
the incidents of primary school students being mocked for "buying ice" on the hot search list have made "hard work without suffering" concrete.


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in the first week of school, some people are happy and some are worried.

some parents are delighted that the two-month journey of taking care of their children during the summer vacation has finally come to an end.

however, some parents are so worried about their failure to bring their little beasts back to the cage that they are almost going crazy.

what's going on?

recently, parents in hubei, hunan, sichuan, anhui, jiangxi and other places have posted complaints online that their children are having trouble continuing their studies.

the culprit is the abnormally high temperatures in recent days.

don’t think that in some cities it’s so cool at night that you have to cover yourself with a blanket when you sleep.

however, these provinces have just gotten rid of the 38-degree summer and welcomed an autumn of 40 degrees, and everyone is suffering from the heat.

it takes a certain amount of courage for adults to leave the air-conditioned room, let alone children.

in a weather of over 40 degrees, so many people are crowded in a classroom without air conditioning to take a day's class. the suffering is comparable to torture.

parents in many places have posted messages to complain that because there is no air conditioning in the primary school classrooms, their children have soaked several sets of clothes due to the heat and their bodies cannot bear it.

in the videos sent by parents, at first glance, every child was sweaty, as if they had just taken a shower.

they just sat there, sweat dripping down their hair.

the clothes on their bodies were already soaked and stuck tightly to their bodies, and they felt very uncomfortable.

my hair was never dry throughout the day.

some children were so hot that their eyes became dull and they could only lie on the table to rest.

there are also many children who have fallen ill from the heat.

a parent in hubei said that there are children in their class who faint from the heat almost every day.

some children couldn't help vomiting and having diarrhea even if they managed to hold on until they got home from school.

it is not uncommon to get prickly heat, and many children have nosebleeds due to the heat.

looking at those listless little faces, how can parents not feel heartbroken?

affecting learning is a small matter, but what if the child has health problems if he wears wet clothes soaked with sweat to class all day?

therefore, parents actively communicated with the school to discuss solutions.

for example, some parents sent ice cubes to school and placed them in the classrooms to help cool down.

ice cubes from ice factories in many places have been sold out, with orders even being placed a week later. the price has also risen from 10 yuan per piece to 60 yuan per piece.

not to mention that ice is getting more and more expensive, parents also have to spend a huge amount of time moving the kids around, and they can only ask for leave from the company.

moreover, the ice melts too quickly and easily wets the ground. children may slip if they are not careful, posing a certain safety hazard.

this is not a long-term solution after all.

therefore, parents are calling for schools to install air conditioners in classrooms, and this call is growing.

compulsory education is now free of tuition, and as state funding is limited, it is understandable that some areas with less economic conditions cannot afford air conditioners.

however, many schools have used the excuse that the circuits cannot power air conditioners to evade parents. some schools even say that not installing air conditioners is intended to cultivate children's ability to endure hardships and stand hard work from an early age.

the parents were so anxious that they were at their wits' end. they discussed the matter online and tried all kinds of solutions. many parents even proposed to share the cost of the air conditioner and electricity bills. but if even one parent refused, the matter would not be done.

but what no one expected was that the parents' loving behavior would trigger a wave of ridicule on the internet.

many netizens who do not have children or whose children have grown up feel thatthese parents are so pretentious.

"didn't children get hot in the 70s and 80s when there was no air conditioning? didn't anyone say they couldn't stand it and didn't go to school?"

"no matter how hot it gets, the kids nowadays have never experienced hardship."

in their view, the days before electrical appliances are over.

how come children are so precious nowadays that they can’t go to school without air conditioning?

for a time, those parents became the target of public criticism online, and the two groups of netizens started arguing directly online.

do children really need air conditioning or are parents being too pretentious?

let’s talk about this issue today.

the beginning of autumn has passed and it has become cold in many places.

but many people may have no idea about the high temperatures some provinces are facing.

how hot is it in some areas of the south now?

since august 21, chongqing has issued 16 red high temperature warnings.

temperatures in many areas of sichuan and chongqing soared to 40 degrees.

when i opened the weather forecast, i saw a shocking red color. the highest temperatures in hubei and jiangxi have broken the records of previous years.

some people always bring up past eras and put all the blame on this generation's inability to endure hardship.

but have they ever thought that there have been such extreme high temperatures in recent years before?

was the ecological environment as bad as it is now?

did people in the past know what heat stroke was?

times have changed, and our living environment has also changed a lot.

global warming is becoming more and more serious, and extreme weather is becoming more and more frequent.

some people still follow the old standards and use them to demand today's children, not realizing that they are outdated.

it's such a hot day, and you let the children endure it.

but how many adults can guarantee that they can squeeze into a closed environment with dozens of people and the temperature is over 40 degrees?

the teachers' offices have air conditioners, the leaders' offices have air conditioners, and the netizens who talked a lot have air conditioners in their offices. do they want to demonstrate how to work without air conditioning in a high temperature of over 40 degrees?

in other words, if even adults can't demonstrate it, why ask children with poorer physical fitness to do it?

netizens sat in the air-conditioned room, sipping ice drinks and leisurely enjoying the convenience of technological progress.

the children insisted on squeezing dozens of people into a small classroom, and even when it was so hot that they got heatstroke, they still wanted to recall the good old days.

it’s true that you don’t know how to feel sorry for your child if it’s not your own.

second, i would like to ask everyone, what is the purpose of sending our children to school?

yes, we send our children to school to learn.

nowadays, children are so exhausted from the heat that some are sick and faint. how can they have the energy and strength to study?

the teacher is too hot to teach, and the whole classroom is filled with students fanning themselves. how can there be any learning effect?

in order to so-called cultivate their spirit of hard work and perseverance, they can't even continue their studies. isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

which smart person came up with this?

there are obviously better solutions, but you insist on making your children suffer. this is a typical case of forcing yourself to endure hardship.

if there are no difficulties, create them; if there are difficulties, magnify them.

i don’t know whether it is educating or hindering education.

third: let us ask ourselves, if your own child goes to school in wet clothes every day, has diarrhea after school, and looks listless, would you rather let your child go to school in an air-conditioned room or in a high temperature environment?

i think most people would choose the former.

in fact, as long as the conditions are decent, all schools have air conditioning.

while some children are feeling extremely uncomfortable due to the high temperature, others are peacefully immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

another mother in the comment section said that after seeing these children suffering from heatstroke, she was just glad that her own child was lucky.

classrooms can be equipped with air conditioners, but is it really necessary to force children to study in high temperatures just to make them suffer?

ask yourself, as a parent, which environment would you prefer your child to learn in? who wants their child to suffer more than other children?

it is really putting the cart before the horse to cultivate children's ability to endure hardship by sacrificing their health.

education through suffering is certainly a compulsory course in life, but it should at least not be in this way.

pointless suffering is essentially a form of abuse.

many chinese parents are really obsessed with making their children suffer.

for example, the mother who deliberately bought a standing ticket for her child on the train.

netizens asked in confusion: it’s not an urgent matter, why do we have to let children buy tickets without seats and stand all the time?

this mother's answer is terrifying:she has to feel the same suffering that i have gone through.

it was obvious to the naked eye that the child was feeling very uncomfortable; the space in the carriage was so small that he couldn't even stretch his legs.

she sat on the suitcase and had to look at the faces of passing passengers even when eating.

the mother even said a little aggrievedly that her daughter rolled her eyes at her several times and did not understand her good intentions at all.

little did she know that this was just her wishful thinking.

this so-called education through hardship will actually cause a lot of psychological trauma to children.

there is also the father who forced his child to take the bus for two hours every day to go to school.

the child complains about why he can’t live closer like other classmates, as his family has the conditions to do so.

but my father said, this is how he grew up in the countryside, and you must experience it.

there are also parents who stipulate that their high school son can only spend 50 cents on food for a meal and must bring pickles from his own home.

"when i was in my senior year of high school 20 years ago, my food expenses were also 50 cents per meal."

why do these parents go to great lengths to create suffering for their children?

the underlying logic is that only if you can endure hardship as a child, you will be able to face the hardships of life when you grow up and not be easily crushed.

but enduring hardship for the sake of enduring hardship will not only fail to sharpen the mind, but will instead bring eternal inferiority to the child.

there is a very popular topic on the internet, what is the biggest influence your parents have on you?

the highest-rated answer reads:

“my parents taught me from a young age that only those who endure hardships can achieve success.

so i could only wear the clothes that my older brothers and sisters left behind that didn’t fit me. when i went to school, i could only eat the cheapest meals in the cafeteria. the daily food expenses were only a few yuan, but i didn’t know that i was ridiculed at school. ”

not only have they lost their self-confidence, but when they grow up they also develop shame syndrome and feel ashamed to spend a little more money on themselves.

how many kids are like this?

because i have always been taught to endure hardships, i feel that i don’t deserve all the good things. my sense of entitlement is extremely low, and even after growing up, i cannot enjoy happiness with peace of mind.

when parents blindly regard suffering as wealth, it is a deep sorrow for their children.

as yu hua wrote in to live:“suffering is suffering. suffering will not bring success. suffering is not worth pursuing. the reason for tempering one’s will is that suffering cannot be avoided.”

the older generation always likes to attribute the failures or fragility of today’s young people to their inability to endure hardship, but they fail to realize that each generation has its own hardships.

in their time, suffering might mean lacking this or that, and going hungry one day and having no full meals the next.

their suffering comes from moving bricks and carrying heavy bags at the construction site, facing the loess and working with their backs to the sky, and more importantly, the suffering is physical.

but today's generation of young people suffer more mentally.

being forced to work 996, 007, endless overtime, and being trapped in the pain of internal competition;

it is the suffering of high housing prices, high commodity prices, making ends meet, and not seeing the future;

it is the pain of not being able to raise children, take care of the elderly, get married, and walking alone.

suffering has no specific form; the suffering of each era changes.

therefore, in this era, ordinary people have to endure enough hardships in their lifetime.

why do we need to create so much unnecessary suffering for our children?

even if children have to suffer, the suffering they endure is real and meaningful, and it will help them grow.

rather than artificial suffering that we deliberately create, which has no meaning at all except causing them life and psychological burdens.

good education allows children, with the help of their parents, to build up confidence in facing setbacks and hardships, hone their perseverance, and face everything with confidence with a high sense of achievement.

this does not necessarily require a lot of suffering, but it definitely requires a lot of love.

no one is born to suffer.

we have one and only one goal in life, and that is to pursue our own passion and happiness.