
regarding the chinese swimming team, he submitted the final report


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xinhua news agency, beijing, september 13 (reporter ma xiangfeilinwei) at the executive committee meeting of the world anti-doping agency (wada) held in turkey on the 12th local time, swiss independent prosecutor cordier confirmed in his final review report: wada's handling of the pollution incident of chinese swimmers was not biased, and pointed out that wada can further improve anti-doping rules and optimize the management system.

cordier said the conclusions of his preliminary report on july 9 have not changed, "the work done by wada (in dealing with the chinese swimmer contamination incident) was autonomous, independent and professional, and there is no evidence to overturn this conclusion."

cordier suggested to the executive committee members that some rules in the world anti-doping code and various international standards need to be further clarified, especially regarding group contamination; some management processes within wada need to be optimized.

cordier said that the flaws in the china anti-doping center's implementation of anti-doping rules did not change the outcome of the incident and would not change the conclusion of contamination.

wada president banca said that this incident reflects the difficulties in handling suspected contamination cases. "laboratories are now able to routinely detect trace amounts of banned substances in the range of one millionth or even one billionth of a gram, and many laboratory positive results are theoretically consistent with unintentional contamination. some very complex and seemingly unlikely situations are becoming increasingly acceptable to arbitration."

"the challenge facing wada, other anti-doping organizations, and the arbitration that ultimately decides these cases is to distinguish between real cases of contamination and scammers who use various resources to fabricate claims of contamination. if the system is too strict and rigid, innocent athletes will suffer injustice; if the system is too loose, scammers may use (trace) stimulants without punishment, and we will lose a fair competitive environment. this is one of the key challenges facing the fight against doping in sports now, and there will be more and more such challenges in the future," said banka.

wada director general niggli was pleased that cordier's final report once again confirmed the fairness of wada's work. "the decision not to appeal (the chinese swimmer contamination incident) is reasonable." he also said that wada and other organizations will learn lessons from this incident. "we believe this is an opportunity to work with our stakeholders to further strengthen the global anti-doping system."

after discussion, the executive committee agreed to set up a working group to transform cordier and fina's reports on the matter into recommendations. currently, the revision of the new version of the world anti-doping code is in the process of soliciting opinions, and how to further optimize management and clarify the rules will be part of it.

wada invited cordier to review its handling of the case of chinese swimmers testing positive due to contamination at the executive committee meeting in april. cordier submitted a preliminary report in july, concluding that wada's handling was not "biased."

cordier is completely independent of wada, the sports world and government departments. the prosecutor with 39 years of work experience served as the attorney general of the canton of vaud in switzerland from 2005 to his retirement in december 2022. before that, he served as a public prosecutor from 1984 to 1991, as the president of the second regional court of vevey and lavaux in switzerland from 1991 to 1998, and as a swiss federal cantonal judge from 1999 to 2005. cordier is currently a director of the swiss institute of comparative law and a member of the international institute for the unification of private law working group. (end)