
college entrance examination scores have increased for 13 consecutive years. how did qingyuan, a small economic county, create an educational miracle?


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chao news sharing alliance (qingyuan) hu song trainee editor wu keqin
this year, qingyuan achieved a "13 consecutive increases" in college entrance examinations, and tsinghua university admitted one person, achieving a breakthrough from zero in 29 years.
in the past three years, qingyuan county has ranked among the top three in the city in terms of high school entrance examination results, and the quality of compulsory education has remained in the first echelon of the city. the proportion of children in public kindergartens has reached 74.39%, the coverage rate of inclusive kindergartens has reached 100%, and 6 kindergartens have reached the provincial second-level kindergarten standards. in 2023, it will become a county with universal and inclusive preschool education in the country.
each educational achievement conveys confidence that is more precious than gold. at the first meeting of the spring festival this year, qingyuan issued the strongest voice for respecting teachers and valuing education: a small county can also create an educational miracle and become a strong county in education. with the greatest determination to overcome all difficulties, through local breakthroughs, we can promote the return of confidence and the return of excellent students, and push qingyuan education to the first-class development fast track in the mountainous area.
first-class teachers train first-class education schools
qingyuan has always regarded the construction of the teaching staff as a key measure to support the high-quality development of education, and has consistently focused on learning and training for all members of the teaching staff to empower teacher growth through learning and training.
this year, qingyuan has conducted teacher training for 6,852 people, established reserve training classes for senior and special-grade teachers, carried out 10 research and training sessions, carried out evaluation and recommendation of famous teachers, and 31 teachers participated in the city-level evaluation of famous teachers.
in recent years, qingyuan has used the famous teacher studio as a carrier to infiltrate and radiate the advanced ideas of famous and excellent teachers in various disciplines into teachers' teaching practice, and has cultivated a group of young teachers with strong political thinking and excellent professional ability.
in december 2007, qingyuan’s first famous teacher studio was established, led by wu weichun, a national outstanding science teacher, provincial special teacher, and senior teacher.
wu weichun's master teacher studio is a learning group that brings together more than 50 teachers, including young science teachers from provinces, cities and counties, young backbones of the teaching community, and conducts online and offline learning and exchange activities every thursday evening.
"we mainly start from improving teachers' basic skills and professional qualities, and carry out exchanges in the form of theoretical lectures, curriculum construction, paper writing, simulated classes, class observation and evaluation, lesson presentation, and project research." wu weichun said that this is a platform for mutual promotion and mutual assistance. through exchanges with other teachers, they can help answer teaching questions and absorb the excellent experience of other teachers to promote the improvement of their own teaching level.
since its establishment, wu weichun's master teacher studio has organized more than 700 teacher training sessions and has guided more than 100 teachers to become provincial special teachers, municipal and county master teachers, subject leaders, municipal and county teaching experts, and new teachers.
over the past 17 years, more and more famous teacher studios have emerged in qingyuan. so far, qingyuan has 3 city-level famous teacher studios, 27 mountain-sea collaborative famous teacher studios, and 25 county-level subject famous teacher studios, with 25 leaders, 109 tutors, and 303 students. a total of 412 people in the county have participated in famous teacher studios in various subjects.
in the 2023 academic year, the master teacher studios in various subjects held a total of 145 activities, 7,074 people received training, and 65 teaching sessions were provided.
this year, qingyuan issued the "qingyuan county famous teachers and principals training program". based on the famous teachers' studios, it established cutting-edge and elite classes for famous teachers and principals. through a "one-to-one" mentoring approach, with the guidance of famous teachers, on-the-job learning, master-apprentice pairing, participation in management, teaching practice, and subject research, it will create a teacher talent echelon with county characteristics.
famous teachers teach and help, and exchanges promote growth. in the past three years, qingyuan has won one provincial special-grade teacher, three senior teachers, four provincial new teachers, and 1,007 municipal backbone teachers.
first-class visiting university, first-class harvest and growth
although the mountains can block the way, they cannot stop qingyuan educators from being ambitious and determined to be first-class. qingyuan has always insisted on implementing the mechanism of teachers going out for on-the-job training and out-of-the-job training, encouraging teachers to go out of the mountains to study and train, to go on on-the-job training, to visit and exchange...
in recent years, qingyuan has arranged key teachers to study and train in key schools in shanghai, hangzhou, ningbo, wenzhou and other places every year. the study time each time ranges from 3 months to half a year.
“in the past, we considered that long study time would require leaving work, and we were afraid that teaching would be affected, so the time for outdoor study was very short, either a few days or at most a week.” huang sijin, director of the county education bureau, said that the effect of studying in just a few days was not good in the past, and it was difficult for teachers to learn advanced teaching experience from outside.
therefore, starting in recent years, the county education bureau has extended the time for teachers to go out for training, so that teachers have real time to calm down and learn advanced experiences.
in august 2023, wu changfu, the principal of julong middle school, began to study on the job at hangzhou xuejun middle school group and shangcheng district education college.
during this period, he taught four classes at wenyuan experimental school of xuejun middle school education group, and participated in meetings at all levels of wenyuan experimental school and teaching and research activities of various subject groups.
wu changfu was deeply touched after 6 months of shadowing. "what impressed me most was the extremely high pursuit of professional quality by the hangzhou teachers. various types of seminars, training, competitions, and forums constantly forced teachers to grow professionally, and they tried every means to squeeze out time to participate in various learning activities." wu changfu said that there is a certain gap between qingyuan education and hangzhou in terms of platforms and resources. qingyuan teachers must catch up in learning high-end and cutting-edge new knowledge, new skills, new methods, and new concepts in the field of education, and constantly improve their professional quality and ability to adapt to the new requirements of future development. he deeply felt the diligence and hard work of qingyuan educators, and believed that qingyuan educators would be able to create a better tomorrow for qingyuan education with diligence, pragmatism, hard work, and wisdom.
in november 2023, wu taoying, the principal of qingyuan county central kindergarten, also visited advanced universities and kindergartens in singapore and brought back singapore's inspiration for qingyuan's preschool education.
"singapore's successful experience in preschool education in respecting multiculturalism and paying attention to diversity and differences is instructive for the development of our preschool education." wu taoying said that we can try to offer more courses that integrate cultural education, hold more cultural festivals and activities, and develop multicultural teaching materials and resources.
a crossing of mountains and seas, a two-way rush
in recent years, qingyuan has successively paired up with education departments and key primary and secondary schools in changxing, jiashan, haishu and hangzhou to achieve teaching and research linkage and educational assistance across mountains and seas.
in january 2023, hangzhou xuejun middle school and qingyuan middle school signed an education assistance agreement.
in march 2023, changxing middle school and qingyuan middle school renewed their pairing and assistance agreement.
in october 2023, the education bureau of haishu district and the education bureau of qingyuan county, tian xingeng middle school of haishu district and julong middle school of qingyuan county, gulin town kindergarten of haishu district and tongxin kindergarten of qingyuan county signed a pairing and assistance agreement.
in january 2023, changxing, jiashan and qingyuan formulated the "changxing, jiashan-qingyuan teacher development pairing assistance implementation plan".
on april 16 this year, dongyang weishan high school and qingyuan mengzhou high school signed a pairing and assistance agreement.
two-way communication and dialogue. in june this year, 36 teachers from qingyuan middle school went to changxing middle school for exchanges, and discussed with changxing middle school how to more effectively cultivate top students, collective lesson preparation models, and moral education management practices under the new college entrance examination system. in june this year, the famous principal studio of wang xiaolu, principal of ningbo no. 2 kindergarten, carried out an online training on "mountain and sea education co-research and cloud linkage discussion", and the principals of kindergartens in qingyuan learned about the education culture of ningbo no. 2 kindergarten together.
in june 2023, the famous principal studio chaired by principal qiu yueling of hangzhou xuejun middle school and the nine subject special-grade teacher studios led by nine provincial special-grade teachers were established in qingyuan middle school. so far, more than 20 teaching activities have been carried out. through expert lectures, class observation and evaluation, lectures, teaching plan diagnosis and other forms, more than 170 teachers from qingyuan middle school participated in discussions, and 1,800 students participated in classes and lectures.
so far, qingyuan has carried out 1,325 activities with paired schools and education departments, including training for key principals, outstanding young and middle-aged cadres, school-based training, class teacher training, and subject lectures. eight cross-regional teaching community schools have sent a total of 8 people to follow-up training for half a year, 108 people have paired up as mentors, more than 200 guidance activities, 9 online extension courses, and 98 class hours. 27 famous teacher studios have been established, 75 professional seminars have been held, 163 online synchronous classes have been held, and 134 online seminars have been held.
a strict teacher's evaluation and a respectful teacher's love
qingyuan has always insisted on putting teacher ethics first and strict management with deep love in the work of commending outstanding teachers and evaluating and appointing professional titles, continuously improving the effectiveness of teacher management and activating the "pool of spring water" of the teaching staff.
every year, qingyuan organizes a professional competency test for teachers across the county. the test results are announced and linked to the annual appraisal and incentive wages in performance-based wages, which greatly motivates teachers' enthusiasm for learning.
in recent years, qingyuan has also held teacher talent shows and the biennial professional skills competition for primary and secondary school music, physical education, art, and information technology teachers, a class teacher skills competition, a "my school, my class, my lesson" theme competition, and a "my school philosophy" principal forum to share management wisdom, discuss educational problems, and exchange school management strategies, which has promoted school development and enhanced educational development.
in addition, the "four ones" action was implemented, namely, each teacher read a book on educational and teaching theory, make good use of an educational journal, hold a special lecture, and host (or participate in) a research project.
every year, the county education bureau invites famous teachers, principals, university experts and professional education researchers from inside and outside the province to give lectures and guidance, so that teachers of different ages can continue to reap the joy of success in their careers.
the qingyuan county party committee and the county government issued policy measures such as the "opinions on further strengthening the construction of the education talent team", and took the lead in the province to establish special post subsidies for rural teachers, a separate teaching subsidy for rural teachers, and an exchange subsidy for principals and teachers, reaching 4.44 million yuan per year; established 6 levels of government subsidies for key teachers, with a monthly government subsidy of 200-2,000 yuan; established an education quality reward system, and increased the proportion of fiscal appropriations for year-end rewards. in 2024, all kinds of education quality bonuses in the county will reach more than 50 million yuan.
in 2024, qingyuan will also arrange 35 apartments for teachers without houses to effectively solve the housing difficulties of educational talents.
in the mountains of qingyuan, batches of teachers with firm political convictions, deep feelings, solid knowledge and broad vision are working hard for a better future for qingyuan education and continue to help children in the mountainous areas realize their dreams.
producer | fan bo
audit| wu min
this issue was written by tan zhu| sharing alliance (qingyuan) hu song
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