
guangzhou nansha fully lifts purchase restrictions! developers speed up marketing, fixed price and free home appliances are common


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data map of the marketing center of a project in zengcheng, guangzhou, from the daily economic news

guangzhou nansha fully lifted property purchase restrictions on september 14.

a reporter from the "daily economic news" learned that although the local housing and urban-rural development bureau did not issue an official statement on the news, local agencies and projects said they had received verbal notifications and had begun to implement them.

in addition to providing support to the real estate market on the policy side, many projects have also accelerated their marketing pace with the arrival of the short holiday.


actually started to execute

after half of the areas lifted the purchase restrictions in september last year, guangzhou nansha lifted the purchase restrictions yesterday, but the official has not yet issued a direct document. many project personnel said that although no official document has been issued, they have received verbal notifications and the actual implementation has begun.

"nansha has now lifted all purchase restrictions, and the original six-month social security or tax bill requirements have been cancelled." after learning of the cancellation of purchase restrictions, manager li of nanshan real estate agency was the first to share the news on his wechat moments.

in the view of some industry insiders, this move is mainly to hedge against the sluggish real estate market and expectations of falling housing prices, and to promote transactions during the mid-autumn festival holiday.

guangzhou zhongyuan research and development department analyzed that since the "5.28" new policy, nansha's purchase restriction policy has been relatively relaxed, so this time it is completely relaxed. the main stimulus target is investors from various provinces and cities in the mainland and hong kong, macao and taiwan. for potential local employment needs and improvement buyers in nansha, the impact is limited.

(note: on may 28, the general office of the guangzhou municipal people's government issued the "notice on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in our city", officially announcing that the down payment for the first house was reduced to 15%, and the down payment for the second house was 25%; and non-locals can buy houses in guangzhou's restricted purchase areas with 6 months of social insurance, etc.)

li yujia, chief researcher of the housing policy research center of guangdong provincial urban planning institute, told the reporter of china business network that nansha is a very special area, different from other areas in guangzhou's main urban area. as the geometric center of the greater bay area, it attracts investors and entrepreneurs from the entire greater bay area as well as from other places. therefore, it also needs to sell a lot of land and houses to raise funds to promote infrastructure construction and attract investment for large projects.

according to data from the guangzhou housing and urban-rural development bureau, in the first eight months of this year (statistical period: december 26, 2023 to august 25, 2023, the same below), there were 60,349 registered transactions of existing houses in guangzhou, of which nansha accounted for only 2,598 units, accounting for only 4.3%, ranking second from the bottom in the city's second-hand transactions.

li yujia mentioned,in the past, nansha’s purchase restriction policy was relatively strict, fearing that real estate speculation would be too strong and affect regional functions and industrial development. now, it is facing the problem of a rapid decline, which has an impact on regional fiscal capacity and infrastructure investment. therefore, the task of stabilizing the real estate market is very heavy.


speed ​​up marketing

according to data from guangzhou centaline research and development department, 4,906 new homes were signed online in guangzhou in august, down 18% from the previous month. perhaps because of this, developers have higher expectations for the mid-autumn festival holiday.

the reporter of daily economic news noticed that since september, most new properties in guangzhou have stepped up their marketing efforts. on the one hand, the pace of entering the market has accelerated, and many properties are concentrated on september 14 to september 17 (weekends and mid-autumn festival); on the other hand, developers' marketing activities are more common, such as fixed price, free home appliances, free parking spaces, etc.

specifically, real estate projects such as tianhe district chengtou zhujiang tianhe yipin, xipai tianhe xu, liwan district poly yajun, haizhu district poly yanyutangyue, and zhujiang jinyaotai have all accelerated the pace of launching new projects during the short holiday and have launched new products one after another.

in addition, some real estate companies have also planned mid-autumn festival marketing activities. for example, kwg south china launched the "super home buying festival" during the mid-autumn festival. 18 real estate projects in guangzhou were linked together, and some projects offered discounts of up to 20%, and some projects offered home improvement and home appliance gift packages of up to 200,000 yuan. during the mid-autumn festival, guangzhou yuhujing also launched marketing activities such as visiting to draw red envelopes, smashing golden eggs to win dyson hair dryers, and enjoying up to 30 years of property management fees for old customers bringing in new customers.

"specific holidays are the normal marketing nodes of the project, and planning basically begins 1 to 2 weeks in advance." on the afternoon of september 15, a project planner in guangzhou told the reporter of the china business network that although real estate consultants usually do online live broadcasts and traffic diversion, most customers still rely on intermediary channels, and this kind of holiday marketing activity is more to cooperate with the channel to attract customers, and the situation is similar for most real estate projects.

promotional posters for some real estate projects in guangzhou

the reporter from the china business network noticed that many real estate developers have started to promote discounted houses during the mid-autumn festival and launch special offer properties in their circle of friends.

for example, a project located in guangzhou university town launched five special-price houses during the mid-autumn festival, with the total price discount of each house being around 400,000 yuan; a poly real estate project in zengcheng, guangzhou, launched 10 fixed-price houses during the mid-autumn festival, which required a one-time payment. after the discount, the unit price was generally around 10,000 yuan per square meter, and the total price was mostly between 745,000 yuan and 909,000 yuan.

yang yongjun mentioned that on the transaction side of the guangzhou market, september is expected to continue the recent market hotspots, with improvement demand continuing to be released. driven by favorable factors such as a reduction in down payment ratios and a continued decline in mortgage interest rates, sales of cost-effective projects in the central city are expected to be relatively ideal.

written by chen ronghao

editor|chen mengyu

cover image source | daily economic news file image ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍