
xia and shang "text carrier": a major archaeological discovery of the shang dynasty. no wonder the zhou people knew yao, shun, yu and xia.


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when talking about ancient chinese history, sima qian once said, "many scholars refer to the five emperors, which is too far back in time to be traced back. finally, after a lot of hard research, it was confirmed that the five emperors were not a false story. since it is too far back in time, it should be difficult to remember, or the memory should be quite different from the facts, but some accurate ancient memories have appeared in the literature.

the book of rites states: "before cremation, people ate grass and trees, the flesh of birds and beasts, drank their blood, and ate their fur. before there was hemp or silk, people wore feathers and skins." this is the origin of the idiom "eating raw meat and drinking blood." however, the zhou dynasty had already said goodbye to this lifestyle, so how do we know that people ate raw meat and drank blood in ancient times?

the book of changes records: "in ancient times, people used knotted ropes to govern." in his "summary of morgan's ancient society", marx explained that indians used knotted ropes to record events. at the end of the shang dynasty and the beginning of the zhou dynasty, china had already used writing. how did the author of the book of changes know that "in ancient times, people used knotted ropes to govern"?

in addition, there are slash-and-burn farming, drilling wood to make fire, etc., which are all descriptions of ancient society by later generations.

the problem is that these descriptions are very accurate, and they are objectively existing history in ancient times, but the recorders have long been away from this social scene, so how could they know so accurately? i believe everyone will think it is "oral history", but the archaeology of the shang dynasty gave another answer. in this way, it is no wonder that the zhou dynasty knew about yao, shun, yu, and the xia dynasty.