
video of japanese tourists being stopped from taking photos at the old summer palace sparks controversy; national justice cannot be exploited


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□zi jin (east china normal university)
recently, a video blogger posted a video that was suspected to be "japanese tourists were stopped from taking photos in the old summer palace" and attracted attention. some netizens said that the blogger's behavior was too exaggerated and extreme, and he was suspected of "stealing traffic." however, it is not yet known whether the content of the video was real or staged. on september 9, media reporters found that the blogger had deleted the video, and his account on some platforms was no longer visible. (jimu news, september 9)
state behavior cannot be easily equated with individual behavior, and individual behavior cannot be arbitrarily elevated to a collective position. japanese militarism once brought great disasters to asia and the world, and we cannot forget it; to this day, some political organizations and politicians in japan are still trying to erase history. however, the criminal acts of the japanese right wing cannot be equated with the japanese people. when dealing with international tourists, we should not presume a hostile attitude towards the other party. this is not the way to treat guests; in the context of overall weakness in foreign propaganda, it is especially not conducive to the international dissemination of my country's image.
only rational dialogue can bridge the information gap, and the truth is a powerful weapon to combat hostile forces. actively exaggerating hostility and simply venting emotions will only backfire. my country recently issued a 144-hour transit visa exemption policy, allowing foreign tourists to get closer to china and interact with the simple and kind-hearted chinese people in person. the conspiracy lies that anti-china forces have concocted year after year have come to nothing; after "breaking the defense", foreign anti-china forces hurriedly "banned" and slandered the "youtubers" who told the truth, which exposed the myth of their so-called "freedom of speech" and let people see who is on the side of facts, truth, and common sense.
against the backdrop of progress in external communication, some unscrupulous internet celebrities are using "national justice" to create hype. amid the clamor, it can be said that they are actively "handing a knife" and "giving a hand" to anti-china forces who are like ants on a hot pot. if it were just an ordinary netizen, it might be understandable that he would lose control of his emotions and make inappropriate actions under the drive of simple emotions; but as an "internet celebrity" with hundreds of thousands of fans, he has a huge online influence and cannot but take responsibility for his own content production. the power of communication is a public tool, and this matter is of great importance and must be carefully considered.
browsing the relevant entries on various information platforms, we can see that most netizens can still criticize the improper behavior of the internet celebrities in question with a rational attitude; however, there are always people who take advantage of the fact that some farces in the name of "nation" have caused people to sigh, trying to use the topic to make the exaggerated behavior of the sensationalists represent the overall spiritual outlook of the chinese people, and to replace the simple patriotic feelings of the masses with "extreme nationalism". this voice ignores a basic fact: any country or nation is composed of millions of different individuals, and the behavior of some extreme individuals cannot represent the whole, and cannot be used to unilaterally define the value orientation of the whole.
it should be acknowledged that the debate on what is "rational patriotism" and how to be "rational patriotism" has been going on for a long time. this debate has its complex historical context, but in any case, it should be seen that the chinese people as a whole are clear about what they like and hate and are reasonable. when judging the good or bad of an act in the name of national justice, we should seek truth from facts, expose the false faces of those who sensationalize and ridicule, and bring serious issues back to the right track of being treated seriously.