
xiang chunling: strengthen the governance of false accusations and create a good political environment


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the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission reported a typical case of false accusation and framing. from december 2015 to march 2021, sun moumou, while successively serving as the director of a branch of the harbin municipal public security bureau and the secretary of the commission for discipline inspection and the director of the supervisory commission of a district in harbin, fabricated facts, fictitious informants, wrote more than 60 letters of complaint in order to gain a competitive advantage in promotion and vent his dissatisfaction with the promotion of others to positions, and instructed others to mail them to the provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision, the harbin municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision and other relevant units, reflecting that six party members and cadres of the harbin municipal public security bureau had bribed, embezzled, and had improper relationships between men and women. upon investigation, sun moumou was suspected of the crime of false accusation and framing, and there were other serious violations of discipline and law and suspected of crimes. sun moumou was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office. in september 2023, chen moumou, a teacher at the 88th middle school in harbin, was dissatisfied with the school's arrangement of his job position, and reported to the relevant units that zhang moumou had embezzled, violated regulations on eating and drinking, violated regulations on the issuance of performance wages, and harassed female teachers. after investigation, it was found that the problem reported by chen was not true. in november 2023, the songbei branch of the harbin municipal public security bureau determined that chen had committed false accusation and framed someone, and imposed a five-day administrative detention on chen in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "public security administration punishment law of the people's republic of china".
the decision of the cpc central committee on further deepening reform and promoting modernization with chinese characteristics, adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, pointed out in the requirements for deepening the party's work style and clean governance and the fight against corruption that "we should strengthen the governance of false accusations". in may 2018, the general office of the cpc central committee issued the opinions on further encouraging the broad masses of cadres to take on new responsibilities and perform new roles in the new era, which pointed out that "we should seriously investigate and punish false accusations and frame-ups, promptly clarify and rectify the names of cadres who have been falsely reported, eliminate their concerns, and guide cadres to become promoters and doers of reform, and to concentrate on doing business and making contributions for the party and the people."
false accusation refers to the act of fabricating facts, forging materials, etc. to reflect problems with the intention of causing others to suffer adverse political influence, reputational loss, or accountability. false accusations include the following types. false accusation by fabricating facts: fabricating non-existent illegal or criminal facts or other bad behaviors to frame others; false accusation by exaggerating facts: deliberately exaggerating some minor faults or general problems of others and describing them as serious illegal or irregular behaviors; false accusation by distorting facts: maliciously misinterpreting and tampering with real events in order to frame others; slander out of thin air: maliciously spreading false statements that are unfavorable to others without any factual basis; false accusation by malicious reporting: knowing that others have no problems, but still accusing them for bad motives such as revenge and jealousy.
false accusation is essentially the alienation of supervisory power. on the one hand, from the personal level, false accusation causes great harm to the life and work of the person who is falsely accused. first, personal reputation is damaged and career development is hindered. the political reputation and social reputation of the person who is falsely accused are seriously damaged, and he may lose promotion opportunities, project participation qualifications, or be transferred from an important position, affecting the prospects of career development. second, psychological trauma is caused, psychological pressure is brought, and negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, and helplessness are generated. third, family relationships are strained. family members may feel troubled and suffer mental pressure due to negative evaluations from the outside world, leading to tension and disharmony in family relationships. fourth, lack of trust reduces the trust of the person who is falsely accused in others and society. because the false accusation has not been clarified for a long time, they have a crisis of trust in others and society, which dampens their enthusiasm for daring to do things, being willing to do things, and being willing to do things. on the other hand, from the organizational level, false accusation interferes with the normal working order of the organization and damages the credibility of the organization. if the organization does not clarify the false accusation in a timely manner, it will reduce the trust of the organization among members and the public, and affect the authority and fairness of the organization. first, anonymous reports can cause suspicion and conflict among internal members, leading to a loss of trust in teamwork and undermining the stability and good operating environment of the organization. second, it can affect the selection and appointment of cadres, causing outstanding cadres to be treated unfairly due to false accusations and miss out on promotion and development opportunities. third, it can increase organizational management costs, including the human, material and financial costs of investigating false accusations, as well as the costs of restoring the reputation of the accused and eliminating the impact.
false accusations and frame-ups pollute the social atmosphere, disrupt the order of reporting, undermine the political ecology, waste supervision and discipline resources, and undermine the enthusiasm of party members and cadres to work and start businesses. there should be "zero tolerance" for false accusations and frame-ups. we should take responsibility for those who take responsibility, protect the legitimate rights and interests of party members and cadres, guide cadres to become promoters and doers of reform, concentrate on doing things and starting businesses for the party and the people, and stimulate the vitality of the party.
handle the relationship between intra-party supervision and false accusations. intra-party supervision is an important part of the communist party of china's efforts to promote the building of a clean and honest party style and fight corruption, and is an important guarantee for promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party. reporting on violations of laws and disciplines by party members and leading cadres is a means of intra-party supervision. true reporting in accordance with laws and regulations can play a positive role, while false reporting may evolve into false accusations and produce negative effects, which are harmful to a certain extent. false reporting is manifested in false accusations and false accusations. the biggest difference between false accusations and false accusations is the difference in subjective intent. false accusations are when the perpetrator reports the wrong facts without knowing the truth, while false accusations are manifested in the perpetrator's motive of deliberately fabricating and fabricating the content of the accusation, out of selfishness and abnormal psychology. therefore, we must correctly use intra-party supervision and true reporting in accordance with laws and regulations, and promptly correct false accusations, and severely punish and crack down on intentional rumors, slander and false accusations.
establish a clarification mechanism for party members and cadres to safeguard the reputation rights of party members and cadres. on the basis of clarifying the facts of false accusations, we should clearly support and encourage cadres who want to do things and can do things, and boldly use them. this is a powerful measure to eliminate false accusations. the "several principles on political life within the party under the new situation" points out: "for party members who have been slandered, falsely accused, or seriously reported with false information, the party organization should clarify and restore their reputation in a timely manner." the "opinions on preventing the "promotion of cadres with illnesses" in august 2016 clearly pointed out: "for cadres who are temporarily in doubt and have not been used yet, we must take a highly responsible attitude, promptly clarify the problems and draw conclusions, clarify and restore the reputation of those cadres who have been falsely accused, slandered, and framed, and severely deal with acts of retaliation, false accusations and frame-ups. ... protect cadres with strong work styles, courage to act, and forge ahead, and clearly support and encourage cadres who want to do things, can do things, dare to take responsibility, and are good at doing things, and boldly use them." article 50 of the rules for the handling of reports and accusations by discipline inspection and supervision organs clearly stipulates that if a discipline inspection and supervision organ verifies that a report or accusation is false and needs to be clarified, it may clarify it in three ways after approval by the principal person in charge of the organ. from the personal level, it is conducive to the restoration of the damaged reputation of the falsely accused, allowing them to put down their ideological burdens, have no worries, and rekindle their confidence in their work and career. from the organizational level, it is conducive to correctly expressing the attitude of the unit and organization and consolidating the credibility of the organization. from the social level, it is conducive to encouraging the majority of party members and the masses to be positive and kind, and constantly create a clean and upright political ecology.
strictly enforce party discipline and establish a mechanism to severely punish false accusations. party members and cadres who spread rumors, slander, and make false accusations should be dealt with seriously within the party and reported as typical cases to increase the cost of punishment, improve the effectiveness and deterrence of party discipline, and serve as a warning to others. article 59 of the "regulations on disciplinary actions of the communist party of china" stipulates that those who have bad political conduct, make anonymous false accusations, intentionally frame or create other rumors, and cause damage or adverse effects shall be given a warning or a serious warning; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be dismissed from their party posts or given probation; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be expelled from the party. article 44 of the "regulations on intra-party supervision of the communist party of china" stipulates: "anyone who insults, slanders, or falsely accuses others in the name of supervision shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with discipline; those suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling." article 243 of the "criminal law of the people's republic of china" stipulates: "whoever fabricates facts to falsely accuse and frame others with the intention of subjecting them to criminal prosecution shall, if the circumstances are serious, be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or public surveillance; if serious consequences are caused, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years. state organ staff who commit the crime in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to heavier punishment." by strictly enforcing laws and regulations, we can put an end to the prevalence of false accusations.
(editor: li junhui)