
beijing cultural forum professional salon was open to the public for the first time, and the audience exclaimed that they had “gained a lot”


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on the afternoon of september 20, 32 professional salons of the 2024 beijing cultural forum were held simultaneously. this professional salon focused on hot topics in cultural construction and was open to the public for the first time this year. at the professional salon, many audiences shared their feelings about participating in the event with our reporter.

"it's my first time to attend such a large-scale and high-level salon. i feel very honored." bi sicheng is a practitioner in the field of cultural heritage. at the salon with the theme of "cultural heritage promotes sustainable urban development", he took notes while listening and took photos of the wonderful content on the screen from time to time. "it is a rare opportunity to listen to so many big names from home and abroad at one time." bi sicheng said that this trip was very rewarding. the professional salon not only allowed him to learn a lot of new concepts and knowledge related to cultural heritage, but also greatly helped his work. "i hope to participate more in the future."

at the salon themed "cultural relics and artworks - mobile carriers of civilization", the beijing cultural relics exchange center brought the "pearls from the ocean - special exhibition on the protection and inheritance of cultural relics and artworks". 27 cultural relics in the collection were displayed in categories such as calligraphy and painting, embroidery, porcelain, bronze, jade, wood and new handicrafts, attracting guests, social audiences, news media and others to experience the historical accumulation and splendor of chinese civilization up close. in front of an embroidery work "eighteen venerable album leaves", many viewers gathered to savor the skills on their fingertips. curator dong qi introduced that it was hand-embroidered by guan daosheng, the wife of zhao mengfu, a famous calligrapher and painter in the yuan dynasty, and is the best-preserved, most patterned and most embroidered embroidery work from the yuan dynasty to date. "it's so exquisite! the silk thread is as thin as a hair, which shows the exquisite skills of the craftsmen." social audience wang yaping said that although she did not understand the embroidery technique, she couldn't help but sigh when she saw such a beautiful work, "this is the luxury of us chinese!"

after listening to the conversations of the guests at the "literature and art light up life" salon, sun donghu, a researcher at the institute of history of the beijing academy of social sciences, said that different types of cultural arts need to be more closely aligned with the times in terms of inheritance in order to meet the needs of audiences, practitioners and enthusiasts of different ages. for example, most people are laymen when it comes to sculptures, but everyone has the need to check in and take photos when visiting the park. sculptures can be created based on different needs, and in the process, relevant knowledge can be popularized to improve the public's aesthetic accomplishment. "the inheritance and dissemination of ancient art forms such as quyi is also the same. it is normal for young people to feel distant from quyi. they can refer to some chinese-style songs for adaptation, so that young audiences can first be interested in opera elements, and then cultivate their interest and aesthetics in traditional art, so that culture and art can have a wider and more profound impact on people's lives and cultivate their sentiments."

at the salon "gathering the power of young film and television to let the world understand china", wang yunshu from the school of art and media of beijing normal university told reporters that throughout the forum, practitioners from various film and television industries, such as screenwriters, directors, actors, and producers, talked about their creative experiences. a deep feeling is that film and television practitioners must grasp the timeliness of their works and dialogue with the times in their creations. when considering the cultural and tourism transformation of film and television works, the importance of film and television ip operations cannot be ignored. this not only requires practitioners to break out of their inherent mindset, but also requires them to take the integration of the cultural and tourism industries seriously with a spirit of craftsmanship. i believe that the practitioners in the audience will get a lot of inspiration from these sharings. yang wei, producer of liangsandian (beijing) culture media co., ltd., focuses on the topic of how to integrate film and television with the city. "in the sharing on the spot, i can feel the creators' intentions. they can refine the connotation of urban culture very clearly, and show it through the details of daily life. they really discover and extract inspiration from life. they don't move life intact, but extract the valuable and profound parts of life to achieve emotional resonance with the audience."

on the afternoon of september 20, a professional salon themed "china's contemporary literature's path to going abroad" was held at the beijing federation of literary and art circles art workshop. this event is one of the professional salons supporting the parallel forum "cultural empowerment: spiritual life and industrial development". photo by intern reporter jin yao

professor chen fang of the school of foreign languages ​​of renmin university of china attended the professional salon "the road to overseas chinese literature of contemporary chinese literature". he praised the beijing federation of literary and art circles for building a high-quality platform for chinese literature to "go overseas", and for forming a normalized mechanism for dialogue and communication between writers and translators. chen fang commented that the salon dialogue was relaxed and interesting, with rich content, and gave everyone the opportunity to understand the creative ideas and current situation of chinese writers. several sinologists put forward particularly constructive opinions on the overseas dissemination status and strategies of chinese literary works, which left a deep impression. this lively dialogue will surely promote mutual learning between chinese and foreign civilizations and mutual understanding between different civilizations.

source: beijing daily client

reporter: niu weikun, he rui, zhang ao, li xiazhi, qiu wei
