
huawei ads3.0 is the best smart driving system in china


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brothers, you must have watched huawei’s press conference a few days ago, and you all know that qiankun intelligent driving’s annual major update ads3.0 is here.

we quickly tried it for everyone!

in order to experience the improvement of ads 3.0 as quickly and comprehensively as possible, we immediately downloaded our colleague's avita 12 and updated more than 6g of software. the next day, we drove it to shanghai and tried out the enjoy s9, which also used the new system.

after a high-intensity test drive of several hundred kilometers, covering both highway and urban road conditions, and almost always using intelligent driving, my conclusion about ads 3.0 is:

huge improvement.

as for the question that people often ask me recently: which is the best smart driving in china now? after this test drive, i have a more accurate answer.

as for why, i will slowly share with you in the actual test later. before that, let’s quickly review what has been upgraded in this 3.0 version.

first of all, the most core change is the algorithm. ads3.0 adds an end-to-end architecture to the underlying algorithm. because different manufacturers have different definitions and application methods of end-to-end, the technical principles will not be analyzed in detail here.

all everyone needs to know is that end-to-end means that the intelligent driving system can summarize everyone's driving habits from a large amount of driving materials from real car owners, and then in turn make the car driven by the intelligent driving more like a real person, making us feel more comfortable using it.

ads 3.0 not only optimizes the existing features, but also adds many new functions.

for example, the car can automatically park in the parking space after you get out of the car, even if there are ground locks and pile buckets in the parking space, but you need to move the obstacles away first. (it failed several times on the day of the test drive, but judging from the feedback from other media, it should be an occasional phenomenon)

parking assistance can now also choose to park left or right.

in this way, if you encounter friends whose cars are parked crookedly, you can stay a little further away to avoid being killed by the car when the door is opened.

functions related to collision safety have also been improved. the forward collision avoidance system can identify two-wheeled vehicles such as pedestrians crossing the road diagonally, and the rearward system can recognize more types of obstacles. if there is no time to brake, the system can also use emergency lanes to avoid them.

do you feel that this is all the major version update is and there is nothing new?

but don't worry, as i said at the beginning, ads has been greatly improved after the introduction of end-to-end architecture. it is no exaggeration to say that huawei's intelligent driving has almost gotten rid of the stereotype that "it's better not to drive, and it's more stressful to drive."

one of the most important manifestations is that ads 3.0 is now more detail-oriented and smarter.

for example, the starting, braking and lane changing actions of ads 3.0 are much softer than before. the jerky lane changes and sudden braking that would occasionally occur in the 2.0 version have never occurred in 3.0.

* the following animated images are all operated by ads 3.0 without human intervention

and everyone can see the braking margin of this traffic light. it starts to slow down slowly when it is at least fifty meters away.

until the car finally stops, there is no obvious pitch change, which emphasizes elegance.

then there is lane changing. on ads 2.0, our colleague's avita 12 would frequently change lanes uselessly when piloting at high speeds. it looked like it was overtaking, but it would often change to a slower lane.

although it still changes lanes frequently after the upgrade, it is almost always effective and the advance time is very sufficient. for example, when encountering a slow car on the highway or elevated road, it no longer needs to stick to it for a while before trying to overtake, and can make a judgment from a long distance.

for example, when ads 2.0 encounters an exit ramp or a left or right turn, it will merge to the lane on the side very early. although having some lead time is a good thing, if the lead time is too large, it may sometimes get stuck in a queue of large trucks, and the efficiency will be lower.

ads 3.0 will flexibly adjust the advance amount according to different road conditions. if you are driving in the city, you will wait until you reach the intersection. if you are driving on an elevated road, it will be about 600 meters in advance. if you are driving on a highway, it will be farther, maybe about two kilometers in advance.

this is basically the position we would choose to change lanes when driving, which is very smart.

that's why we test drove the xiangjie s9 and avita 12 this time, for a total of nearly 10 hours. every time we got off the ramp, we were very stable and there was no need to temporarily squeeze in.

oh yes, there was one exception. you see here, it directly overtook the queue of cars. i thought it was going to miss the exit, but when it was almost at the ramp, it stuck to the dotted line and turned into the extended lane of the ramp.

the operation is completely legal and no points will be deducted. it also saves time waiting in line, which is amazing.

and it’s not just smart. i think ads 3.0 is even more aggressive than before and is not afraid at all when it comes to gambling.

or when it comes to overtaking, ads 3.0 will adjust the overtaking action according to the situation in the adjacent lane. if the lane behind is very open, it will overtake smoothly at a constant speed. if there is a car approaching quickly, it will accelerate with a deeper throttle. it is really the same as our normal driving, right?

why do i think it's so aggressive? there were several times when ads 3.0 wanted to overtake smoothly, but found that the car behind accelerated. usually, a timid driver like me would wait for the car behind to let it pass, but ads 3.0 would stop changing lanes first and then quickly switch to accelerated overtaking mode.

hey, i just want to surpass you, and i focus on being stubborn.

it doesn't hesitate when encountering a complicated intersection. it finds the opposite lane smoothly and passes through quickly. sometimes i don't even see it clearly before it passes. to be honest, it's a bit scary.

so you see, it is both smart and courageous. with these two combined, ads 3.0 is basically like a driver who has been driving for several years and can handle most situations on the road.

ahem, yes, not all, but most of them. because in this 10-hour test drive, which was neither too long nor too short, we still had to take over 3 times.

the first time was when we were driving at the speed limit on the highway, and a very short, alien-shaped obstacle suddenly appeared in the middle of the road (it looked like the body of a passing animal, rip). before we could see it clearly, ads 3.0 braked in advance and prompted us to take over immediately, without avoiding the obstacle by detouring.

of course, this is a bit nitpicking, so let’s just consider it a reasonable security takeover for now, and then we’ll look at the next two times.

the second takeover occurred when i was passing an intersection at night. the right turn lane was occupied by a vehicle with its hazard lights on. ads 3.0 chose to use the solid line to bypass from the left. no problem here, i would do the same.

when we were detouring, the red light for right turn came on. ads 3.0 recognized it and chose to wait for the light. there was no problem. but when the red light for right turn went out, the vehicle did not start. we waited for it for a while but it still did not respond. in order not to block the car behind us, we had to take over.

the third time was also at night. because it was raining heavily, there was a large area of ​​water and reflections on the road. when passing a laneless intersection, the car suddenly lost the road ahead and started to turn left. in order to avoid going to the opposite lane next door, we had to take over.

of course, these were the only three times we took over after n hours of experience. the average takeover mileage and number of times are already among the best among all the intelligent driving systems i have tried.

coupled with the many advantages mentioned above, during most of our test drive, my colleagues and i had complete confidence in the capabilities of ads 3.0. as long as we didn't encounter temporary road repairs or heavy rain that affected the road structure and driving vision, we would subconsciously feel that ads 3.0 could easily handle it.

then we witnessed it handling various kinds of lane-cutting, seizing the opportunity to change lanes and get off the elevated road when in traffic jams, and overtaking even in poor lighting conditions at night, without any loss of ability.

the more i use my phone, the more i feel inflated. i don’t want to look at the road anymore, and i want to play with my phone more (ahem, this is wrong. you will be penalized for playing with your phone while driving. you must always pay attention to the road conditions!). . .

ok, let me give you a summary at the end.

this time, the update of huawei qiankun intelligent driving ads 3.0 has made significant improvements compared to 2.0, both in terms of functional stability and experience comfort.

it is no exaggeration to say that this is the only system among all current domestic manufacturers that allows me to feel at ease and let it handle complex scenarios and solve the problem that smart driving is worse than not driving.

of course, judging from the several scenarios that required takeover, ads 3.0 still has a clear limit on its capabilities when facing some uncommon scenarios and relatively severe weather conditions. we still have to keep our eyes open at all times and safety is the most important thing.

the lighting environment on a rainy night is really explosive

if i were to say what i feel after this round, it would be that in the one year from ads 2.0 to 3.0, huawei's progress in algorithms is so fast that it is beyond imagination.

this also indirectly confirms our view when we went to north america to test drive fsd, that is, although tesla is the first global automaker to implement end-to-end intelligent driving, domestic brands such as huawei and dji, with their huge r&d teams and home advantage in domestic road conditions, may really be able to iterate to a surprising level when fsd enters the domestic market.

now that there is a rough timetable for fsd's introduction to china, and ads has become the most user-friendly, it is imagined that the final showdown between the two systems in china may be coming soon.

no matter how much fsd costs, we will be the first to try it out for everyone.

it’s really exciting to imagine.

written by: deadly blank shot

edit: twist the neck right

art: huan yan

image, source

neck brother original shot