
there is a solution to this bottleneck problem in the field of ai!


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as ai develops rapidly, constraints also arise.

in recent years, the rapid development of global artificial intelligence (ai) technology is driving changes in various industries. however, behind the rapid development of ai technology, the domestic ai industry is facing a severe challenge.

china’s ai development has been constrained by the us’s export restrictions on chinese companies, especially the ban on nvidia gpus. this policy restriction has caused domestic ai research institutions and companies to suffer from insufficient computing power when conducting large-scale model training, and they are unable to fully tap the potential of artificial intelligence technology.

now, this problem is expected to be solved by lingcun laboratory.through the logical characteristics of flash memory chips (nand flash), lingcun laboratory has achieved a breakthrough in ai training on flash memory chips.

who is holding china’s ai back?

in ai training, gpu (graphics processing unit) plays a vital role as the core hardware for accelerated computing. ai training, especially the training of large-scale deep learning models, requires massive data processing and computing power, and the parallel computing power of gpu can greatly improve training efficiency. however,restricted by the us export ban on chinese companies, domestic ai research institutions and companies have to face the problem of shortage of computing resources.without sufficient gpu support, training large models becomes extremely difficult and the development of the industry is severely restricted.

who will break the bottleneck?

with its innovative breakthroughs in the field of flash memory chips, lingcun lab has brought a new solution to ai training. lingcun cleverly applies the underlying logical computing capabilities of flash memory chips to ai training, realizing basic computing functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and xor, and pioneered ai training technology based on flash memory chips.this technology is named inc (in-nand computing), marking a major breakthrough in ai computing technology.

according to chu yibing, the founder of lingcun technology, the core advantage of inc technology lies in its significant improvement in computing power and low power consumption. the first version of inc technology has the computing power equivalent to 140,000 parallel calculators, and its computing performance is sufficient to meet the needs of large-scale ai model training. the second version that lingcun is developing will further improve performance, and the performance improvement is expected to reach hundreds of times. this technology can not only replace the computing tasks of traditional gpus, but also greatly reduce computing costs and energy consumption, and have a profound impact on many fields such as data centers, servers, and mobile terminals.

who is inc?

one of the advantages is the significant improvement in computing performance.lingcun's inc technology optimizes the computing power of flash memory chips to achieve computing performance that is difficult to achieve with traditional computing platforms. compared with traditional gpus, inc technology can provide higher computing efficiency under the same conditions, which will greatly improve the speed and effect of ai training.

in addition to performance, low power consumption is also of great interest. a single server in a traditional data center usually consumes up to 300 watts of power, while the power consumption of inc technology is no more than 10 watts, which is only one-thirtieth of that. for mobile terminals such as mobile phones, notebooks, and tablets, power consumption can even be controlled within 1 watt. this low power consumption feature can not only reduce the energy cost of computing, but also extend the service life of the equipment, becoming a new solution for green computing.

behind the computing power and energy consumption, there is also a significant cost advantage.due to the efficient computing and low power consumption of inc technology, the operating costs of data centers using this technology will be reduced to less than one percent. this change will not only help promote the popularization of ai technology, but also reduce the cost pressure of enterprises in data processing and storage.

it is worth mentioning that the in-memory computing feature of inc technology means that data processing no longer requires frequent data transmission, which greatly improves computing efficiency and reduces privacy risks caused by data transmission. users' sensitive data does not need to be uploaded to the manufacturer's data center for processing, thereby protecting user privacy and complying with increasingly stringent data protection regulations.

the application of inc technology is not limited to data centers and servers. it also has broad application prospects in various mobile terminals such as mobile phones, notebooks, tablets, automobiles, wearable devices, etc.the popularity of this technology will enable these devices to perform local ai training, thereby improving the intelligence level of the device and user experience.

disruption is coming

industry experts said that lingcun's inc technology has broad market prospects and far-reaching social impact.with the continuous development and application of ai technology, the growth of computing demand will drive the demand for high-performance computing platforms. the emergence of inc technology provides a new solution to this demand. its application in data centers will promote the improvement of data processing capabilities, reduce costs, and promote the digital transformation of enterprises; its application in mobile terminals will significantly improve the intelligence of artificial intelligence and provide consumers with a smarter and more convenient service experience.

also,inc technology may also promote the development of related industries, such as flash memory chip manufacturing and ai hardware a breakthrough technology, inc not only demonstrates china's strength in scientific and technological innovation, but also makes important contributions to global scientific and technological progress.

lingcun's inc technology marks an important revolution in the field of artificial intelligence computing. it not only breaks through the limitations of traditional gpus and provides new solutions for ai training, but also shows significant advantages in terms of cost, power consumption, and privacy protection. with the continuous maturity of technology and the promotion of applications, inc technology is expected to become the mainstream in the future computing field and promote the popularization and development of ai technology. in the future, inc technology will continue to exert its potential in various fields and bring more opportunities for economic and social development.

