completely unsatisfactory..."

Alas, I can only say, let’s wait for the official to optimize it slowly. Anyway, it’s already like this, what else can you ask for?

Only give the Horde a holiday, while the Alliance works normally? World of Warcraft boss confronts netizens: If you have the guts, PK offline

At the time when the official server was opened, domestic players also came up with a lot of tricks because of the holiday, such as the holiday notice that was widely circulated in the forum: "Alliance players go to work as usual, and the Horde gets two days of paid vacation."

Afterwards, it was confirmed that the notice was purely a hoax, and the boss of Tianjin Jinguo Network Technology Co., Ltd. released all of them equally.

In addition, seeing that some people doubted the authenticity of this matter, the poster also personally disclosed the address of their company. Any netizens who are dissatisfied are welcome to come to the offline PK.

Coincidentally, another company called Shijiazhuang Maizi Technology Co., Ltd. also gave all employees two days off to conquer Azeroth.

The company boss even went to the forum to ask if there were any melee profession recommendations as he planned to return to Azeroth.

With such noble character and rich financial resources, it would be a shame not to play a shiny retribution paladin.

Finally, some of the braver brothers also gave their boss a vacation, saying that they would work on World of Warcraft for three months first. We don’t know if they will still have a workstation after they finish the game.

Microsoft's fourth quarter financial report released, monthly active users exceeded 500 million

On July 31, Microsoft announced its financial results for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024. Microsoft's revenue for this quarter was US$64.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of 15%, and its net profit was US$22 billion, a year-on-year increase of 10%.

In terms of Xbox content and services, revenue soared 61%, with revenue from Activision Blizzard becoming the main driving force, with a net impact of 58 percentage points. That is, after excluding the impact of Activision Blizzard's revenue, Xbox's content and service revenue increased by only 3% year-on-year.

In terms of gaming business, Microsoft had $21.5 billion in revenue for the entire fiscal year, a year-on-year increase of 39%. In the fourth quarter, gaming revenue increased by 44% compared with the same period last year, of which Activision Blizzard's positive driving force was 48%. That is to say, after excluding the impact of Activision Blizzard, Microsoft's gaming revenue fell by 4% year-on-year this quarter.

Overall, in fiscal year 2024, Activision Blizzard achieved revenue of US$5.72 billion and an operating loss of US$1.36 billion (affected by acquisition and merger costs, etc.).

In addition, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that in the field of games, Microsoft "now has more than 500 million monthly active users across platforms and devices. Among them, the WLK nostalgic server that was launched at the end of June also contributed a lot of returning users from China to this data.

In general, Microsoft's current gaming business is not improving much, and if it does not acquire Activision Blizzard, it will be in real danger.

【World of Warcraft Competitive Dynamics】

"Zhu Xian World" released a periodic report: it will definitely be launched in 2024!

On July 31, "Zhu Xian World" released the "Zhu Xian World Interim Report", which detailed their large number of optimization changes since the second test, including new dungeons, new BOSS, new plots, new scenes, fashion adjustments, main NPC adjustments, combat adjustments, economic adjustments and other eight major information.

Among them, the most noteworthy is the current technical reform of all professions in the game, adding a large number of general combat skills, such as the "Xuan Chong Jue" similar to the vibration sword, which can release control and counterattack, and the action online game has blocking, dodging, and falling attack skills. In addition, each sect has added team auxiliary skills, allowing players to combine more possibilities when playing in a team.

Judging from this wave of adjustments, "Zhu Xian World" has found its own positioning, which is to move towards the path of a large-scale MMO online game, rather than the suspected signs of multi-terminal intercommunication in the second test. We can look forward to it.

Return to the old version of level 32! The Dragon Nest nostalgic server will be launched on August 20 without deleting files

Since the announcement of the Dragon Nest Classic server open beta test scheduled for August 20, it has attracted the attention of many players. Many people are wondering if this server will be modified like the original server that was previously advertised. Recently, the official also answered the questions raised by players one by one.

What is certain now is that after the Dragon Nest game is released on August 20, players will be able to play the level 32 version, including the initial four classes: warrior/archer/priest/mage, the dungeon will be open to the hellhound's lair, the free trade and team system will be retained, and there will be a group dungeon promotion plan in the future.

At present, the update progress of the nostalgic server is to open the level 32 version in August, the level 40 version in September, and the Lion Scorpion and Apocalypse Lair at the same time. The Sea Dragon Group will be opened in October. Overall, the operation rhythm of this nostalgic server is still relatively suitable for the leveling rhythm of old players. I hope the official can do a good job of this wave.

Unprecedented Home System! Guild Wars 2's new DLC is worth looking forward to

On August 1, Guild Wars 2 official designers Andrew Gray and Joel Eckert helped players sort out in detail the gameplay of the home system of the new DLC.

What is known at present is that players can use the "Summon Magic Gate" specialization skill to allow any character on the account to enter the home through it, and players near the magic gate can also apply to the owner to enter the door.

As the player's "Homesteading Master" expertise level increases, more rooms can be unlocked for decoration. Facilities such as lumber mills, mines, and farms can also be unlocked and improved. Since the upgrades and nodes in the personal epic home will be carried over to the home, players can also collect various collection nodes, convenience functions, and characters (such as hungry cats).

Clicking the "Decoration" button on the screen or on the skill bar activates the decoration mode. In this mode, the player can use the various skills on the skill bar to place new decorations, modify placed decorations, or remove decorations. In addition, you can also enter the free flight mode to place items in places that players cannot normally reach.

To put it bluntly, the manor in Guild Wars 2 is different from that in most online games. It is more like a DIY editor for sandbox games.

【World of Warcraft Game Update】

The Blue Owl was swallowed? The official World of Warcraft gift package was complained: They can't even cut leeks!

On July 30, the official gift pack for World of Warcraft was finally released by the planner before the server opened.

But compared with the previous 888 gift pack for the nostalgic server, this gift pack finally makes players feel like something is missing.

The first tier is the 238 yuan hero gift pack, which includes an enhanced version of the level 70 character upgrade, an Aga Thunder Rider mount, a Thunder Rider costume transmogrification suit, and 750 vendor coins.

Well, just like all versions of the basic collector's pack, the hero pack does not provide a monthly pass and is not recommended for novices to purchase.

The second tier is the epic gift pack for 360 yuan, which includes all the contents of the heroic gift pack, as well as an additional 30 days of game time, a Storm Hatchling Squall pet, a sandbox Storm Griffin toy, the Deep Dweller's Earthen Hearthstone special effects, and an additional 250 vendor coins.

The most important thing is that players who purchase the 360 ​​epic gift pack can experience the content of 11.0 "War to the Core" 3 days in advance. Blizzard has figured out the advanced on-demand feature.

In addition, there is the annual essence gift pack worth 216 yuan, including the three out-of-print paid mounts, namely, Tyrex the Thunderhorn Beetle, Benbolkun, and Demon-Bound Blizzard, which the domestic players missed during the suspension period.

And the Azeroth Welcome Pack worth 150 yuan, which provides 60 days of game time and a normal character upgrade to level 60.

The 188 yuan Murloc gift pack is a package of some Murloc-related appearances that are sold for money.

So the question is, among so many gift packs with increased quantity without increasing the price, what are the domestic players still missing?

In fact, it is not complicated to explain. The blue owl mount that was given away with the half-year card in the international server suddenly disappeared among the gift packs.

Although the official said that this mount will be updated in future versions and will also be available in the mall for independent purchase.

But compared to the "eye-catching" ugly dragon that is currently given away with the half-year card, this blue owl is obviously more attractive to players than one level higher...

It’s no wonder that players nowadays would complain: “There are still too few of Leihuo’s family members in the Maw.”

A more interesting point is that because the mount is not included in the official half-year or annual card, many players who want to buy a half-year or annual card have reduced their expected price of 888 yuan to a monthly card of 75 yuan.

I can only say that this wave of gift pack planning for the official national server really doesn't even hit the mark in terms of profit.

Terrible! The first CD of Ulduar made the old players cry?

Compared with the crowded scenes in the official server, the WLK nostalgic server is very miserable. The reason is that the difficulty of opening the Ulduar raid is too "explosive". Even if you are fully equipped with 213 equipment, it is a bit difficult to cope with it.

According to the statistics of WCL on the first day of the development of Ulduar in the Chinese server, there are only 40 teams that have completed the 25-man H of Ulduar. The vast majority of players are playing on normal difficulty. Even among the teams that have completed the normal difficulty, there are only 101 teams (13 points). The largest number is 260 teams with 11 points, which means that after defeating Mimiron, the general can no longer be defeated.

In this regard, many players said that they are indeed unable to complete the dungeon as they get older, mainly because their bodies no longer allow them to carry out high-intensity raids. They earned more than 80 yuan for a 10-hour dungeon, but ended up spending 998 yuan on a massage, which is really a huge loss.

Upon seeing this, NetEase quickly added a global buff effect "Wisdom of the Kirin Tor", which will increase the player's health by 15%, healing and damage absorption effects by 15%, and damage caused by 15%.

But this buff has never been added to the foreign server, so it has caused even more controversy:

—Why should the difficulty be lowered? Just because those people don’t read guides or pretend to be awesome?

—Great! You are a qualified private server!

—This change is disgusting. There is no thought behind it. Some planners do not care about the player experience for their own design purposes.

But many people, although they talk big, are still unambiguous when using BUFF. After all, you don’t know what kind of people your teammates are, so it’s better to pass it quickly than to go to jail.