
Media: Zelensky's sudden change of heart and invitation to Russia for negotiations is a calculated move


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To resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, both sides must move towards each other. Relying on outsiders is not reliable!

Text | Haishangke

Ukrainian President Zelensky said he hopes the second Ukrainian Peace Summit can be held in November this year, and he believes that Russian representatives should attend.

Hai Shu wants to say that although Zelensky did not invite Russia to attend the meeting, it is better than issuing an invitation. As for whether Russia will accept the invitation, it may depend on the comprehensive judgment of Russian President Putin's team.

Why did Zelensky suddenly change his mind? Didn't he previously resolutely refuse to negotiate with Putin by means of domestic legislation?

Ukrainian President Zelensky: Information


Note the time when Zelensky said this. According to the Global Times, citing some foreign media reports, Zelensky said this on July 15, local time.

This was when former US President Trump was shot.

After Trump was attacked, many commentators believed that he "survived a disaster and will be blessed in the future", which means that he is likely to further expand his advantage over the current US President and Democratic presidential candidate Biden in this year's US presidential election.

At the Republican National Convention held in Milwaukee later, the Republican Party formally nominated Trump as its presidential candidate and nominated Vance, born in the 1980s, as its vice presidential candidate, who is also Trump's running mate.

In fact, Trump had already clearly won the first televised debate of this year's US presidential election.

On July 15, local time, Trump (third from right) and Vance (second from right) at the Republican National Convention in the United States. Photo: Global Times

Anyway, all signs show that Trump has a good chance of winning. From the first TV debate to now, the Democratic Party has been talking about replacing Biden, and even proposed alternatives such as former President Obama's wife Michelle and current Vice President Harris as a partner.

In any case, Zelensky has to think about it——

What would happen if Trump really came to power again?

In fact, many media have reported that some European countries are thinking about what will happen after Trump returns to the White House. Some leaders of some countries even went to Mar-a-Lago in Florida to meet with Trump during the NATO summit held in the United States.

On July 11, local time, Orban posted on social media X, confirming that he met with Trump

What does Trump think of the Russia-Ukraine conflict? What actions will he take once he takes office?

You know, Trump has said more than once that if he takes office again, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end within 24 hours!

Trump repeatedly said this, which could not fail to attract Zelensky's attention. If Zelensky could ignore Trump's words in the past two years as an opposition leader, Zelensky will definitely take action when facing Trump who may return to the White House.

He said that he believed Russia's attendance at the second Ukrainian Peace Summit was an invitation.


Zelensky did not explicitly issue an invitation to the Russian side, nor did he make an invitation through a third party or the media. Instead, he said, "Russia should attend," which showed an attitude of "being able to attack when advancing and defend when retreating."

Uncle Hai believes that he did this in order to occupy an advantageous position.

If Biden is re-elected, or someone else from the Democratic Party wins the presidency of the United States, or Trump wins the presidency of the United States but fails to immediately stop the Russia-Ukraine conflict, then he does not seem to have made any "mistakes" as he has not formally made any remarks inviting Russia.

If Trump comes to power and is able to forcefully quell the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he would have already submitted his "pledge of allegiance" long ago.

This is a very good calculation. Zelensky even said that he noticed Trump's electoral advantage. If Trump wins in the end, he also believes that the United States will definitely fulfill its promise to aid Ukraine. Of course, in Hai Shu's opinion, Zelensky needs to say this now, at least to stabilize the morale of the army. Otherwise, wouldn't it be telling the troops to prepare for peace? Who of the Ukrainian soldiers on the front line would still be willing to fight?

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of UkraineSerski Photo: CCTV News

You know, recently some Ukrainian lawmakers have accused the Ukrainian army of not fighting well. Some even pointed the finger at the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Serski, saying that he said in an internal speech that Ukrainian troops could surrender to the Russian army.

I really don't know what these MPs are thinking. It is true that Serski is a Russian. He served in the Soviet army stationed in Ukraine and chose to stay in the army when the Soviet Union collapsed. In this way, he also became a senior commander of the Ukrainian army. Until now, he has succeeded Zaluzhny, who became the ambassador to the UK, and has become the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces. But it is also important to see that Serski has been working diligently in the Ukrainian army for decades. After taking office as the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, Zelensky also liked him very much.

In other words, it is short-sighted to believe that Syrski is bent on surrendering, or even to believe that Syrski is a Russian and is yearning for Russia and ready to abandon Ukraine at the center of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. At least, it does not clarify the main contradictions of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Ukraine’s problem is not who will be the governor or commander-in-chief. Ukraine’s problem is who will seriously clarify the causes of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The contradiction between historical context and reality.

On May 26, a Ukrainian soldier launched a drone in the Zaporizhia region.

Then, shouldn't Russia and Ukraine sit down and focus on the main contradictions for negotiations?

Only by clarifying the reasons can we put an end to this confusing war!


Let’s get back to the Ukraine Peace Summit.

Was the first Ukrainian Peace Summit held in Switzerland not long ago considered a success?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is not successful at all!

The reasons are nothing more than the following:

First, Russia was not invited, let alone present;

Second, some countries, including China, were invited but did not attend;

Third, even if the United States, its President Biden did not attend, sent Vice President Harris to attend, Harris left halfway, leaving only the President's National Security Affairs Assistant Sullivan to accompany the leaders of some countries to the meeting;

Fourthly, some BRICS countries did not sign the final joint statement even though they attended the meeting. Brazil only considered itself an observer country at the meeting and did not officially participate.

Even so, for the Ukrainian side, there were not many meaningful words in the joint statement.

On June 15, the Ukraine peace summit opened in Switzerland

As the host of the first Ukraine Peace Summit, Switzerland has announced that it will not host the second one. The reason is simple: seeing that the first summit could not even get together, is Switzerland disappointed?

Looking back at the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, from the peace talks hosted by Belarus and Turkey to the peace summit held in Switzerland without Russia, have any results been achieved? Obviously not.

Where is Boris Johnson, the then British Prime Minister who did not want to see a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine?

To resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Hai Shu believes that Russia and Ukraine must move towards each other. Relying on outsiders is unreliable!

Both Russia and Ukraine should pay attention to the forces in the international community that well-intentionedly hope for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine!

By the way, as for Zelensky, if he really wants to talk, he might as well amend the domestic law again and remove the clause of "not negotiating with Putin". Otherwise, how can we talk?