
the "disappeared" fishbone forced them to cut open their necks! doctors: stop risking your life to save yourself


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mr. wu is in his early 30s. not long ago, he traveled to ningbo and ordered a braised baotou fish. after eating a few pieces of fish, mr. wu felt a fish bone stuck in his throat. he quickly drank water and swallowed rice. as the pain in his throat did not go away, he went to a nearby hospital. the doctor checked and told him that there was no fish bone. he suspected that the fish bone had been swallowed, which scratched the throat and esophageal mucosa in the process, causing a tingling sensation.

a few days after returning to hangzhou, mr. wu's throat was always painful and he was afraid to swallow his saliva. in order to remove the fish bone, he went to the hospital several times, but he could not find the fish bone from laryngoscopy to gastroscopy.

my throat really hurts.

where did the fish bones “disappear”?

the sore throat was real, so how could the fish bone "disappear" in such a short time?

finally, mr. wu went to the department of otolaryngology of hangzhou first people's hospital and found chief physician teng yaoshu. after doing a ct scan for mr. wu, teng yaoshu found a clue:a fish bone with two sharp ends has passed through the esophagus in the neck, close to the carotid artery, and caused infection in the deep neck and around the esophagus. once the carotid artery is pierced, it will cause a lot of internal bleeding, which will endanger life in a short time!

the situation was critical, and teng yaoshu immediately opened a green channel for mr. wu and performed a neck incision under general anesthesia. after careful exploration during the operation, a huge fish bone was successfully removed.

(the doctor performed surgery to remove the fishbone from mr. wu. photo provided by the hospital)

it took a whole month to find the fish bone.

it has moved into the neck muscles

shortly after mr. wu was discharged from the hospital, teng yaoshu received another patient with a similar condition.

the patient, mr. tang, is from tonglu. he had a meal of pickled fish a month ago. before he finished his meal, he felt a fish bone stuck in his throat. he swallowed the food and drank water, but the pain in his throat persisted. he also had several rounds of examinations, including laryngoscopy and ct scans, but no obvious fish bone was found.

mr. tang was tormented by the discomfort in his throat for a whole month, and finally found a tiny fish bone in his lower jaw through b-ultrasound. at this time, the fish bone had moved into the neck muscles, and the initial judgment was that it went out from the root of the tongue and got stuck in the lower jaw.

the local hospital in tonglu suggested that he be transferred to another hospital immediately, so he went to the no. 1 municipal hospital and found teng yaoshu. because the fish bone had completely passed through his throat, teng yaoshu had to perform a neck incision on him to remove the fish bone.

(photo provided by the hospital where mr. tang had the fishbone removed during surgery)

the "life-threatening" self-rescue method is not advisable

"these two cases are quite regrettable. both patients took incorrect measures to deal with the fish bones stuck in their throats, which led to serious consequences later."

"don't take chances if you encounter a fish bone stuck in your throat." teng yaoshu said that this situation is not an isolated case. when many patients encounter a fish bone stuck in their throat, the first thing they think of is to swallow the bone as soon as bones entering the esophagus are a huge safety hazard.

if a fish bone pierces the esophagus or even the aorta next to the esophagus, it may be life-threatening.

once it enters an artery, it will travel around with the blood; once it punctures a large artery, it can cause an arterial dissection, which can directly endanger life. in short, it is accompanied by high risks all the way.

when eating fish with friends and family, you must concentrate

if a fish bone gets stuck in your throat, go to the hospital immediately

the mid-autumn festival is approaching, and teng yaoshu once again reminds us to be careful when having dinner with friends and family.when eating fish, you should concentrate and chew slowly. never eat it with rice or other dishes.

if you encounter a fish bone stuck in your throat, do not try to use "traditional methods" such as swallowing rice balls, eating steamed buns, drinking water, drinking vinegar, etc.if you force swallow other food, the fish bone may pierce or penetrate the throat or esophagus, causing serious infection, heavy bleeding, etc. you should stop swallowing immediately and try to avoid swallowing to prevent the fish bone from getting stuck deeper.

the best way is to go to a regular hospital as soon as possible and let a professional doctor remove the fishbone.