
He used his camera to capture "the most regrettable thing in the world", and it is said that everyone who saw it cried


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【Time and Farewell】

Note from Private Sister: He tells the story of "time" and "parting" through this set of photos, allowing people to see the traces of time and the departure of life.

Text | Mian Xixi

There was a question on Zhihu:

What sentences touched you at first sight?

Someone answered a conversation between a young monk and his master:

Yichan: Master, what does it mean to miss someone?
Master: The sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers are all that person. There is no hiding.
Yichan: Can you be more specific?
Master: I don’t know when we will meet again. It’s embarrassing at this moment and this night.
Yi Zen: Can you be more specific?
Master: The plums in the back mountain are ripe, but we no longer have

Just a few words make people feel a little nervous.

Especially the last sentence "We'll never be together again".

The past remains the same, everything is the same, except you are gone.

The most regrettable thing in life,

Just four words can explain it:

Things are different

Just like what is written in "Xiangjixuanzhi":

There is a loquat tree in the yard.

I planted it the year my wife died.

Now it is as tall and straight as a canopy.

In 1969,

There was a little boy named Gustave Germano.

He took a photo with his three brothers in Argentina.

Who would have thought that fate is unpredictable?

A few years later, the eldest brother Edward was kidnapped due to unrest.

His life or death is unknown after this.
The left one is Germano, the right one is Edward

From that day on,

Only 3 of the 4 brothers were left.

30 years later, Germano became a photographer.

This is an unforgettable pain.

This led him to travel to many places in Argentina.

Went into many families and opened many stories.

Brought people a set of heartbreaking photographs.

He restored scenes from old photos for many people.

But the background is almost the same.

However, not all the protagonists in the photo can be present.

This is a mother and son.

Once in a warm home,

A son is the warmest existence for his mother.

Even the look she gave her son was full of love.

And one day, the old man will send the young man away.

Mother stood at the window again,

The chair next to me was empty.

year 2006

They are brothers.

Play together, grow up together,

They are the closest family members and best friends.

We once accompanied each other and indulged ourselves throughout our youth.

But the word "once" is the most frightening thing in life.

The young man's temples have turned white.

Jumping down the grass again,

But the younger brother is no longer by my side.


year 2006

This is a couple of lovers.

Leave their sweetest memories in the summer,

At the beach, their smiles were like the good weather of the day.

They have looked forward to the future countless times.

Traveling around the world at 50 years old,

Surfing together at 60…

But who knows what tomorrow will bring?

The same beach,

But I can no longer see them.

year 2006

The three of them are brothers and sisters.

We were young together and didn't know what sorrow was.

We also complained about work and emotional unhappiness and pressure together.

Always thought that each other would be each other's strongest support,

One day there were only two of us left.

At that moment I suddenly realized,

In the face of life and death, everything can be called "small things".


year 2006

They were once a couple that everyone envied.

They are so well matched and love each other so deeply.

But like most lovers,

They also quarrel and get angry and break up.

However, when two people are separated forever, they suddenly realize that

Wasting time on quarrels is the stupidest thing to do.

If I could do it all over again, I would just want to hug each other tightly every time.

But, I want to hug you, but it is no longer possible.



This is a mother and daughter.

someone said,

As long as parents are around, life still has a place to go.

When parents are gone, life has only the journey home.

When parents are not around,

Children will begin to face life and death.

When a son wants to be filial but his parents are not around,

We will then understand that there is not so much time left.


They are besties.

No matter how old you are, as long as you are with your bestie,

It's as if she's always an ageless girl.

The youth is gone, the girl is old,

The days without you to gossip with,

Really, a little lonely.


year 2006

This is a pair of sisters.

Agree to attend each other's wedding,

We promised to be together till old age,

But only thousands of unfulfilled promises were left behind.

The girl with a sweet smile will never grow old,

It’s just that everyone around you misses you very much.


year 2006

The three of them are siblings.

The two sisters never thought that their brother would leave first.

Still in front of the same door,

The smile on my face has disappeared.

All that remains in my heart is endless longing.



They are husband and wife.

We used to go out together often.

Walk through the wilderness and climb over the mountains.

Only now,

The sky remains the same, even the position of the trees has not changed.

Now she is left with her husband alone.

But why?

The mountains are you, the water is also you.


year 2006

This is a family of three.

I can feel it across the screen

The joy of a new life coming to this family,

The girl was once the apple of her parents' eyes.

But fate is cruel, when parents leave,

The road of life can only be walked alone.

Sometimes it's hard, but thinking of their love,

I'm not afraid of anything.


year 2006

These are three siblings.

They were on a sunny day

I went to the beach and took this precious photo.

That day, the wind was strong, the sun was shining, and there were many ships on the sea.

Then the wind died down, the sun set, and the boat sailed away.

My brother left forever.

Life is a cycle of departure and farewell.

But even if your heart is broken, life still has to go on.

Tomorrow, the sun will rise as usual.



This is my brother's family and my sister.

Fate cruelly tore this family apart.

Although my brother left forever,

But family ties bind them together closely.

Comfort each other and support each other.



This is a big family full of laughter.

Everyone thinks this place will always be busy.

Later, only the mother and son were left.

The laughter of the past seems to still echo in the courtyard,

The past time can never be returned.


They are husband and wife.

That year, they got married in the church.

The church bells and our vows are still ringing in my ears.

The "lifetime" we promised,

But her husband became a deserter.

People always say look forward.

But what you say before God cannot be overturned.

The opposite of love is not not loving, but forgetting.

Remembering is the best way to remember.



The same couple, the same in the church,

Still the priest and bride of that day,

Only the groom was not there.

But, love still exists.


They are also a couple.

The wife always likes to hold her husband's arm.

Her husband taught her dependence and elegance

But when her husband left,

Life taught her how to be strong.


This is a couple.

The husband passed away, the wife grew old,

As we age, our memory declines.

The past is becoming clearer and clearer.

If we meet again,

All I want to say is:


and "I have no regrets"


The last set of photos.

From being alone;

Until there was no one there.



Each photo condenses a story.

The sharp contrast between the past and the present.

Infinitely magnify the "absence" in life,

The loved ones who I once thought would be with me forever,

Lovers will say goodbye one day,

This kind of "incompleteness" is life.

Germano said: Time has always been a permanent dialogue between people.

Through this set of photos, he tells the story of "time" and "parting".

Let life see the traces of time and the departure of life.

No one can perfectly calculate tomorrow and unexpected events.

I can't control the passage of time.

Maybe the best thing,

It is not poetry and distant places, money and achievements,

But the people you love are all there.

Embrace the present, cherish the moment,

Go see whoever you want to see right away.

Love the one you want to love with all your strength.

This is the best way to prevent regrets.

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