
yulanqin plateau|du junjie: hand in hand polishing the "qunfeng moral education" excellent teachers and excellent courses


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in the live demonstration of demonstration classes for 17 counties in 1 district of shigatse city, the theme class meeting of lacang, a first-grade teacher at shanghai experimental school in shigatse, "defeat the procrastination monster", received good reviews. behind the transformation of the class meeting, the hard work of shanghai's aid-to-tibet teachers is condensed. after du junjie came to shigatse, he took the quality of the class teacher as the entry point, the snow-capped peaks as the symbol, and played the advantages of "group-style" education aid to tibet to build a "qunfeng moral education" blueprint. under such a top-level design, projects such as the qunfeng plan, qunfeng courses, and qunfeng activities were born, the moral education teacher talent team continued to grow, and the plateau-featured moral education courses formed a system.
polishing the theme of the class meeting
in the past, local head teachers had relatively weak basic skills. the classroom teaching format of class meetings was relatively simple, and students did not feel strong in participation. du junjie planned to carry out a basic skills training course for head teachers, invited shanghai's authoritative experts in moral education to guide young tibetan teachers, and emphasized participation and interaction to guide students to think independently.
with the hands-on polishing of the shanghai team, the class meeting teaching design has undergone great changes.
the class meeting on "defeat the procrastinator" was one of the highlights. students played the role of "procrastinator" to visualize the topic of procrastination habits, guide students to talk about the problems caused by procrastination in life, and think about how to overcome them. children put notes with good habits on the "procrastinator" to achieve the goal of "defeat the procrastinator". finally, teacher lacang left a question for people to think about - when encountering complex things, how to deal with them according to priority?
under the guidance of du junjie, shigatse shanghai experimental school established a class teacher studio. in the future, it will continue to push high-quality theme class meetings to the display platforms of shigatse city and tibet autonomous region to form a brand.
strengthening the moral education group peak curriculum
the course content with plateau characteristics lays a solid foundation for "qunfeng". du junjie led the establishment of an interdisciplinary labor ideological and political work group, and formed the concept of the qunfeng course based on inheritance and research.
du junjie hopes to strengthen the brand of "ideological and political courses in the barley fields" and make it an interdisciplinary and cross-age course. based on a set of general teaching plans, with slight changes, geography teachers can talk about local sentiments, biology teachers can talk about agricultural knowledge, and chemistry teachers can talk about nutritional elements and acidity and alkalinity. du junjie led the team to record two labor ideological and political courses, "seed germination" and "the joy of harvest". these two classes, as school-based boutique courses, help the ideological and political courses in the snow-covered areas to bear new fruits. the people on the plateau have deep feelings for traditional chinese herbal medicines. at the end of this year, the labor moral education course led by du junjie will be opened in the school's chinese herbal medicine museum, telling about the planting and harvesting of chinese herbal medicines, and also including handmade content such as sachets, so that students can experience the joy of labor in a classroom full of local flavor.
moral education and ideological and political courses play a role in uniting people. du junjie, together with the tibet education aid working group, guided the local teacher yixi tsom to record "how can we not sing - ideological and political courses in commemoration of the democratic reform in tibet" at the shigatse urban and rural planning museum. this course, as a new attempt at ideological and political education in "museum-school cooperation" in frontier ethnic regions, won the first prize in the yangtze river delta "excellent teachers and excellent courses" selection last year.
thanks to the efforts of shanghai's teachers in tibet, the ideological and political classroom in shigatse has become vibrant. at the same time, ideological and political education has extended from in-class to extracurricular activities, showing a good momentum of advancing on both fronts.
du junjie led tibetan students to participate in two consecutive national youth simulation cppcc (proposal) presentation activities. last year, as the first tibetan team to participate in the competition, the team won all four collective awards, including the best proposal, best presentation team, best research report, and best organization award, as well as 11 best individual awards. this year, the team participated again and won 9 collective awards and 17 individual awards.
du junjie, a member of the communist party of china, is a senior teacher and the director of moral education at shanghai no. 25 middle school. he is serving as the assistant principal and director of moral education at shanghai experimental school in shigatse during his aid mission to tibet.
author: shen zhushi
text: shen zhushi photos: provided by the interviewee editor: fu xinxin responsible editor: fan bing
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