
woman had difficulty closing her eyes after double eyelid surgery; unlicensed beauty clinic fined 200,000 yuan and compensated 850,000 yuan


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an unsuccessful double eyelid surgery left the beauty-loving ms. wang with a level 10 disability and endless pain, including difficulty closing her eyes and frequent tears.

a woman's eyes could not close completely after double eyelid surgery, and the unlicensed beauty clinic was fined 200,000 yuan

ms. wang is from suzhou, jiangsu province, and was born in the 1980s. on the afternoon of september 12, when she mentioned her failed beauty experience, ms. wang regretted it deeply.

ms. wang recalled that in june 2020, she was introduced to meng (female), the owner of suzhou meixi medical cosmetology clinic co., ltd. on the 27th of the same month, meng performed double eyelid surgery on her at a cost of 12,000 yuan.

"i was in tears the day after the surgery, and my vision was very blurry the next day." ms. wang said that she suspected that the surgery was unsuccessful, so she rushed to a large local hospital for treatment. the hospital said that her intraocular pressure was high and there might be damage inside. because she had just finished the surgery and the stitches had not been removed, she could not be further examined or treated.

ms. wang said that on the third day after the operation, she reported the incident to meng. meng said that she would recover and asked her to wait and see. on the seventh day after the operation, when she was removing the stitches at the beauty clinic, she found a customer complaining about a failed operation. she felt something was wrong and that her operation must have had problems.

"after the stitches were removed, my eyes could not close completely, and the symptoms such as tearing and blurred vision did not improve." ms. wang said that she asked meng what she should do in this situation. at first, meng kept evading and saying that it would be fine, but later he simply ignored her. in desperation, she had to report it to the wuzhong district health commission of suzhou city.

"after investigation, the national health commission found that suzhou meixi medical cosmetology clinic co., ltd. did not obtain a medical institution practice license, and meng did not obtain a "physician qualification certificate" or "physician practice certificate", so the company's drugs and equipment were confiscated and a fine of 200,000 yuan was imposed."

ms. wang said that meixi medical beauty was deregistered shortly after being punished.

sued an unlicensed beauty salon for 490,000 yuan in compensation, signed a settlement agreement and received 850,000 yuan in compensation

"after the incident, i was receiving treatment in a regular hospital while preparing for the lawsuit."

ms. wang said that after diagnosis, her injuries included ectropion of both lower eyelids and incomplete closure of both eyes. in april 2022, she sued meng and her mother zhang (a shareholder of the beauty company) to the wuzhong district court of suzhou city. she requested the court to order the two defendants to return the surgical fee of 12,000 yuan and pay disability compensation, loss of work wages, mental damages, etc., totaling more than 490,000 yuan.

in court, meng argued that it was not she who performed the surgery on ms. wang, but a company employee named guo who had a medical qualification certificate. ms. wang had undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries at other institutions before the cosmetic surgery at their company, and the damage she suffered could be due to her inherent disease or caused by previous cosmetic surgeries. ms. wang denied this.

ms. wang said that during the trial, the court commissioned a judicial appraisal agency in suzhou to appraise her injuries (the first appraisal). the appraisal results showed that meixi medical beauty had faults in diagnosis and treatment, and there was a direct causal relationship between it and ms. wang's injury (incomplete closure of both eyes), and the causal force was complete; ms. wang's injury constituted a ninth-grade disability.

ms. wang said that after the judicial appraisal results came out, meng was dissatisfied and applied for a re-appraisal, which was rejected by the court. on february 8, 2023, the wuzhong district court of suzhou city ruled at first instance that the defendants meng and zhang must compensate ms. wang for disability compensation, nutrition expenses, nursing expenses, loss of work, mental damage compensation, etc. within 10 days from the date of the judgment taking effect, totaling more than 360,000 yuan; and return ms. wang's surgery fee of 12,000 yuan.

"after the first-instance verdict, meng filed an appeal. i asked the local police to hold meng criminally responsible."

ms. wang introduced that on february 16, 2023, meng was criminally detained by the wuzhong branch of the suzhou public security bureau on suspicion of illegal medical practice. during this period, meng entrusted a lawyer to sign a settlement agreement with her and pay her 850,000 yuan in one lump sum. according to the agreement, meng withdrew his appeal, and she issued a letter of understanding to meng, requesting the judicial authorities to deal with meng leniently. after the signing of the settlement agreement, meng was released on bail pending trial.

the owner of a beauty salon was prosecuted for suspected illegal medical practice and the case will be heard in court soon

"i'm not the only one who was injured in meng's cosmetic surgery. there are other victims as well." ms. wang introduced that after meng was released on bail, customers who had the same experience as her also called the police and demanded that meng be held criminally responsible.

ms. wang said that in january this year, the wuzhong branch of the public security bureau transferred the case of the defendant meng to the wuzhong district procuratorate for review and prosecution on suspicion of illegal medical practice. on january 22, 2024, the procuratorate returned the case to the wuzhong branch of the public security bureau for supplementary investigation on the grounds that some facts were unclear and the evidence was insufficient. on february 22, 2024, after the supplementary investigation was completed, the wuzhong branch of the public security bureau again transferred the case to the wuzhong district procuratorate for review and prosecution.

the "indictment of the wuzhong district procuratorate of suzhou city" provided by ms. wang shows that the defendant meng performed medical cosmetic plastic surgery on the victims zheng and wang (ms. wang) from 2019 to 2020 without obtaining a "medical qualification certificate" and "medical practitioner certificate", causing eye injuries to the victims zheng and wang.

after appraisal, zheng's left eye reoperation caused incomplete closure of the left eyelid, and was assessed as a grade 10 disability. there was a direct causal relationship between the damage and meng's illegal medical practice. after the incident, the defendant meng signed a settlement agreement with the victim zheng, compensating the victim zheng for losses of 400,000 yuan.

in the case of ms. wang, the soochow university judicial appraisal center identified (the second appraisal) that ms. wang had functional impairments such as ectropion and epiphora after surgery, and was rated as grade 10 disability. there was a causal relationship between meng's illegal medical practice and ms. wang's adverse consequences, which was a complete effect. after the incident, the defendant meng signed a settlement agreement with the victim, ms. wang, to compensate ms. wang for her losses of 850,000 yuan.

in addition, on june 30, 2019, the wuzhong district health commission conducted an on-site inspection of the medical beauty clinic run by meng and discovered that the defendant meng was performing a face lift (thread lifting) medical beauty surgery on the patient hu; on july 14, 2020, the wuzhong district health commission conducted an on-site inspection of the meixi medical beauty clinic and discovered that the defendant meng hired the doctor guo to inject hyaluronic acid for the patient qi in the clinic even though the company had not obtained a "medical institution practice license".

the wuzhong district procuratorate of suzhou city believes that the defendant meng practiced medicine illegally without obtaining a doctor's license, the circumstances are serious, his behavior violated the criminal law, the facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, and he should be held criminally responsible for the crime of practicing medicine illegally.

"at the end of july this year, the wuzhong district procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the wuzhong district court. a few days ago, i received a court appearance notice from the wuzhong district court. the case will be heard in the wuzhong district court on september 19."

"after the incident, i underwent several corrective surgeries, but my eyes still cannot close completely, and i shed tears when i see light or wind. i have just had an appraisal, and i am still at level 10 disability." on the afternoon of september 12, ms. wang told the huashang daily dafeng news reporter that meng's illegal medical practice has harmed many people, and she hopes that the court will give a fair trial in accordance with the law.

huashang daily news reporter she hui, editor dong lin