
guiyang bank president sheng jun talks about the "progress of real estate financing coordination mechanism": treating all real estate enterprises of different ownership structures equally to meet their reasonable financing needs


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on september 5, guiyang bank held a 2024 semi-annual performance briefing in the form of online text interaction, interacting and communicating with investors on the operating results and financial status in the first half of the year.

the financial report shows that in the first half of 2024, guiyang bank achieved operating income of 7.406 billion yuan and net profit attributable to parent company shareholders of 2.666 billion yuan. as of the end of june, the bank's total assets reached 713.892 billion yuan, an increase of 25.823 billion yuan from the beginning of the year, an increase of 3.75%, and its asset scale continued to rank first in guizhou province.

zhang zhenghai, chairman of guiyang bank, introduced at the performance briefing that in the first half of this year, guiyang bank focused on stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, preventing risks, increasing momentum, and improving efficiency, continuously optimizing business strategies, further shifting to refined management of connotation, and striving to achieve a comprehensive balance and coordinated development of quality, efficiency, and risk. in the second half of the year, while maintaining a good risk bottom line, the bank will focus on the three strategies of "reform and transformation, management improvement, and deepening innovation" to comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of business management and promote high-quality development.

the balance of loans to private enterprises was rmb 39.769 billion, an increase of rmb 177 million from the beginning of the year.

regarding the main operating conditions in the first half of the year, zhang zhenghai introduced that in the first half of this year, guiyang bank (sh601997, stock price 4.90 yuan, market value 17.915 billion yuan) focused on the "four new" main attacks, the "four modernizations" main strategy and the "four districts and one highland" main positioning, the "strong provincial capital" five-year action, and the "rich mines and precise development" and other major arrangements and deployments, and continued to increase support for key areas and weak links in the real economy.

according to relevant data, as of the end of june, the bank's loan balance in the "four modernizations" field was 163.234 billion yuan, an increase of 4.54% from the beginning of the year; the loan balance in the "strong provincial capital" field was 158.465 billion yuan, an increase of 6.63% from the beginning of the year; the loan balance of manufacturing enterprises was 21.655 billion yuan, an increase of 165 million yuan from the beginning of the year; the loan balance of private enterprises was 39.769 billion yuan, an increase of 177 million yuan from the beginning of the year.

regarding supporting work in key areas and weak links of the national economy, such as inclusive finance, green development, and scientific and technological innovation, zhang zhenghai said that guiyang bank has always attached importance to distinctive development based on its own endowments and has served as a main force in serving the real economy.

according to reports, the bank has established inclusive finance management institutions at the head office and first-level branches, respectively, to further sink financial services to long-tail market entities such as individual industrial and commercial households, farmers, and new citizens; established a "green finance +" service model, and continued to increase credit investment in green industries. in the first half of 2024, it successfully issued 3 billion yuan of green financial bonds; incorporated corporate technological innovation capabilities and intellectual property soft power into the evaluation system, launched relevant special loans, and expanded supply chain financing channels.

in addition, based on the regional characteristics of guizhou, the bank has created the "shuangshuang silver hair classroom" elderly care brand; continued to deepen its digital transformation strategy, and through multi-dimensional coordinated promotion of digital management, operation, management and digital capability building, it continuously optimized service experience, upgraded product quality and improved operational efficiency.

meeting the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership structures equally

the semi-annual report shows that in the first half of the year, guiyang bank increased its credit supply to policy-supported areas such as urban renewal, housing rental, and industrial premises, implemented differentiated housing credit policies, and timely adjusted the standards for identifying the number of personal housing loans, down payment ratio requirements, and interest rate floor policies to fully meet the reasonable loan needs of home buyers.

at the performance briefing, an investor asked, "what is the progress on the real estate coordination mechanism and the situation of housing mortgage loans?

in this regard, sheng jun, president of guiyang bank, said that the bank has timely formulated the "implementation plan of guiyang bank to promote the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism", established a leading group and a special working group, optimized the loan approval process, refined the due diligence exemption regulations, and improved the efficiency of project implementation.equally meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises of different ownership structures and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market

on the one hand, it is specifically responsible for conducting special investigations, reviews, and approvals on the real estate "white list" projects recommended by the housing and urban-rural development bureau, establishing green channels, and improving business processing efficiency; on the other hand, it revised the bank's "real estate special business due diligence exemption management measures" to include the credit of the "white list" projects of the real estate financing coordination mechanism in the scope of due diligence exemption, and formulated preferential policies for the assessment of the "white list" projects of the real estate financing coordination mechanism, and provided special preferential treatment for the ftp, risk weight, etc. of the "white list" projects; finally, in accordance with the development positioning of the personal housing loan business, through loan support to help release the potential of housing consumption, to fully meet the personal housing loan needs of home buyers, the scale of housing mortgage loans continued to grow steadily.

as of the end of june 2024, the balance of guiyang bank's real estate loans was 41.713 billion yuan, accounting for 12.29% of the total loan amount, an increase of 4.626 billion yuan from the beginning of the year; the non-performing rate of the real estate industry was 0.5%, a decrease of 1.33 percentage points from the beginning of the year; the balance of personal housing mortgage loans was 21.210 billion yuan, an increase of 633 million yuan from the beginning of the year, an increase of 3.08%.

image source: guiyang bank 2024 semi-annual report

net interest margin fell to 1.81% in the first half of the year, in line with industry trends

as of the end of june this year, the total loan amount of guiyang bank was 339.401 billion yuan, an increase of 4.74% from the beginning of the year, and the non-performing loan ratio was 1.62%, an increase of 0.03 percentage points from the beginning of the year. at the performance conference, sheng jun also responded to the sources of asset quality control pressure and countermeasures that investors are concerned about.

image source: guiyang bank 2024 semi-annual report

sheng jun said that the asset quality control pressure of guiyang bank is mainly affected by the external macroeconomic environment. the construction industry, wholesale and retail industry and real estate industry are facing economic and industrial restructuring and transformation in the short term. in response to the above situation, the bank first optimized the credit strategy, strengthened credit management, and continued to increase credit structure adjustment; second, it optimized the credit risk identification, monitoring and control strategy, continuously improved the credit risk control ability, and increased the disposal of existing non-performing assets.

at the same time, some investors have noticed that the capital adequacy ratio of guiyang bank has been gradually increasing. as of the end of june, the bank's capital level remained adequate, with a capital adequacy ratio of 14.38%, a tier 1 capital adequacy ratio of 13.19%, and a core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio of 12.14%.

in this regard, sheng jun introduced that the bank has continued to strengthen capital constraints, continuously optimized its business structure, reduced investment in high-risk weighted assets, and expanded the scale of low-risk weighted assets, which has led to a decline in the bank's credit risk, market risk and operational risk weighted asset scale compared with the beginning of the year, and a gradual increase in capital adequacy ratio. he said that in the first half of 2024, the bank's capital adequacy ratio indicator was at the forefront among a-share listed city commercial banks, and its capital was relatively sufficient.

in addition, compared with the same period last year,the bank's net interest margin fell by 0.37 percentage points to 1.81% in the interim report for 2024. this change in guiyang bank's net interest margin has also attracted close attention from investors, who have raised questions such as "how to control the cost of liabilities?"

in response to this, li yun, chief financial officer of guiyang bank, said that the net interest margin continued to narrow, which was consistent with the industry trend, mainly due to factors such as weak credit demand, continued decline in lpr and regular deposits.

li yun introduced that under the trend of continuous downward trend in asset yield, the bank continued to strengthen liability cost management, and will continue to adhere to the development concept of "quantity and price coordination", take the comprehensive balance of "quantity, price and structure" as the management goal, increase low-cost capital flow and capital precipitation, and continuously optimize the deposit term structure. at the same time, it will enhance the ability of financial market transactions and active liabilities, improve the ability of market-oriented funds to choose the right time, control the cost of interbank liabilities, and gradually repair the net interest margin.

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