
how much can a full-time food delivery worker in beijing, shanghai, guangzhou and shenzhen earn? meituan research institute releases rider income report


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina technology news: on september 19, meituan research institute (hereinafter referred to as the "research institute") disclosed today that as of 2023, 4.5 million meituan riders have participated in the national occupational injury insurance pilot. "among the 7.45 million riders who have received orders in 2023, nearly half of them have received orders for less than 30 days, showing a strong transitional employment feature."

in january this year, the "2023 china blue-collar employment research report" released by the china new employment form research center pointed out that the average monthly income of deliverymen in 2023 was 6,803 yuan, exceeding the average of 6,043 yuan for the blue-collar group. the income levels of occupations such as deliverymen, confinement nannies, and truck drivers are among the top blue-collar workers.

the institute stated thatamong the 7.45 million riders who have income from orders, 11% of the total number, or about 819,500 people, have received orders for more than 260 days a year; about 48% of the riders who have income from orders have received orders for less than 30 days a year.

delivery riders have become a transitional employment option for many workers, showing a strong transitional feature, which is consistent with previous survey results from various sectors of society. a previous scholar found that the turnover rate of station riders reached more than 70% within a year, and "working on delivery while looking for other opportunities" has become the norm in the food delivery industry. public materials from the competent department of a provincial capital city show that the monthly turnover rate of crowdsourcing riders is around 20%, and the average tenure is less than 1 year.

▲data from 2023 also show that nearly 30% of income-earning riders receive orders for less than one week a year.

if a rider runs orders for more than 260 days a year and takes more than 6 hours a day on average, his income will be competitive in the local area. taking june 2024 as an example, if a rider runs orders in a first-tier city, his monthly income can reach more than 7,354 yuan, and if he runs orders in a third-tier city or below, his monthly income can reach more than 5,556 yuan.

it is understood thatmeituan riders include ordinary crowdsourcing and lepao types. the former have no requirements on the number of days they run orders and have more flexible working hours, while the latter have requirements on the number of days they run orders and have a more substantial average june 2024, among high-frequency riders, the income of crowdsourcing and lepao riders in beijing, shanghai, guangzhou and shenzhen was 7,354 yuan and 11,014 yuan respectively, while the average income in third-tier and lower cities was 5,556 yuan and 7,197 yuan respectively, which basically represents the average income range of high-frequency riders. there are also a large number of part-time riders who mainly take advantage of the two peak hours of lunch and evening to undertake delivery tasks and earn higher incomes in a shorter period of time.

▲ high-frequency general crowdsourcing (with greater freedom in running orders) and lepao (with certain running days requirements) represent the low and high levels of high-frequency rider income respectively. (image: meituan research institute)

▲the distribution of takeaway orders during the ordering period. riders can earn higher income in a shorter period of time during the peak period. (image: china takeaway industry survey and research report (first three quarters of 2019))

"the data of undergraduate and postgraduate students can only be confirmed after they submit their academic certificates and degree certificates to the china higher education student information and career center for verification. currently, any rider data in this regard is a rumor without factual basis," said meituan research institute.the online rumors that "meituan's crowdsourcing riders have reached 51 million" and "various false data on riders with graduate and undergraduate degrees" were traced back to the original sources of individual online accounts that made "incorrect logical calculations and deliberate dissemination" on social media in order to attract attention and traffic.

a spokesperson for the research institute revealed that taking into account the high mobility characteristics and complex working environment of riders, meituan has specially hired 214 riders in 77 cities across the country to become meituan product experience officers. at present, these riders have put forward more than 750 optimization suggestions, more than 410 of which have been optimized and launched nationwide, and more than 80 are being optimized and upgraded.