
China: NATO is shifting the blame to other countries outside the region on the Ukraine issue


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China: We advise NATO and some countries to reflect on themselves

On the 16th local time, China's permanent representative to the United Nations Fu Cong stated at the UN Security Council's open debate on international order and multilateral cooperation that at present, the international political camps, the deglobalization of the world economy, and the fragmentation of international governance are becoming increasingly serious, and mankind is once again facing a historical choice of where to go.

China advises NATO and certain countries to reflect on themselves and stop being troublemakers who harm others for their own benefit and undermine common security.

China said that in order to promote the building of a more just and reasonable international order, efforts should be made in six aspects: maintaining sovereign equality, upholding mutual respect, building common security, promoting common development, upholding fairness and justice, and demonstrating openness and inclusiveness. The world today is in chaos, and there are many different opinions on the international order. Some obvious truths have been distorted, and some specious arguments have prevailed. In fact, the so-called "rules-based international order" of some countries is actually intended to set up a system outside the existing international legal system and seek legitimacy for double standards and exceptionalism.

Pictured is Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations

I want to emphasize that there is only one order in the world, that is, the international order based on international law. There is only one set of rules, that is, the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. There is no room for ambiguity on matters of principle, and we must be clear-cut and put an end to all the vague concepts that confuse people.

China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Fu Cong:

China said that in the context of the prolonged Ukrainian crisis and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, all parties are paying close attention to international common security, and many peace-loving countries and peoples are calling for peace. However, NATO, a regional military bloc left over from the Cold War, is seeking to expand its sphere of influence, is keen on creating false narratives, adding fuel to the fire, inciting confrontation between camps, and even shifting the blame to countries outside the region on the Ukrainian issue, which runs counter to the efforts of the international community to promote peace and dialogue.

Representative Fu Cong spoke at the UN Security Council

China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Fu Cong:

History has fully proved that wherever NATO's black hands extend, turmoil and chaos will appear. China advises NATO and certain countries to reflect on themselves and stop being troublemakers who harm others for their own benefit and undermine common security.

The picture shows the Security Council scene

China stressed that all countries should follow the general trend of the collective rise of the global South, take substantive steps in the reform of the international financial architecture, artificial intelligence governance and other fields, and help and empower developing countries to catch up. Some countries have generalized the concept of national security, built "small courtyards with high walls", abused unilateral sanctions, and disrupted the global supply chain, which will ultimately lead to a lose-lose situation. Such wrong practices must be firmly resisted.

The picture shows a screenshot of media reports

Further reading

Media: Stoltenberg will step down as Chinese spokesperson is not polite to him

Stoltenberg, the outgoing NATO Secretary General, made a lot of irresponsible remarks at the NATO summit held in Washington not long ago. The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not polite to him at all. At the regular press conference held on July 12, he directly called him——

"Certain Western politicians who are at the end of their political careers"!

The picture shows Stoltenberg's profile picture


It is necessary to explain what "about to die" means. From a literal interpretation, the "wood" in this idiom refers to the coffin. To put it simply, "about to die" means "about to enter the coffin." China certainly does not mean that Stoltenberg himself is about to die and should prepare for the worst. Rather, it means that his "political career" is about to enter the coffin!

This is a harsh statement, but it is actually very accurate!

Generally speaking, when a politician's term of office expires, we cannot say that his "political career is coming to an end." The reason is simple: at least he has to leave some political legacy, such as some practices, established rules, etc., which can be inherited and emulated by future generations. This does not mean that he is "coming to an end."

The so-called "dying" actually means that his approach has long been out of step with the times, and has even gone against the trend of the times since the day he was born. That is why, once his term of office is up, his approach will have to be thrown into the coffin and taken away.

So, what did Stoltenberg do to make the Chinese side so angry?

2024 NATO summit held in Washington

It turns out that his words at the NATO summit seemed almost crazy to Xiaoyin. He defined China as the "decisive supporter" of Russia's continued attack on Ukraine, and said that the collective will of NATO countries was to "unite against China."

If this isn't the wrong medicine, then what is it?

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China has been calling on all parties to remain calm and hopes that Russia and Ukraine can cease fire and stop fighting. To this end, whether it is the tone set by China's top leaders, the remarks made by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference, or the three mediations by China's Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui, they are all expressions of good intentions.

From the beginning of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to the beginning of the conflict, who not only did not help to mediate but also sent military equipment and ammunition to the front? As for China, it has normal trade with Russia and has donated some relief supplies to Ukraine many times. What can be criticized about this? To say that China is the "decisive supporter" of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine implies that it has become the "decisive factor".

I would like to ask Stoltenberg, can China give orders to Russia?

You know, China and Russia are not even allies. They are two countries!

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Stoltenberg should know the situation of NATO!

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO. At the time, NATO was established to counter the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern European socialist camp, that is, the Warsaw Pact.

The problem is that the Warsaw Pact has long since disintegrated. In this case, is there any need for NATO to exist?

Of course, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Russia also proposed to join NATO. Of course, NATO did not agree to Russia's application. If this is not a joke, it can only be considered as -

Russia is too big. If Russia joins NATO, will NATO listen to the United States or Russia? After all, Russia's capital is in Europe and is connected to European countries by mountains and rivers. The United States cannot be assured of this.

The boss of NATO is the United States

Stoltenberg should understand that although he is the NATO Secretary-General, what exactly is the NATO Secretary-General?

In NATO, the person who has actual military power is the commander of NATO's European Allied Forces, and this position must be a US general. In other words, for European powers such as Britain, France and Germany, they also understand that their own defense depends largely on the United States, regardless of whether they are willing to rely on it or not.

Two years ago, France and Germany tried to integrate the EU rapid reaction force into a European army, but failed. A major sign of the failure was that after the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States intervened more deeply in European military affairs, strangling the concept of a European army in its infancy.

In other words, is the Russia-Ukraine conflict beneficial to the United States' control over Europe?

Obviously it is beneficial.

As for China, what good would it do if war broke out on the Eurasian continent where it is located? Obviously, there is no benefit!

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Whether it is Stoltenberg or some words in the communiqué issued by the NATO summit, are they a frame-up against China? I think it is a frame-up!

At the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lin Jian had already made it clear!

He said,

NATO is a relic of the Cold War and the world's largest military alliance.

While claiming to be a regional defensive organization,

On the one hand, they continue to cross the line to expand their power, provoke confrontation, and engage in bullying.

NATO's so-called security comes at the expense of other countries' security, and its actions have brought extremely high security risks to the world and the region. China firmly opposes NATO's smear attacks on China and its scapegoating of NATO, and opposes NATO using China as an excuse to move eastward in the Asia-Pacific and stir up regional tensions.

Lin Jian also said that China is a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order. Its objective and fair position and constructive role on international and regional hot issues such as the Ukrainian crisis have long been recognized by the international community. We urge NATO to correct its wrong perception of China, abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, stop selling security anxiety, stop setting up imaginary enemies everywhere, stop forming closed and exclusive small circles under the banner of common defense, and do something practical to promote world peace, stability and development.

Who disrupted the 2022 Russia-Ukraine peace talks? Stoltenberg should understand!

For China, doing its own thing and making friends will surely leave no loopholes for villains to exploit. On the other hand, for some people whose political careers are about to end, they say some crazy things before they die, just hoping that others will remember them for a longer time. Even if they can't be infamous for ten thousand years, they seem to think that their life is worthwhile if they are infamous for three to five years. For such people, once they leave office, don't pay attention to them. In three to five months, perhaps no one will remember who they are!