
top 30 suv sales complaints and corresponding comments in august 2024


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according to the national automobile production and sales data provided by the china passenger car association, the cumulative retail sales of the domestic suv market in august 2024 reached 929,000 units, up 9.6% month-on-month and down 0.2% year-on-year. during the same period, received 5,538 valid complaints from car owners against suvs, up 14.9% month-on-month and down 37.6% year-on-year. after removing the information on the complainant's voluntary application for withdrawal of the lawsuit, the ranking of the complaints about the sales of the top30 suvs in august 2024 is as follows:

domestic brands take the lead, with small suv sales leading the growth

in august, a total of 4 new models entered the list, the same as last month. from the sales changes of the models on the list, more than 80% of the models saw a month-on-month increase in sales. among them, the two new models byd song l dm-i and geely galaxy e5, which were recently launched, doubled in sales. in addition, jetour traveler and byd yuan up also saw large increases, up 48.2% and 72.3% month-on-month respectively. in contrast, the wenjie m7 became the model with the largest sales decline this month, down 27.9% month-on-month.

in august, the number of chinese brands on the list increased slightly, and the proportion once again set a new record for the year, up 3.3 percentage points from july. in contrast, the proportion of japanese brands continued to shrink.

this month, sales of compact suvs, mid-size suvs and small suvs increased month-on-month. among them, small suvs saw the largest increase, up 72.3% from july. during the same period, sales of medium and large suvs and large suvs failed to continue the growth momentum of last month and began to decline. the former saw the largest decline, down 10.5% month-on-month.

the proportion of complaints about quality issues has risen to over 60%, and the reputation of vehicle models has deteriorated

from the change of complaints about the models in the list in august, there are 19 models whose complaints have increased month-on-month, and some models have doubled. in addition to byd song l dm-i and geely galaxy e5, which bid farewell to "zero complaints", faw toyota rav4 rongfang is the model with the highest month-on-month increase in complaints this month. in addition, the number of complaints about some japanese and domestic brands has also increased significantly month-on-month, such as gac toyota wildlander and byd song plus new energy.

in contrast, the number of complaints about 8 models in this month's list fell month-on-month, 4 fewer than last month. haval big dog became the leader, with complaints falling 50% month-on-month, and its short-term reputation performance improved.

the number of complaints about quality issues this month continued the growth momentum of last month, up 10.1% from july, and the proportion increased by 2.5 percentage points. in addition, the number of complaints about service issues also increased slightly month-on-month. it is worth noting that although the number of complaints about other issues rebounded again, the increase was small, and the proportion remained in the single digit, showing an increasingly stable performance.

the complaint-to-sales ratio of 23 models is better than that of the same level

according to the statistics of complaint-to-sales ratio on, the number of complaints for a model includes all valid complaints for that month (including information on voluntary withdrawal of complaints by complainants due to proper resolution of complaints). according to statistics, the average complaint-to-sales ratio of suvs in august was 37.2 per 10,000, a slight increase from 36.2 per 10,000 in july, and the complaint-to-sales ratio is temporarily stable. specifically, there are 23 models with a complaint-to-sales ratio lower than the average suv in august, one less than the previous month.

judging from the changes in the complaint-to-sales ratio, there are 18 models on the list whose complaint-to-sales ratio has decreased month-on-month, most of which are from domestic brands, such as byd yuan up, ideal l7, etc. the short-term complaint-to-sales ratio has shown obvious improvement.

during the same period, there were 12 models with a month-on-month increase in the complaint-to-sales ratio, 8 fewer than in july. among them, the values ​​of wenjie m7 and byd tang new energy increased significantly month-on-month, and the short-term complaint-to-sales ratio performance declined.

analysis of key models

1. byd yuan up rises strongly as a "dark horse" with a booming sales

after five months on the market, the average monthly sales volume exceeded 10,000, and byd yuan up showed its "dark horse" momentum, winning the monthly sales ranking of the domestic small suv market for two consecutive months. as a new member of the byd yuan family, yuan up is the first small suv built on byd's e-platform 3.0. with the support of ctb battery-body integration technology, its endurance and power performance have certain advantages over its competitors of the same level. coupled with its youthful appearance design, rich configuration and affordable price, it has attracted the attention of many young consumer groups. from its sales trend, after three months of adjustment after its launch, sales in july began to show a step-by-step growth momentum, and sales in august hit a new high, approaching the 20,000 mark, up 72.3% month-on-month. similar to the sales trend, the monthly complaints of yuan up also began to increase, but it is still in the single-digit stage, and its short-term reputation performance is stable. from the changes in its complaint-to-sales ratio, it can be seen that the value in august has dropped to single digits, ranking among the top models in the list, and the complaint-to-sales ratio has improved significantly compared with july. with the gradual release of yuan up's production capacity and the launch of new models, its short-term market performance is expected to continue to rise, and it may become another phenomenal model.

2. the market performance of aion y is unlikely to improve in the short term due to poor reputation

despite the large terminal discounts in the market, the market performance of aion aion y continues to be sluggish. in august, the monthly sales of aion y fell by 9.7% month-on-month, reaching the lowest point in nearly four months. from its sales trend in the past year, it can be seen that the overall sales present a "deep v" shape. after the sales hit the bottom in february, although there was a rapid rebound, it was obviously insufficient. from january to august this year, the cumulative sales of aion y were 106,195 units, a decrease of 22.2% over the same period last year. in sharp contrast to the sales trend, the number of complaints about aion y has shown a trend of increasing month by month since february, and the number of complaints in august has set a historical record, and the reputation has deteriorated sharply. according to the data from the auto quality network, the fault problems of aion y are mainly concentrated in the "audio and video system failure". some car owners reported that the central control screen crashed, black screen and flower screen after purchasing the new car, which seriously affected daily use, and believed that there were certain safety hazards. judging from the complaint-to-sales ratio in august, the value was higher than that in july, and the overall performance began to show signs of deterioration. in the new energy vehicle market, word of mouth is crucial for a car model, especially in the current "involutionary" market environment, where consumers have more and more choices, and any carelessness will affect their willingness to buy.